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Found 1 definition: skunk.

skunk top

Pos: Noun, Verb (transitive)

Noun skunk has 4 senses

1.  skunk(n = noun.person) bum, crumb, dirty dog, git, lowlife, puke, rat, rotter, scum bag, so-and-so, stinker, stinkpot - a person who is deemed to be despicable or contemptible; "only a rotter would do that"; "kill the rat"; "throw the bum out"; "you cowardly little pukes!"; "the British call a contemptible person a `git'"
is a kind of disagreeable person, unpleasant person

2.  skunk(n = noun.event) shutout - a defeat in a game where one side fails to score;
is a kind of defeat, licking
Derived form verb skunk1

3.  skunk(n = noun.artifact) dope, gage, grass, green goddess, locoweed, mary jane, pot, sens, sess, smoke, weed - street names for marijuana;
is a kind of cannabis, ganja, marihuana, marijuana

4.  skunk(n = noun.animal) polecat, wood pussy - American musteline mammal typically ejecting an intensely malodorous fluid when startled; in some classifications put in a separate subfamily Mephitinae;
is a kind of mustelid, musteline, musteline mammal
has particulars: mephitis mephitis, striped skunk, hooded skunk, mephitis macroura, badger skunk, conepatus leuconotus, hog-nosed skunk, hognosed skunk, rooter skunk, little spotted skunk, spilogale putorius, spotted skunk

Verb skunk has 1 senses

   skunk(v = verb.competition) lurch - defeat by a lurch;
is one way to defeat, get the better of, overcome
Derived form noun skunk2
Sample sentences: Somebody ----s somebody


skunk, n. [Contr. from the Abenaki (American Indian) seganku.].

   Any one of several species of American musteline carnivores of the genus Mephitis and allied genera. They have two glands near the anus, secreting an extremely fetid liquid, which the animal ejects at pleasure as a means of defense. [1913 Webster]
" The common species of the Eastern United States (Mephitis mephitica) is black with more or less white on the body and tail. The spotted skunk (Spilogale putorius), native of the Southwestern United States and Mexico, is smaller than the common skunk, and is variously marked with black and white." [1913 Webster]

Skunk bird, Skunk blackbird (Zoöl.), the bobolink; -- so called because the male, in the breeding season, is black and white, like a skunk. -- Skunk cabbage (Bot.), an American aroid herb (Symplocarpus f) having a reddish hornlike spathe in earliest spring, followed by a cluster of large cabbagelike leaves. It exhales a disagreeable odor. Also called swamp cabbage. -- Skunk porpoise. (Zoöl.) See under Porpoise.

skunk, v. t.

   In games of chance and skill: To defeat (an opponent) (as in cards) so that he fails to gain a point, or (in checkers) to get a king. [1913 Webster]


skunk, n. & v.
1 a any of various cat-sized flesh-eating mammals of the family Mustelidae, esp. Mephitis mephitis having a distinctive black and white striped fur and able to emit a powerful stench from a liquid secreted by its anal glands as a defence. b its fur.
2 colloq. a thoroughly contemptible person.
1 US sl. defeat.
2 fail to pay (a bill etc.).

skunk-bear US a wolverine. skunk-cabbage US a herbaceous plant, Lysichiton americanum, with an offensive-smelling spathe.

Amer. Ind. segankw, segongw



N  fetor, bad, smell, bad odor, stench, stink, foul odor, malodor, empyreuma, mustiness, rancidity, foulness, stoat, polecat, skunk, assafoetida, fungus, garlic, stinkpot, fitchet, fitchew, fourmart, peccary, acridity, fetid, strong-smelling, high, bad, strong, fulsome, offensive, noisome, rank, rancid, reasty, tainted, musty, fusty, frouzy, olid, olidous, nidorous, smelling, stinking, putrid, suffocating, mephitic, empyreumatic.


badger skunk, hog-nosed skunk, hognosed skunk, hooded skunk, little spotted skunk, rooter skunk, skunk bear, skunk cabbage, spotted skunk, striped skunk