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Found 1 definition: strip mine.

strip mine top


Noun strip mine has 1 senses

   strip mine(n = noun.artifact) - an open mine (usually for coal) where the seams run close to the surface;
is a kind of
Derived form verb strip mine1

Verb strip mine has 1 senses

   strip mine(v = verb.consumption) surface mine, surface-mine - extract (ore) from a strip-mine;
is one way to mine
Derived forms noun strip mine1, noun strip miner1
Sample sentences: Somebody ----s; Somebody ----s something



N  concavity, depression, dip, hollow, hollowness, indentation, intaglio, cavity, dent, dint, dimple, follicle, pit, sinus, alveolus, lacuna, excavation, strip mine, trough, honeycomb, cup, basin, crater, punch bowl, cell, socket, valley, vale, dale, dell, dingle, combe, bottom, slade, strath, glade, grove, glen, cave, cavern, cove, grot, grotto, alcove, cul-de- sac, gully, arch, bay, excavator, sapper, miner, honeycomb (sponge), depressed, alveolate, calathiform, cup-shaped, dishing, favaginous, faveolate, favose, scyphiform, scyphose, concave, hollow, stove in, retiring, retreating, cavernous, porous, infundibul, infundibular, infundibuliform, funnel shaped, bell shaped, campaniform, capsular, vaulted, arched.


bacon strip, barrier strip, bimetallic strip, cartoon strip, claymore mine, coal mine, comic strip, copper mine, flight strip, floating mine, furring strip, gaza strip, gold mine, ground-emplaced mine, land mine, landing strip, leather strip, m'94bius strip, magnetic mine, marine mine, mine, mine detector, mine disposal, mine field, mine pig, mine run, mobius strip, new york strip, ripping strip, salt mine, silver mine, strip, strip alert, strip cropping, strip down, strip lighting, strip mall, strip miner, strip mining, strip poker, strip search, strip show, strip steak, sulfur mine, sulphur mine, surface mine, taxi strip, united mine workers, united mine workers of america, weather strip