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Found 1 definition: swamp hare.

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Noun swamp hare has 1 senses

   swamp hare(n = noun.animal) canecutter, swamp rabbit, sylvilagus aquaticus - a wood rabbit of southeastern United States swamps and lowlands;
is a kind of cottontail, cottontail rabbit, wood rabbit
is a member of genus sylvilagus, sylvilagus


arctic hare, belgian hare, chief hare, european hare, hare, hare and hounds, hare krishna, hare wallaby, kangaroo hare, little chief hare, marsh hare, mexican swamp cypress, mountain swamp gum, mouse hare, okefenokee swamp, polar hare, sea hare, snowshoe hare, swamp, swamp ash, swamp azalea, swamp bay, swamp birch, swamp blackberry, swamp blueberry, swamp buggy, swamp candleberry, swamp candles, swamp chestnut oak, swamp cottonwood, swamp cypress, swamp dewberry, swamp fever, swamp fly honeysuckle, swamp gum, swamp hickory, swamp honeysuckle, swamp horsetail, swamp laurel, swamp lily, swamp locust, swamp mallow, swamp maple, swamp milkweed, swamp oak, swamp pine, swamp plant, swamp poplar, swamp rabbit, swamp red oak, swamp rose mallow, swamp sparrow, swamp sunflower, swamp white oak, swamp willow, varying hare, water hare