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Found 1 definition: hare krishna.

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Noun hare krishna has 3 senses

1.  hare krishna(n = noun.person) - worshipper of Krishna and member of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness;
is a kind of
hindoo, hindu
is a member of hare krishna, international society for krishna consciousness, iskcon

2.  hare krishna(n = noun.group) international society for krishna consciousness, iskcon - a religious sect founded in the United States in 1966; based on Vedic scriptures; groups engage in joyful chanting of `Hare Krishna' and other mantras based on the name of the Hindu god Krishna; devotees usually wear saffron robes and practice vegetarianism and celibacy;
is a kind of religious order, religious sect, sect
is a member of hindooism, hinduism

3.  hare krishna(n = noun.communication) - a chant to the Hindu god Krishna;
is a kind of


hare krishna, n.
1 a sect devoted to the worship of the Hindu deity Krishna (an incarnation of Vishnu).
2 (pl. Hare Krishnas) a member of this sect.

the title of a mantra based on the name Krishna, f. Skr. O Hari! an epithet of Krishna


arctic hare, belgian hare, chief hare, european hare, hare, hare and hounds, hare wallaby, international society for krishna consciousness, kangaroo hare, krishna, little chief hare, marsh hare, mouse hare, polar hare, sea hare, snowshoe hare, swamp hare, varying hare, water hare