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Found 1 definition: tinker.

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Pos: Noun, Verb (intransitive)

Noun tinker has 3 senses

1.  tinker(n = noun.person) tinkerer - a person who enjoys fixing and experimenting with machines and their parts;
is a kind of experimenter
Derived form verb tinker1

2.  tinker(n = noun.person) - formerly a person (traditionally a Gypsy) who traveled from place to place mending pots and kettles and other metal utensils as a way to earn a living;
is a kind of
gipsy, gypsy, itinerant

3.  tinker(n = noun.animal) chub mackerel, scomber japonicus - small mackerel found nearly worldwide;
is a kind of mackerel
is a member of genus scomber, scomber

Verb tinker has 3 senses

1.  tinker(v = verb.contact) mess around, monkey, monkey around, muck about, muck around, potter, putter - do random, unplanned work or activities or spend time idly; "The old lady is usually mucking about in her little house"
is one way to work
Derived forms noun tinker1, noun tinkerer2, noun tinkerer1
Sample sentences: Somebody ----s; Somebody ----s PP

2.  tinker(v = verb.social) - work as a tinker or tinkerer;
is one way to
do work, work
Sample sentences: Somebody ----s

3.  tinker(v = verb.change) fiddle - try to fix or mend; "Can you tinker with the T.V. set--it's not working right"; "She always fiddles with her van on the weekend"
is one way to bushel, doctor, fix, furbish up, mend, repair, restore, touch on
Sample sentences: Somebody ----s PP


tinker, n. [From Tink, because the tinker's way of proclaiming his trade is to beat a kettle, or because in his work he makes a tinkling noise. Johnson.].

1.  A mender of brass kettles, pans, and other metal ware. Piers Plowman. [1913 Webster]

2.  One skilled in a variety of small mechanical work. [1913 Webster]

3.  A small mortar on the end of a staff. [1913 Webster]

4.  A young mackerel about two years old. [1913 Webster]

5.  The razor-billed auk. [1913 Webster]

tinker, v. t.

   To mend or solder, as metal wares; hence, more generally, to mend. [1913 Webster]

tinker, v. i.

   To busy one's self in mending old kettles, pans, etc.; to play the tinker; to be occupied with small mechanical works. [1913 Webster]


tinker, n. & v.
1 an itinerant mender of kettles and pans etc.
2 Sc. & Ir. a gypsy.
3 colloq. a mischievous person or animal.
4 a spell of tinkering.
5 a rough-and-ready worker.
1 intr. (foll. by at, with) work in an amateurish or desultory way, esp. to adjust or mend machinery etc.
2 a intr. work as a tinker. b tr. repair (pots and pans).

tinkerer n.

ME: orig. unkn.



VB  be in health, bloom, flourish, keep body and soul together, keep on one's legs, enjoy good health, enjoy a good state of health, have a clean bill of health, return to health, recover, get better, take a new lease of life, fresh lease of life, recruit, restore to health, cure, tinker.


N  restoration, restoral, reinstatement, replacement, rehabilitation, reestablishment, reconstitution, reconstruction, reproduction, renovation, renewal, revival, revivessence, reviviscence, refreshment, resuscitation, reanimation, revivification, reviction, Phenix, reorganization, renaissance, second youth, rejuvenescence, new birth, regeneration, regeneracy, regenerateness, palingenesis, reconversion, redress, retrieval, reclamation, recovery, convalescence, resumption, resumption, sanativeness, recurrence, rechauffe, rifacimento, cure, recure, sanation, healing, redintegration, rectification, instauration, repair, reparation, remanufacture, recruiting, cicatrization, disinfection, tinkering, reaction, redemption, restitution, relief, tinker, cobbler, vis medicatrix, curableness, restored, redivivus, convalescent, in a fair way, none the worse, rejuvenated, restoring, restorative, recuperative, sanative, reparative, sanatory, reparatory, curative, remedial, restorable, recoverable, sanable, remediable, retrievable, curable, in statu quo, as you were, phr, revenons a nos moutons, medecin, gueris-toi toi- meme, vestigia nulla retrorsum.

VB  return to the original state, recover, rally, revive, come come to, come round, come to oneself, pull through, weather the storm, be oneself again, get well, get round, get the better of, get over, get about, rise from one's ashes, rise from the grave, survive, resume, reappear, come to, come to life again, live again, rise again, heal, skin over, cicatrize, right itself, restore, put back, place in statu quo, reinstate, replace, reseat, rehabilitate, reestablish, reestate, reinstall, reconstruct, rebuild, reorganize, reconstitute, reconvert, renew, renovate, regenerate, rejuvenate, redeem, reclaim, recover, retrieve, rescue, redress, recure, cure, heal, remedy, doctor, physic, medicate, break of, bring round, set on one's legs, resuscitate, revive, reanimate, revivify, recall to life, reproduce, warm up, reinvigorate, refresh, make whole, redintegrate, recoup, make good, make all square, rectify, correct, put right, put to rights, set right, set to rights, set straight, set up, put in order, refit, recruit, fill up, fill up the ranks, reinforce, repair, put in repair, remanufacture, put in thorough repair, put in complete repair, retouch, refashion, botch, vamp, tinker, cobble, do up, patch up, touch up, plaster up, vamp up, darn, finedraw, heelpiece, stop a gap, stanch, staunch, caulk, calk, careen, splice, bind up wounds.