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Found 1 definition: twitch.

twitch top

Pos: Noun, Verb (usu participle), Verb (transitive), Verb (intransitive)

Noun twitch has 1 senses

   twitch(n = noun.state) twitching, vellication - a sudden muscle spasm; especially one caused by a nervous condition;
is a kind of cramp, muscle spasm, spasm
has particulars: tic, blepharism, fibrillation, fasciculation
Derived forms verb twitch1, verb twitch2

Verb twitch has 5 senses

1.  twitch(v = verb.body) jerk - make an uncontrolled, short, jerky motion; "his face is twitching"
is one way to move involuntarily, move reflexively
Derived forms noun twitch1, noun twitching1
Sample sentences: Somebody ----s; Somebody's (body part) ----s

2.  twitch(v = verb.motion) jerk - move with abrupt, seemingly uncontrolled motions; "The patient's legs were jerkings"
is one way to move
Derived forms noun twitch1, noun twitching1
Sample sentences: Something ----s; Somebody ----s; Somebody ----s something; Somebody ----s PP

3.  twitch(v = verb.motion) flip - toss with a sharp movement so as to cause to turn over in the air;
is one way to move
Sample sentences: Something ----s; Somebody ----s; Somebody ----s something

4.  twitch(v = verb.contact) nip, pinch, squeeze, tweet, twinge - squeeze tightly between the fingers; "He pinched her behind"; "She squeezed the bottle"
is one way to grip
Sample sentences: Somebody ----s something; Something ----s something

5.  twitch(v = verb.contact) - move or pull with a sudden motion;
is one way to
draw, force, pull
Sample sentences: Something ----s; Somebody ----s; Something is ----ing PP; Somebody ----s PP


twitch, v. t. [OE. twicchen, fr. (doubtful) AS. twiccian; akin to AS. angeltwicca a worm used for bait, literally, a hook twitcher, LG. twikken to tweak, G. zwicken. Cf. Tweak.].

   To pull with a sudden jerk; to pluck with a short, quick motion; to snatch; as, to twitch one by the sleeve; to twitch a thing out of another's hand; to twitch off clusters of grapes. [1913 Webster]
"Thrice they twitched the diamond in her ear." [1913 Webster]

twitch, n.

1.  The act of twitching; a pull with a jerk; a short, sudden, quick pull; as, a twitch by the sleeve. [1913 Webster]

2.  A short, spastic contraction of the fibers or muscles; a simple muscular contraction; as, convulsive twitches; a twitch in the side. [1913 Webster]

3.  A stick with a hole in one end through which passes a loop, which can be drawn tightly over the upper lip or an ear of a horse. By twisting the stick the compression is made sufficiently painful to keep the animal quiet during a slight surgical operation. J. H. Walsh. [1913 Webster]


twitch, v. & n.
1 intr. (of the features, muscles, limbs, etc.) move or contract spasmodically.
2 tr. give a short sharp pull at.
1 a sudden involuntary contraction or movement.
2 a sudden pull or jerk.
3 colloq. a state of nervousness.
4 a noose and stick for controlling a horse during a veterinary operation.

twitchy adj. (twitchier, twitchiest) (in sense 3 of n.).

ME f. Gmc: cf. OE twiccian, dial. twick



VB  draw, pull, haul, lug, rake, drag, tug, tow, trail, train, take in tow, wrench, jerk, twitch, touse, yank.

Physical Pain

N  physical pain, pain, suffering, sufferance, suffrance, bodily pain, physical pain, bodily suffering, physical suffering, body pain, mental suffering, dolour, ache, aching, smart, shoot, shooting, twinge, twitch, gripe, headache, stomach ache, heartburn, angina, angina pectoris, hurt, cut, sore, soreness, discomfort, malaise, cephalalgia, earache, gout, ischiagra, lumbago, neuralgia, odontalgia, otalgia, podagra, rheumatism, sciatica, tic douloureux, toothache, tormina, torticollis, spasm, cramp, nightmare, ephialtes, crick, stitch, thrill, convulsion, throe, throb, pang, colic, kink, sharp pain, piercing pain, throbbing pain, shooting pain, sting, gnawing pain, burning pain, excruciating pain, anguish, agony, torment, torture, rack, cruciation, crucifixion, martyrdom, toad under a harrow, vivisection, in pain, in a state of pain, pained, gouty, podagric, torminous, painful, aching, sore, raw, Special Sensation (1) Touch.

VB  feel pain, experience pain, suffer pain, undergo pain, suffer, ache, smart, bleed, tingle, shoot, twinge, twitch, lancinate, writhe, wince, make a wry face, sit on thorns, sit on pins and needles, give pain, inflict pain, lacerate, pain, hurt, chafe, sting, bite, gnaw, gripe, pinch, tweak, grate, gall, fret, prick, pierce, wring, convulse, torment, torture, rack, agonize, crucify, cruciate, excruciate, break on the wheel, put to the rack, flog, grate on the ear.


twitch grass