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Found 1 definition: wilt.

wilt top

Pos: Noun, Verb (usu participle)

Noun wilt has 2 senses

1.  wilt(n = noun.state) wilt disease - any plant disease characterized by drooping and shriveling; usually caused by parasites attacking the roots;
is a kind of plant disease
has particulars: granville wilt, fusarium wilt, verticilliosis
Derived form verb wilt2

2.  wilt(n = noun.act) wilting - causing to become limp or drooping;
is a kind of weakening

Verb wilt has 2 senses

1.  wilt(v = verb.change) - lose strength; "My opponent was wilting"
is one way to
Sample sentences: Something ----s; Somebody ----s

2.  wilt(v = verb.change) droop - become limp; "The flowers wilted"
is one way to crumble, decay, dilapidate
Derived forms noun wilt1, noun wilting1
Sample sentences: Something ----s


wilt, 2d pers. sing.

   2d pers. sing. of Will. [1913 Webster]

wilt, v. i. [Written also welt, a modification of welk.].

   To begin to wither; to lose freshness and become flaccid, as a plant when exposed when exposed to drought, or to great heat in a dry day, or when separated from its root; to droop;. to wither. [1913 Webster]

wilt, v. t.

1.  To cause to begin to wither; to make flaccid, as a green plant. [1913 Webster]

2.  Hence, to cause to languish; to depress or destroy the vigor and energy of. [1913 Webster]
"Despots have wilted the human race into sloth and imbecility." [1913 Webster]


wilt, v. & n.
1 intr. (of a plant, leaf, or flower) wither, droop.
2 intr. (of a person) lose one's energy, flag, tire, droop.
3 tr. cause to wilt.
--n. a plant-disease causing wilting.

wilt, archaic 2nd person sing. of WILL(1).


fusarium wilt, granville wilt, tobacco wilt, wilt disease