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 <<  Mazmur 104 : 16 >> 

AVB: Pokok-pokok TUHAN segar dan subur, pokok-pokok araz di Lebanon yang ditanam-Nya.

AYT: Pohon-pohon TUHAN dikenyangkan, pohon-pohon aras di Lebanon yang ditanam-Nya.

TB: Kenyang pohon-pohon TUHAN, pohon-pohon aras di Libanon yang ditanam-Nya,

TL: Bahwa segala pohon kayu Tuhanpun dikenyangkan, dan segala pohon araz di Libanon, yang telah ditanam-Nya;

MILT: Pepohonan TUHAN (YAHWEH - 03068) dipuaskan; pohon aras Libanon yang telah Dia tanam;

Shellabear 2010: Pohon-pohon ALLAH kenyang, pohon-pohon aras di Libanon yang ditanam-Nya.

KS (Revisi Shellabear 2011): Pohon-pohon ALLAH kenyang, pohon-pohon aras di Libanon yang ditanam-Nya.

KSZI: Pokok-pokok TUHAN segar dan subur, pohon-pohon sedar di Lebanon yang ditanam-Nya.

KSKK: Tuhan mengairi pohon-pohon sampai kenyang, aras dari Libanon yang telah ditanam-Nya.

VMD: Pohon-pohon cedar yang besar di Libanon milik TUHAN. Ia menanam pohon-pohon dan memberikan air yang dibutuhkannya.

BIS: Pohon-pohon TUHAN mendapat hujan berlimpah pohon cemara Libanon yang ditanam-Nya sendiri.

TMV: Pokok sedar di Lebanon mendapat banyak hujan, pokok-pokok yang ditanam oleh TUHAN.

FAYH: Di Libanon TUHAN menanam pohon-pohon aras yang tumbuh tinggi dan subur.

ENDE: Segala pohon Jahwe dikenjangkan, pohon2 aras di Libanon, jang ditanamNja.

Shellabear 1912: Adapun segala pohon kayu Allah itu dikenyangkan, bahkan segala pohon aras di Libanon yang telah ditanam-Nya itu,

Leydekker Draft: Segala pohon kajuw Huwa djadi kinnjang, segala pohon 'araz di Libanawn, jang telah detanamkannja.

TB ITL: Kenyang <07646> pohon-pohon <06086> TUHAN <03068>, pohon-pohon aras <0730> di Libanon <03844> yang <0834> ditanam-Nya <05193>,

Jawa: Wit-witanipun Pangeran Yehuwah sami tuwuk, wit eres ing Libanon tanemanipun,

Jawa 1994: Wit-witan tanemané Allah piyambak, yakuwi wit-witan èrès ing Libanon, padha ketutugan udan.

Sunda: Kayu kiputri Libanon, seueur kengingna hujan — tatangkalan milik PANGERAN ku anjeun, pelak Mantenna,

Madura: Ka’-bungka’anna se etamen PANGERAN dibi’, comara Libanon se gi-tenggi eparenge ojan sacokobba.

Bali: Wit taru arase sane ring Libanon, taru druen Ida Sang Hyang Widi Wasa sane tandur Ida ngraga pepek polih sabeh.

Bugis: Ajukajunna PUWANGNGE lolongengngi bosi maona aju camara Libanon iya Alénaé tanengngi.

Makasar: Poko’-poko’ kayuNa Batara anggappai bosi jai poko’ camara Libanon nalamung kalennai.

Toraja: Mintu’ kayunNa PUANG la dipedia’i, ondongpi, mintu’ kayu arasi’ dio Libanon tu mangka Natanan.

Karo: Batang cemara i Libanon ndatken lau udan si cukup, kayu cemara e, Kam jine nuanca, o TUHAN.

Simalungun: Bosur do ganup hayu ni Jahowa, hayu ares na i Libanon, na sinuan-Ni ai;

Toba: Butongan ma angka hau ni Jahowa, angka hau Ares ni Libanon, angka na sinuanna i.

NETBible: The trees of the Lord receive all the rain they need, the cedars of Lebanon which he planted,

NASB: The trees of the LORD drink their fill, The cedars of Lebanon which He planted,

HCSB: The trees of the LORD flourish, the cedars of Lebanon that He planted.

LEB: The LORD’S trees, the cedars in Lebanon which he planted, drink their fill.

NIV: The trees of the LORD are well watered, the cedars of Lebanon that he planted.

ESV: The trees of the LORD are watered abundantly, the cedars of Lebanon that he planted.

NRSV: The trees of the LORD are watered abundantly, the cedars of Lebanon that he planted.

REB: The trees of the LORD flourish, the cedars of Lebanon which he planted;

NKJV: The trees of the LORD are full of sap , The cedars of Lebanon which He planted,

KJV: The trees of the LORD are full [of sap]; the cedars of Lebanon, which he hath planted;

AMP: The trees of the Lord are watered abundantly {and} are filled with sap, the cedars of Lebanon which He has planted,

NLT: The trees of the LORD are well cared for––the cedars of Lebanon that he planted.

GNB: The cedars of Lebanon get plenty of rain -- the LORD's own trees, which he planted.

ERV: The great cedar trees of Lebanon belong to the LORD. He planted them and gives them the water they need.

BBE: The trees of the Lord are full of growth, the cedars of Lebanon of his planting;

MSG: GOD's trees are well-watered--the Lebanon cedars he planted.

CEV: Our LORD, your trees always have water, and so do the cedars you planted in Lebanon.

CEVUK: Our Lord, your trees always have water, and so do the cedars you planted in Lebanon.

GWV: The LORD’S trees, the cedars in Lebanon which he planted, drink their fill.

NET [draft] ITL: The trees <06086> of the Lord <03068> receive all the rain they need <07646>, the cedars <0730> of Lebanon <03844> which <0834> he planted <05193>,

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 <<  Mazmur 104 : 16 >> 

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