Alkitab Mobile SABDA
[VER] : [AYT]     [PL]  [PB] 
 <<  Mazmur 93 : 5 >> 

AYT: Kesaksian-kesaksian-Mu teguh sepenuhnya, kekudusan pantas berada di dalam rumah-Mu, ya TUHAN, untuk sepanjang masa.

TB: Peraturan-Mu sangat teguh; bait-Mu layak kudus, ya TUHAN, untuk sepanjang masa.

TL: Maka segala kesaksian-Mu itu amat setiawan adanya; dan kesucian itulah perhiasan rumah-Mu, ya Tuhan! sampai selama-lamanya.

MILT: Kesaksian-kesaksian-Mu telah sangat diteguhkan; kekudusan pantas berada di dalam bait-Mu, ya TUHAN (YAHWEH - 03068), untuk sepanjang masa.

Shellabear 2010: Peringatan-peringatan-Mu sangatlah teguh. Kesucian menghiasi Bait-Mu, ya ALLAH, untuk sepanjang masa.

KS (Revisi Shellabear 2011): Peringatan-peringatan-Mu sangatlah teguh. Kesucian menghiasi Bait-Mu, ya ALLAH, untuk sepanjang masa.

KSZI: Kesaksian-Mu cukup pasti; kesucian menghiasi rumah-Mu, Ya TUHAN, untuk selama-lamanya.

KSKK: Peraturan-peraturan-Mu dapat dipercaya; kekudusan menghiasi rumah-Mu hari demi hari tanpa kesudahan, ya Tuhan.

VMD: Ya TUHAN, hukum-Mu berlangsung selama-lamanya. Rumah Kudus-Mu berdiri untuk waktu yang lama.

BIS: TUHAN, hukum-Mu kekal abadi, Rumah-Mu suci sepanjang masa.

TMV: Hukum-Mu abadi, ya TUHAN, dan Rumah-Mu suci selama-lamanya.

FAYH: Ketetapan-ketetapan-Mu tidak dapat diubah. Kesucian selamanya merupakan ciri utama pemerintahan-Mu.

ENDE: Kesaksian2Mu sangat benar, kesutjian sudah sewadjarnja bagi RumahMu, ja Jahwe, sepandjang hari2 selandjutnja!

Shellabear 1912: Adapun segala kesaksian-Mu itu amat teguh; maka kekudusan pun berpatutanlah dengan rumah-Mu, ya Allah, sampai selama-lamanya.

Leydekker Draft: Segala kasjaksi`anmu 'ada 'amat satija, khudus 'itu kahijasan pada khohahmu, ja Huwa, sampej kalandjutan harij-harij.

AVB: Peraturan-Mu cukup pasti; kesucian menghiasi rumah-Mu, ya TUHAN, untuk selama-lamanya.

AYT ITL: Kesaksian-kesaksian-Mu <05713> teguh <0539> sepenuhnya, kekudusan <06944> pantas <04998> berada di dalam rumah-Mu <01004>, ya TUHAN <03068>, untuk sepanjang <0753> masa <03117>. [<03966>]

TB ITL: Peraturan-Mu <05713> sangat <03966> teguh <0539>; bait-Mu <01004> layak <04998> kudus <06944>, ya TUHAN <03068>, untuk sepanjang <0753> masa <03117>.

TL ITL: Maka segala kesaksian-Mu <05713> itu amat <03966> setiawan <0539> adanya; dan kesucian <06944> itulah perhiasan <04998> rumah-Mu <01004>, ya Tuhan <03068>! sampai <03117> selama-lamanya <0753>.

AVB ITL: Peraturan-Mu <05713> cukup <03966> pasti <0539>; kesucian <06944> menghiasi <04998> rumah-Mu <01004>, ya TUHAN <03068>, untuk selama-lamanya <0753> <03117>.

HEBREW: <03117> Mymy <0753> Kral <03068> hwhy <06944> sdq <04998> hwan <01004> Ktybl <03966> dam <0539> wnman <05713> Kytde (93:5)

Jawa: Pranatan Paduka sanget kenceng, padaleman Paduka sampun sapantesipun manawi suci, dhuh Yehuwah, kangge ing salaminipun.

Jawa 1994: Dhuh Allah, dhawuh Paduka menika langgeng, lan Pedaleman Paduka menika èstu suci ing selami-laminipun.

Sunda: Hukum-hukum Gusti langgeng, nun PANGERAN, Bait Gusti estu suci, ngadeg salalanggengna.

Madura: GUSTE, okomannepon Junandalem langgeng, Padalemmannepon Junandalem socce salanjangnga.

Bali: Duh Ratu Sang Hyang Widi Wasa, pidabdab Palungguh IRatune langgeng, tur Perhyangan Agung Palungguh IRatune sawiakti suci pisan kantos salami-laminipun.

Bugis: PUWANG, mannennungengngi hukkum-Mu, mapaccingngi Bola-Mu sillampé wettué.

Makasar: O, Batara, mannannungangi hukkunTa, matangkasaki BallatTa satunggu-tungguna.

Toraja: Tang balle kasa’biamMi, kamaseroan napokassa’ banuamMi tontong sae lakona, o PUANG.

Karo: O TUHAN, undang-UndangNdu tetap rasa lalap, RumahNdu tetap badia seh rasa lalap.

Simalungun: Hasaksian-Mu, tongon do tarhatengerhon, hapansingon do na patut bani rumah-Mu, Ham Jahowa ronsi sadokah ni dokahni.

Toba: Sintong situtu do angka panindangionmu, habadiaon do na tama di bagasmu, ale Jahowa, ro di salelenglelengna.

NETBible: The rules you set down are completely reliable. Holiness aptly adorns your house, O Lord, forever.

NASB: Your testimonies are fully confirmed; Holiness befits Your house, O LORD, forevermore.

HCSB: LORD, Your testimonies are completely reliable; holiness is the beauty of Your house for all the days to come.

LEB: Your written testimonies are completely reliable. O LORD, holiness is what makes your house beautiful for days without end.

NIV: Your statutes stand firm; holiness adorns your house for endless days, O LORD.

ESV: Your decrees are very trustworthy; holiness befits your house, O LORD, forevermore.

NRSV: Your decrees are very sure; holiness befits your house, O LORD, forevermore.

REB: Your decrees stand firm, and holiness befits your house, LORD, throughout the ages.

NKJV: Your testimonies are very sure; Holiness adorns Your house, O LORD, forever.

KJV: Thy testimonies are very sure: holiness becometh thine house, O LORD, for ever.

AMP: Your testimonies are very sure; holiness [apparent in separation from sin, with simple trust and hearty obedience] is becoming to Your house, O Lord, forever.

NLT: Your royal decrees cannot be changed. The nature of your reign, O LORD, is holiness forever.

GNB: Your laws are eternal, LORD, and your Temple is holy indeed, forever and ever.

ERV: LORD, your laws will continue forever. Your holy Temple will stand for a long time.

BBE: Your witness is most certain; it is right for your house to be holy, O Lord, for ever.

MSG: What you say goes--it always has. "Beauty" and "Holy" mark your palace rule, GOD, to the very end of time.

CEV: Your decisions are firm, and your temple will always be beautiful and holy.

CEVUK: Your decisions are firm, and your temple will always be beautiful and holy.

GWV: Your written testimonies are completely reliable. O LORD, holiness is what makes your house beautiful for days without end.

KJV: Thy testimonies <05713> are very <03966> sure <0539> (8738)_: holiness <06944> becometh <04998> (8773) thine house <01004>_, O LORD <03068>_, for ever <0753> <03117>_. {for ever: Heb. to length of days}

NASB: Your testimonies<5713> are fully<3966> confirmed<539>; Holiness<6944> befits<4998> Your house<1004>, O LORD<3068>, forevermore<753><3117>.

NET [draft] ITL: The rules <05713> you set down <05713> are completely <03966> reliable <0539>. Holiness <06944> aptly adorns <04998> your house <01004>, O Lord <03068>, forever <03117> <0753>.

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 <<  Mazmur 93 : 5 >> 

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