Alkitab Mobile SABDA
[VER] : [BALI]     [PL]  [PB] 
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Bali: Mas tiange sane pecak ngendih sane mangkin sampun dados mueg tur batu-batun Perhyangan Agunge mabrarakan ring margi-margine.

AYT: Betapa emas telah menjadi pudar, betapa emas murni telah berubah! Batu-batu suci berserakan di setiap ujung jalan.

TB: Ah, sungguh pudar emas itu, emas murni itu berubah; batu-batu suci itu terbuang di pojok tiap jalan.

TL: Wah! bagaimana sudah suramlah emas, serta berubahlah emas yang amat baik adanya! batu-batu tempat sucipun berkaparanlah pada siku segala lorong-lorong!

MILT: Betapa suram emas murni itu, emas yang baik itu berubah! Batu-batu suci itu tercampak di ujung setiap jalan.

Shellabear 2010: Betapa pudar emas itu, betapa berubah emas murni itu! Batu-batu suci itu bertaburan di ujung setiap jalanan.

KS (Revisi Shellabear 2011): Betapa pudar emas itu, betapa berubah emas murni itu! Batu-batu suci itu bertaburan di ujung setiap jalanan.

KSKK: Betapa emas itu menjadi pudar Emas murni telah kehilangan kemilaunya Mengapa batu-batu itu terbuang di setiap pojok jalan.

VMD: Lihatlah bagaimana emas telah menjadi gelap. Lihatlah bagaimana emas murni berubah. Perhiasan berserak di sekeliling. Perhiasan berserak di setiap sudut jalan.

BIS: Emas yang berkilauan telah menjadi suram batu-batu Rumah Allah bertebaran di jalan.

TMV: Emas yang berkilauan telah menjadi pudar; batu-batu Rumah TUHAN bertaburan di jalan.

FAYH: EMAS yang terindah kini telah kehilangan kemilaunya! Karena dinding-dinding Bait Allah yang berlapis emas telah berserakan di jalan-jalan.

ENDE: Aduh, mendjadi kusamlah emas, kentjana jang murni berubah; batu2 sutji berserakan disudut sekalian djalan.

Shellabear 1912: Demikian emas itu telah hilang cahayanya bagaimana emas yang terlebih suci itu telah berubah. Maka segala batu tempat kudus itu telah berkaparan pada ujung segala lorong.

Leydekker Draft: 'Alif. Bagimana 'amas sudah suram! bagimana 'amas kardjang jang bajik 'itu sudah ber`ubah! bagimana batu-batu makhdis sudah tertontong pada hulu sakalijen leboh!

AVB: Betapa pudar sudah emas itu, betapa berubah emas murni itu! Batu-batu suci itu bertaburan di hujung setiap jalan.

TB ITL: Ah <0349>, sungguh pudar <06004> emas <02091> itu, emas <03800> murni <02896> itu berubah <08132>; batu-batu <068> suci <06944> itu terbuang <08210> di pojok <07218> tiap <03605> jalan <02351>.

Jawa: Adhuh lae, emas iku kok surem temen, emas murni kok malih; watu-watu suci iku padha kabuwang ana ing pojoke saben lurung.

Jawa 1994: Emas kita sing biyèn mencorong wis dadi surem; watu-watuné Pedalemané Allah pating slebar ana ing dalan-dalan.

Sunda: Emas urang nu harerang jadi surem teu cahyaan. Batu-batu Bait Allah bacacar di jalan-jalan.

Madura: Emmas se agalirap la orem to-batona Padalemman Socce car-kalacer e lorong.

Bugis: Ulaweng iya lala’-lala’é mancaji massalawuni batu-batunna Bolana Allataala tattale’ni ri lalengngé.

Makasar: Bulaeng accillaka pi’lasa’mi tanja’na batu-batu Balla’Na Allata’ala tassiara’mi ri aganga.

Toraja: Ma’patumbai tu bulaan namalottongmo. Anna tang pandillakmo tu bulaan massang! Iatu mai batu maindan tisambo’mo dio lu mintu’ kasepangan lalan.

Karo: Emas si isepuh nggo magem, kerina batu Rumah Pertoton ampar merap gedang-gedang dalan.

Simalungun: Aih, gabe birong do omas, mubah rupa ni omas pitah ai! Mambur merap batu na mapansing ai bani topini ganup dalan!

Toba: (I.) Tung gabe marbirong hape sere hian, tung mimbar do hape rupa ni sere palangki mamolin tung marambolongan do hape angka batu ni habadiaon di haroroan ni saluhut alaman!


א (Alef)Alas! Gold has lost its luster; pure gold loses value. Jewels are scattered on every street corner.

NASB: How dark the gold has become, How the pure gold has changed! The sacred stones are poured out At the corner of every street.

HCSB: How the gold has become tarnished, the fine gold become dull! The stones of the temple lie scattered at the corner of every street.

LEB: "Look how the gold has become tarnished! The fine gold has changed! The sacred stones are scattered at every street corner.

NIV: How the gold has lost its lustre, the fine gold become dull! The sacred gems are scattered at the head of every street.

ESV: How the gold has grown dim, how the pure gold is changed! The holy stones lie scattered at the head of every street.

NRSV: How the gold has grown dim, how the pure gold is changed! The sacred stones lie scattered at the head of every street.

REB: How dulled is the gold, how tarnished the fine gold! The stones of the sanctuary lie strewn at every street corner.

NKJV: How the gold has become dim! How changed the fine gold! The stones of the sanctuary are scattered At the head of every street.

KJV: How is the gold become dim! [how] is the most fine gold changed! the stones of the sanctuary are poured out in the top of every street.

AMP: HOW THE gold has become dim! How the most pure gold has changed! The hallowed stones [of the temple] are poured out at the head of every street.

NLT: How the gold has lost its luster! Even the finest gold has become dull. The sacred gemstones lie scattered in the streets!

GNB: Our glittering gold has grown dull; the stones of the Temple lie scattered in the streets.

ERV: See how the gold has turned dark, how the pure gold has changed. There are jewels scattered all around at every street corner.

BBE: How dark has the gold become! how changed the best gold! the stones of the holy place are dropping out at the top of every street.

MSG: Oh, oh, oh...How gold is treated like dirt, the finest gold thrown out with the garbage, Priceless jewels scattered all over, jewels loose in the gutters.

CEV: The purest gold is ruined and has lost its shine; jewels from the temple lie scattered in the streets.

CEVUK: The prophet speaks:The purest gold is ruined and has lost its shine; jewels from the temple lie scattered in the streets.

GWV: "Look how the gold has become tarnished! The fine gold has changed! The sacred stones are scattered at every street corner.

NET [draft] ITL: א (Alef)Alas <0349>! Gold <02091> has lost <08132> its luster <06004>; pure <02896> gold <03800> loses value. Jewels <06944> <068> are scattered <08210> on every <03605> street <02351> corner <07218>.

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