Alkitab Mobile SABDA
[VER] : [CEV]     [PL]  [PB] 
 <<  Keluaran 19 : 22 >> 

CEV: Only the priests may come near me, and they must obey strict rules before I let them. If they don't, they will be punished."

AYT: Katakanlah juga kepada para imam yang datang mendekati Allah untuk menguduskan diri mereka agar jangan sampai TUHAN menghanguskan mereka.”

TB: Juga para imam yang datang mendekat kepada TUHAN haruslah menguduskan dirinya, supaya TUHAN jangan melanda mereka."

TL: Dan lagi hendaklah segala imam yang menghampiri Tuhan itu menyucikan dirinya, supaya jangan diterkam oleh Tuhan akan dia.

MILT: Dan juga para imam yang datang mendekat kepada TUHAN (YAHWEH - 03068) harus menguduskan dirinya, supaya jangan sampai TUHAN (YAHWEH - 03068) menghanguskan mereka."

Shellabear 2010: Para imam yang datang mendekat kepada ALLAH pun harus menyucikan diri supaya jangan ALLAH menyambar mereka.”

KS (Revisi Shellabear 2011): Para imam yang datang mendekat kepada ALLAH pun harus menyucikan diri supaya jangan ALLAH menyambar mereka."

KSKK: Juga imam-imam yang diperkenankan datang mendekati Tuhan, harus menguduskan diri, agar Tuhan tidak memaksa mereka keluar."

VMD: Juga katakan kepada para imam yang akan datang mendekati TUHAN bahwa mereka harus mempersiapkan diri untuk pertemuan khusus. Jika mereka tidak melakukannya, Aku, TUHAN, akan menghukum mereka.”

TSI: Imam-imam yang akan datang menghadap-Ku juga harus menguduskan diri. Kalau tidak, Aku akan menghukum mereka.”

BIS: Bahkan imam-imam yang mau mendekati Aku, harus menyucikan diri; kalau tidak, mereka akan Kuhukum."

TMV: Imam-imam sekalipun yang datang menghampiri Aku mesti menyucikan diri. Jika tidak, Aku akan menghukum mereka."

FAYH: Juga para imam yang bertugas harus menguduskan diri supaya jangan dibinasakan oleh TUHAN."

ENDE: Djuga imam-imam jang memang tugasnja mendekati Jahwe, harus menjutjikan diri supaja djanganlah Jahwe menjerang mereka!"

Shellabear 1912: Dan lagi hendaklah segala imam yang menhampiri Allah itupun menguduskan dirinya supaya jangan dipalu Allah akan dia."

Leydekker Draft: Lagipawn segala 'Imam, jang menghampir kapada Huwa, haros mengkhuduskan dirinja; sopaja djangan Huwa menjarang pada marika 'itu.

AVB: Hendaklah para imam yang datang menghampiri TUHAN juga menyucikan diri supaya jangan kuasa TUHAN menyambar mereka.”

TB ITL: Juga <01571> para imam <03548> yang datang mendekat <05066> kepada <0413> TUHAN <03068> haruslah menguduskan <06942> dirinya, supaya <06435> <00> TUHAN <03068> jangan <00> <06435> melanda <06555> mereka."

Jawa: Dalah para imam kang arep sowan ing ngarsaning Yehuwah kudu sesuci, supaya aja nganti katempuh ing bebenduning Yehuwah.”

Jawa 1994: Mengkono uga para imam sing kepéngin nyedhaki Aku, kudu sesuci, supaya aja ketaman ing bebendu."

Sunda: Kajeun para imam, memeh ngadareuheus ka Kami teh kudu susuci heula, bisi ku Kami disamber."

Madura: Mam-imam se terro nyemma’a ka Sengko’ kodu nyocce’e aba’ gallu; mon enja’, bi’ Sengko’ eokoma."

Bali: Aketo masih parapanditane ane nangkilin Ulun. Ia patut nyuciang dewekne. Yening tusing keto ia lakar ukum Ulun.”

Bugis: Mala sining imang iya maéloé maddeppérika, harusu’i pépaccingiwi aléna; rékko dé’, Uhukkungngi matu mennang."

Makasar: Ba’lalo manna sikamma imang-imang eroka anreppesiA’, musti natangkasi kalenna. Punna tena laKuhukkungi ke’nanga."

Toraja: Sia iapa tu mai to minaa tu la mennolo lako PUANG la umpemaseroi kalena, kumua da Nakare’dekki PUANG.

Karo: Aminna imam-imam pe si reh ndeheri Aku, la banci la ibersihkenna bana. Adi lang Kuukum ia."

Simalungun: Sonai homa malim na roh mandohori Jahowa, iuras ma dirini, ase ulang idorab Jahowa sidea.”

Toba: Angka malim pe, angka na jumonok tu Jahowa, ingkon manguras nasida, asa unang diragehon Jahowa nasida.

NETBible: Let the priests also, who approach the Lord, sanctify themselves, lest the Lord break through against them.”

NASB: "Also let the priests who come near to the LORD consecrate themselves, or else the LORD will break out against them."

HCSB: Even the priests who come near the LORD must purify themselves or the LORD will break out in anger against them."

LEB: Even the priests who are allowed to come near the LORD must set themselves apart as holy, or the LORD will violently kill them."

NIV: Even the priests, who approach the LORD, must consecrate themselves, or the LORD will break out against them."

ESV: Also let the priests who come near to the LORD consecrate themselves, lest the LORD break out against them."

NRSV: Even the priests who approach the LORD must consecrate themselves or the LORD will break out against them."

REB: Even the priests, who may approach the LORD, must hallow themselves, for fear that the LORD may break out against them.”

NKJV: "Also let the priests who come near the LORD consecrate themselves, lest the LORD break out against them."

KJV: And let the priests also, which come near to the LORD, sanctify themselves, lest the LORD break forth upon them.

AMP: And also let the priests, who come near to the Lord, sanctify (set apart) themselves [for God], lest the Lord break forth against them.

NLT: Even the priests who regularly come near to the LORD must purify themselves, or I will destroy them."

GNB: Even the priests who come near me must purify themselves, or I will punish them.”

ERV: Also tell the priests who come near the LORD that they must prepare themselves for this special meeting. If they don’t, I, the LORD, will punish them.”

BBE: And let the priests who come near to the Lord make themselves holy, for fear that the Lord may come on them suddenly.

MSG: And the priests also, warn them to prepare themselves for the holy meeting, lest GOD break out against them."

CEVUK: Only the priests may come near me, and they must obey strict rules before I let them. If they don't, they will be punished.”

GWV: Even the priests who are allowed to come near the LORD must set themselves apart as holy, or the LORD will violently kill them."

NET [draft] ITL: Let the priests <03548> also <01571>, who approach <0413> <05066> the Lord <03068>, sanctify <06942> themselves, lest <06435> the Lord <03068> break through <06555> against them.”

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 <<  Keluaran 19 : 22 >> 

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