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[VER] : [HCSB]     [PL]  [PB] 
 <<  2 Tawarikh 6 : 17 >> 

HCSB: Now, LORD God of Israel, please confirm what You promised to Your servant David.

AYT: Sekarang, ya TUHAN, Allah Israel, biarlah terbukti firman yang Kauucapkan kepada Daud, hamba-Mu itu.”

TB: Maka sekarang, ya TUHAN, Allah Israel, biarlah terbukti kebenaran firman-Mu yang telah Kauucapkan kepada hamba-Mu Daud.

TL: Maka sekarangpun, ya Tuhan, Allah orang Israel, biarlah kiranya firman-Mu itu jadi dengan sebenarnya, yaitu yang telah Kaukatakan kepada hamba-Mu, kepada Daud.

MILT: Dan sekarang, ya TUHAN (YAHWEH - 03068), Allah (Elohim - 0430) Israel, biarlah firman-Mu yang telah Engkau ucapkan diteguhkan kepada hamba-Mu, Daud.

Shellabear 2010: Sekarang, ya ALLAH, ya Tuhan yang disembah bani Israil, biarlah terbukti firman yang telah Kausampaikan kepada hamba-Mu Daud.

KS (Revisi Shellabear 2011): Sekarang, ya ALLAH, ya Tuhan yang disembah bani Israil, biarlah terbukti firman yang telah Kausampaikan kepada hamba-Mu Daud.

KSKK: Maka sekarang, ya Allah Israel, biarlah kata-kata yang telah Kauucapkan kepada hamba-Mu Daud bapaku terwujud.

VMD: Sekarang ya TUHAN Allah Israel, tepatilah janji-Mu itu. Engkau memberikan janji itu kepada hamba-Mu Daud.

BIS: (6:16)

TMV: Oleh itu, ya TUHAN, Allah Israel, tepatilah semua yang telah Engkau janjikan kepada bapaku Raja Daud, hamba-Mu itu.

FAYH: Ya TUHAN, Allah Israel, genapkanlah janji-Mu itu.

ENDE: Dan sekarang, Jahwe, Allah Israil, semoga sabdaMu, jang sudah Kaukatakan kepada hambaMu, Dawud, dibenarkan.

Shellabear 1912: Maka sekarang ya Allah ya Tuhan orang Israel biarlah kiranya firman-Mu itu dibenarkan yang telah Engkau firmankan kepada hamba-Mu Daud itu.

Leydekker Draft: Sakarang pawn, ja Huwa 'Ilah 'awrang Jisra`ejl; djadilah kiranja benar fermanmu, jang 'angkaw sudah baferman pada hambamu, pada Da`ud.

AVB: Sekarang, ya TUHAN, Allah Israel, biarlah terbukti firman yang Kausampaikan kepada hamba-Mu Daud.

TB ITL: Maka sekarang <06258>, ya TUHAN <03068>, Allah <0430> Israel <03478>, biarlah terbukti kebenaran <0539> firman-Mu <01697> yang <0834> telah Kauucapkan <01696> kepada hamba-Mu <05650> Daud <01732>.

Jawa: Milanipun sapunika, dhuh Yehuwah, Gusti Allahipun Israel, mugi kayektosana pangandika Paduka ingkang sampun Paduka paringaken dhumateng abdi Paduka Rama Dawud.

Jawa 1994: (6:16)

Sunda: Nun GUSTI Allah Israil, saneskanten jangji Gusti ka Daud teh mugi buktos.

Madura: (6:16)

Bali: Duaning punika, duh Ratu Sang Hyang Widi Wasa, sane mangkin dumadakja kadagingan sakancan janjin Palungguh IRatune ring parekan druene Daud.

Bugis: (6:16)

Makasar: (6:16)

Toraja: Na totemo, o PUANG, Kapenombanna to Israel, dennoupa’ narampo randanna tu kada mangka Mipokada lako Daud, taumMi.

Karo: Emaka genduari O TUHAN Dibata Israel, bahan maka payo jadi bagi si IpadankenNdu man suru-SuruhenNdu Daud.

Simalungun: Ai pe, Ham Jahowa, Naibata ni Israel, sai pasaud Ham ma hata-Mu, na dob hinatahon-Mu hubani jabolon-Mu, si Daud.

Toba: On pe, ale Jahowa, Debata ni Israel! Sai pasintong ma hatami, naung pinarbagam tu naposom si Daud i.

NETBible: Now, O Lord God of Israel, may the promise you made to your servant David be realized.

NASB: "Now therefore, O LORD, the God of Israel, let Your word be confirmed which You have spoken to Your servant David.

LEB: "So now, LORD God of Israel, may the promise you made to David, your servant, come true.

NIV: And now, O LORD, God of Israel, let your word that you promised your servant David come true.

ESV: Now therefore, O LORD, God of Israel, let your word be confirmed, which you have spoken to your servant David.

NRSV: Therefore, O LORD, God of Israel, let your word be confirmed, which you promised to your servant David.

REB: LORD God of Israel, let the promise which you made to your servant David be now confirmed.

NKJV: "And now, O LORD God of Israel, let Your word come true, which You have spoken to Your servant David.

KJV: Now then, O LORD God of Israel, let thy word be verified, which thou hast spoken unto thy servant David.

AMP: Now then, O Lord, God of Israel, let Your word to Your servant David be verified.

NLT: Now, O LORD, God of Israel, fulfill this promise to your servant David.

GNB: So now, LORD God of Israel, let everything come true that you promised to your servant David.

ERV: Again, LORD, God of Israel, I ask you to keep the promise you made to your servant, my father David.

BBE: So now, O Lord, the God of Israel, make your word come true which you said to your servant David.

MSG: O GOD, God of Israel, let this all happen--confirm and establish it!

CEV: Please keep this promise you made to your servant David.

CEVUK: Please keep this promise you made to your servant David.

GWV: "So now, LORD God of Israel, may the promise you made to David, your servant, come true.

NET [draft] ITL: Now <06258>, O Lord <03068> God <0430> of Israel <03478>, may the promise <01697> you made to your servant <05650> David <01732> be realized <0539>.

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 <<  2 Tawarikh 6 : 17 >> 

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