1. algonquian(n = noun.person) algonquin - a member of any of the North American Indian groups speaking an Algonquian language and originally living in the subarctic regions of eastern Canada; many Algonquian tribes migrated south into the woodlands from the Mississippi River to the Atlantic coast; Array
is a kind of american indian, indian, red indian
has particulars: abenaki, abnaki, algonkian, algonkin, arapaho, arapahoe, blackfoot, cheyenne, conoy, cree, delaware, fox, illinois, kickapoo, malecite, massachuset, massachusetts, menominee, menomini, miami, micmac, mikmaq, mahican, mohican, nanticoke, chippewa, ojibwa, ojibway, ottawa, pamlico, passamaquody, penobscot, potawatomi, powhatan, sac, sauk, shawnee, wampanoag, powhatan, wahunsonacock
Derived form adjective algonquian1
2. algonquian(n = noun.communication) algonquian language, algonquin - family of North American Indian languages spoken from Labrador to South Carolina and west to the Great Plains; Array
is a kind of american-indian language, american indian, amerind, amerindian language, indian
has particulars: abnaki, algonkian, algonkin, arapaho, arapahoe, blackfoot, cheyenne, cree, delaware, fox, illinois, kickapoo, malecite, maleseet, massachuset, massachusetts, menominee, menomini, micmac, mahican, mohican, nanticoke, chippewa, ojibwa, ojibway, pamlico, potawatomi, powhatan, shawnee
algonquian(a = adj.pert) algonkian, algonquin - of or relating to an Algonquian tribe or its people or language; Array
Derived form noun algonquian1
Pertaining to or designating the most extensive of the linguistic families of North American Indians, their territory formerly including practically all of Canada east of the 115th meridian and south of Hudson's Bay and the part of the United States east of the Mississippi and north of Tennessee and Virginia, with the exception of the territory occupied by the northern Iroquoian tribes. There are nearly 100,000 Indians of the Algonquian tribes, of which the strongest are the Ojibwas (Chippewas), Ottawas, Crees, Algonquins, Micmacs, and Blackfeet. [Webster 1913 Suppl.]
algonquian, adj. & n. (also Algonkian)
--adj. of or relating to a large group of N. American Indian tribes.
1 a member of any of these tribes.
2 any of the languages or dialects used by them.
Algonquin people + -IAN