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Found 2 definition: brewer, spruce.

brewer top

Pos: Noun

Noun brewer has 2 senses

1.  brewer(n = noun.person) beer maker - someone who brews beer or ale from malt and hops and water; Array
is a kind of maker, shaper
Derived form verb brew1

2.  brewer(n = noun.person) Array - the owner or manager of a brewery; Array
is a kind of
manufacturer, producer
Derived form verb brew1


brewer, n.

   One who brews; one whose occupation is to prepare malt liquors. [1913 Webster]

spruce top

Pos: Adjective, Noun

Noun spruce has 2 senses

1.  spruce(n = noun.plant) Array - light soft moderately strong wood of spruce trees; used especially for timbers and millwork; Array
is a kind of

2.  spruce(n = noun.plant) Array - any coniferous tree of the genus Picea; Array
is a kind of
conifer, coniferous tree
is a member of genus picea, picea
has particulars: norway spruce, picea abies, brewer's spruce, picea breweriana, weeping spruce, engelmann's spruce, engelmann spruce, picea engelmannii, picea glauca, white spruce, black spruce, picea mariana, spruce pine, picea obovata, siberian spruce, picea sitchensis, sitka spruce, oriental spruce, picea orientalis, colorado blue spruce, colorado spruce, picea pungens, silver spruce, eastern spruce, picea rubens, red spruce, yellow spruce

Verb spruce has 2 senses

1.  spruce(v = verb.change) slick up, smarten up, spiff up, spruce up, titivate, tittivate - make neat, smart, or trim; "Spruce up your house for Spring"; "titivate the child"
is one way to beautify, embellish, fancify, prettify
Sample sentences: Somebody ----s something; Something ----s somebody; Something ----s something

2.  spruce(v = verb.body) slick up, smarten up, spruce up - dress and groom with particular care, as for a special occasion; "He spruced up for the party"
is one way to groom, neaten
Sample sentences: Somebody ----s; Somebody ----s somebody

Adjective spruce has 1 senses

   spruce(s = adj.all) dapper, dashing, jaunty, natty, raffish, rakish, snappy, spiffy - marked by up-to-dateness in dress and manners; "a dapper young man"; "a jaunty red hat"
Derived form noun spruceness1


spruce, n. [OE. Spruce or Pruse, Prussia, Prussian. So named because it was first known as a native of Prussia, or because its sprouts were used for making, spruce beer. Cf. Spruce beer, below, Spruce, a.].

1.  Any coniferous tree of the genus Picea, as the Norway spruce (P. excelsa), and the white and black spruces of America (P. alba and P. nigra), besides several others in the far Northwest. See Picea. [1913 Webster]

2.  The wood or timber of the spruce tree. [1913 Webster]

3.  Prussia leather; pruce. [1913 Webster]
"Spruce, a sort of leather corruptly so called for Prussia leather." [1913 Webster]

Douglas spruce (Bot.), a valuable timber tree (Pseudotsuga Douglasii) of Northwestern America. -- Essence of spruce, a thick, dark-colored, bitterish, and acidulous liquid made by evaporating a decoction of the young branches of spruce. -- Hemlock spruce (Bot.), a graceful coniferous tree (Tsuga Canadensis) of North America. Its timber is valuable, and the bark is largely used in tanning leather. -- Spruce beer. [G. sprossenbier; sprosse sprout, shoot (akin to E. sprout, n.) + bier beer. The word was changed into spruce beer because the beer came from Prussia (OE. Spruce), or because it was made from the sprouts of the spruce. See Sprout, n., Beer, and cf. Spruce, n.] A kind of beer which is tinctured or flavored with spruce, either by means of the extract or by decoction. -- Spruce grouse. (Zoöl.) Same as Spruce partridge, below. -- Spruce leather. See Spruce, n., 3. -- Spruce partridge (Zoöl.), a handsome American grouse (Dendragapus Canadensis) found in Canada and the Northern United States; -- called also Canada grouse.

spruce, a. [Perhaps fr. spruce a sort of leather from Prussia, which was an article of finery. See Spruce, n.].

1.  Neat, without elegance or dignity; smart; trim; -- formerly applied to things with a serious meaning; now chiefly applied to persons. Remedy of Love. [1913 Webster]

2.  Sprightly; dashing. Shak. [1913 Webster]
"He is so spruce that he can never be genteel." [1913 Webster]

Syn. -- Finical; neat; trim. See Finical.

spruce, v. t.

   To dress with affected neatness; to trim; to make spruce; -- often used with up; as, to spruce up the house for Company. [1913 Webster]

spruce, v. i.

   To dress one's self with affected neatness; as, to spruce up. [1913 Webster]


spruce, adj. & v.
--adj. neat in dress and appearance; trim, smart.
--v.tr. & intr. (also refl.; usu. foll. by up) make or become smart.

sprucely adv. spruceness n.

spruce, n.
1 any coniferous tree of the genus Picea, with dense foliage growing in a distinctive conical shape.
2 the wood of this tree used as timber.

spruce beer a fermented beverage using spruce twigs and needles as flavouring.

spruce, v. Brit. sl.
1 tr. deceive.
2 intr. lie, practise deception.
3 intr. evade a duty, malinger.

sprucer n.

20th c.: orig. unkn.



N  cleanness, cleanliness, purity, cleaning, purification, defecation, purgation, lustration, detersion, abstersion, epuration, mundation, ablution, lavation, colature, disinfection, drainage, sewerage, lavatory, laundry, washhouse, washerwoman, laundress, dhobi, laundryman, washerman, scavenger, dustman, sweep, white wings brush, broom, besom, mop, rake, shovel, sieve, riddle, screen, filter, blotter, napkin, cloth, maukin, malkin, handkerchief, towel, sudary, doyley, doily, duster, sponge, mop, swab, cover, drugget, wash, lotion, detergent, cathartic, purgative, purifier, disinfectant, aperient, benzene, benzine benzol, benolin, bleaching powder, chloride of lime, dentifrice, deobstruent, laxative, clean, cleanly, pure, immaculate, spotless, stainless, taintless, trig, without a stain, unstained, unspotted, unsoiled, unsullied, untainted, uninfected, sweet, sweet as a nut, neat, spruce, tidy, trim, gimp, clean as a new penny, like a cat in pattens, cleaned, kempt, abstergent, cathartic, cleansing, purifying, neatly, clean as a whistle.


N  beauty, the beautiful, to kalon, le beau ideal, aesthetics, callaesthetics, pulchritude, form, elegance, grace, beauty unadorned, natural beauty, symmetry, comeliness, fairness, polish, gloss, good effect, good looks, belle tournure, trigness, bloom, brilliancy, radiance, splendor, gorgeousness, magnificence, sublimity, sublimification, concinnity, delicacy, refinement, charm, je ne sais quoi, style, Venus, Aphrodite, Hebe, the Graces, Peri, Houri, Cupid, Apollo, Hyperion, Adonis, Antionous, Narcissus, peacock, butterfly, garden, flower of, pink of, bijou, jewel, work of art, flower, flow'ret gay, wildflower, rose, lily, anemone, asphodel, buttercup, crane's bill, daffodil, tulip, tiger lily, day lily, begonia, marigold, geranium, lily of the valley, ranunculus, rhododendron, windflower, pleasurableness, beautifying, landscaping, landscape gardening, decoration, calisthenics, beauty, hunk (of men), beautiful, beauteous, handsome, gorgeous, pretty, lovely, graceful, elegant, prepossessing, attractive, delicate, dainty, refined, fair, personable, comely, seemly, bonny, good-looking, well-favored, well-made, well-formed, well- proportioned, proper, shapely, symmetrical, harmonious, sightly, fit to be seen, passable, not amiss, goodly, dapper, tight, jimp, gimp, janty, jaunty, trig, natty, quaint, trim, tidy, neat, spruce, smart, tricksy, bright, bright eyed, rosy cheeked, cherry cheeked, rosy, ruddy, blooming, in full bloom, brilliant, shining, beamy, beaming, sparkling, splendid, resplendent, dazzling, glowing, glossy, sleek, rich, superb, magnificent, grand, fine, sublime, showy, specious, artistic, artistical, aesthetic, picturesque, pictorial, fait a peindre, well-composed, well grouped, well varied, curious, enchanting becoming, ornamental, undeformed, undefaced, unspotted, spotless, auxilium non leve vultus habet, beauty born of murmuring sound, flowers preach to us if we will hear, gratior ac pulchro veniens in corpore virtus, none but the brave deserve the fair, thou who hast the fatal gift of beauty.


big-cone spruce, black spruce, brewer's spruce, colorado blue spruce, colorado spruce, douglas spruce, eastern spruce, engelmann spruce, engelmann's spruce, norway spruce, oriental spruce, red spruce, siberian spruce, silver spruce, sitka spruce, spruce bark beetle, spruce beer, spruce gall aphid, spruce grouse, spruce pine, spruce squirrel, spruce up, weeping spruce, white spruce, yellow spruce