1. bushman(n = noun.person) Array - a member of the race of nomadic hunters and gatherers who live in southern Africa; Array
is a kind of nomad
2. bushman(n = noun.person) Array - a dweller in the Australian bush country; Array
is a kind of pioneer
1. A woodsman; a settler in the bush. [1913 Webster]
2. One of a race of South African nomads, living principally in the deserts, and not classified as allied in race or language to any other people. [1913 Webster]
bushman, n. (pl. -men)
1 a person who lives or travels in the Australian bush.
2 (Bushman) a a member of an aboriginal people in S. Africa. b the language of this people.
BUSH(1) + MAN: sense 2 after Du. boschjesman f. bosch bush
1. poison(n = noun.substance) poisonous substance, toxicant - any substance that causes injury or illness or death of a living organism; Array
is a kind of substance
has particulars: atropine, hyoscyamine, toxin
Derived forms verb poison3, verb poison2, verb poison4, adjective poisonous2
2. poison(n = noun.attribute) Array - anything that harms or destroys; "the poison of fascism"
is a kind of destructiveness
Derived forms verb poison1, adjective poisonous3, adjective poisonous1
1. poison(v = verb.social) Array - spoil as if by poison; "poison someone's mind"; "poison the atmosphere in the office"
is one way to corrupt, debase, debauch, demoralise, demoralize, deprave, misdirect, pervert, profane, subvert, vitiate
Derived form noun poison2
Sample sentences:
Somebody ----s something; Something ----s somebody
2. poison(v = verb.contact) Array - kill with poison; "She poisoned her husband"
is one way to kill
Derived forms noun poison1, noun poisoner1, noun poisoning2
Sample sentences:
They want to poison the prisoners
3. poison(v = verb.change) envenom - add poison to; "Her husband poisoned her drink in order to kill her"
is one way to alter, change, modify
Derived forms noun poison1, noun poisoning2
Sample sentences:
Somebody ----s something
4. poison(v = verb.contact) Array - kill by its poison; "This mushrooms can poison"
is one way to kill
Derived form noun poison1
Sample sentences:
Something ----s somebody
5. poison(v = verb.body) Array - administer poison to; "She poisoned her husband but he did not die"
is one way to dose, drug
Derived form noun poisoning2
Sample sentences:
Somebody ----s somebody; Something ----s somebody
1. Any agent which, when introduced into the animal organism, is capable of producing a morbid, noxious, or deadly effect upon it; as, morphine is a deadly poison; the poison of pestilential diseases. [1913 Webster]
2. That which taints or destroys moral purity or health; as, the poison of evil example; the poison of sin. [1913 Webster]
1. To put poison upon or into; to infect with poison; as, to poison an arrow; to poison food or drink. Shak. [1913 Webster]
2. To injure or kill by poison; to administer poison to. [1913 Webster]
"If you poison us, do we not die ?" [1913 Webster]
3. To taint; to corrupt; to vitiate; as, vice poisons happiness; slander poisoned his mind. [1913 Webster]
"Whispering tongues can poison truth." [1913 Webster]
To act as, or convey, a poison. [1913 Webster]
"Tooth that poisons if it bite." [1913 Webster]
poison, n. & v.
1 a substance that when introduced into or absorbed by a living organism causes death or injury, esp. one that kills by rapid action even in a small quantity.
2 colloq. a harmful influence or principle etc.
3 Physics & Chem. a substance that interferes with the normal progress of a nuclear reaction, chain reaction, catalytic reaction, etc.
1 administer poison to (a person or animal).
2 kill or injure or infect with poison.
3 infect (air, water, etc.) with poison.
4 (esp. as poisoned adj.) treat (a weapon) with poison.
5 corrupt or pervert (a person or mind).
6 spoil or destroy (a person's pleasure etc.).
7 render (land etc.) foul and unfit for its purpose by a noxious application etc.
poison gas = GAS n. 4. poison ivy a N. American climbing plant, Rhus toxicodendron, secreting an irritant oil from its leaves. poison-pen letter an anonymous libellous or abusive letter.
poisoner n. poisonous adj. poisonously adv.
ME f. OF poison, poisonner (as POTION)
VB be worse, be deteriorated, become worse, become deteriorated Adj, have seen better days, deteriorate, degenerate, fall off, wane, ebb, retrograde, decline, droop, go down, go downhill, go from bad to worse, go farther and fare worse, jump out of the frying pan into the fire, run to seed, go to seed, run to waste swale, sweal, lapse, be the worse for, sphacelate: break, break down, spring a leak, crack, start, shrivel, fade, go off, wither, molder, rot, rankle, decay, go bad, go to decay, fall into decay, fall into the sear and yellow leaf, rust, crumble, shake, totter, totter to its fall, perish, die, deteriorate, weaken, put back, set back, taint, infect, contaminate, poison, empoison, envenom, canker, corrupt, exulcerate, pollute, vitiate, inquinate, debase, embase, denaturalize, denature, leaven, deflower, debauch, defile, deprave, degrade, ulcerate, stain, discolor, alloy, adulterate, sophisticate, tamper with, prejudice, pervert, prostitute, demoralize, brutalize, render vicious, embitter, acerbate, exacerbate, aggravate, injure, impair, labefy, damage, harm, hurt, shend, scath, scathe, spoil, mar, despoil, dilapidate, waste, overrun, ravage, pillage, wound, stab, pierce, maim, lame, surbate, cripple, hough, hamstring, hit between wind and water, scotch, mangle, mutilate, disfigure, blemish, deface, warp, blight, rot, corrode, erode, wear away, wear out, gnaw, gnaw at the root of, sap, mine, undermine, shake, sap the foundations of, break up, disorganize, dismantle, dismast, destroy, damnify, do one's worst, knock down, deal a blow to, play havoc with, play sad havoc with, play the mischief with, play the deuce with, play the very devil with, play havoc among, play sad havoc among, play the mischief among, play the deuce among, play the very devil among, decimate.
N deterioration, debasement, wane, ebb, recession, retrogradation, decrease, degeneracy, degeneration, degenerateness, degradation, depravation, depravement, devolution, depravity, demoralization, retrogression, masochism, impairment, inquination, injury, damage, loss, detriment, delaceration, outrage, havoc, inroad, ravage, scath, perversion, prostitution, vitiation, discoloration, oxidation, pollution, defoedation, poisoning, venenation, leaven, contamination, canker, corruption, adulteration, alloy, decline, declension, declination, decadence, decadency, falling off, caducity, decrepitude, decay, dilapidation, ravages of time, wear and tear, corrosion, erosion, moldiness, rottenness, moth and rust, dry rot, blight, marasmus, atrophy, collapse, disorganization, delabrement (destruction), aphid, Aphis, plant louse, puceron, vinefretter, vinegrub, wreck, mere wreck, honeycomb, magni nominis umbra, jade, plug, rackabones, skate, tackey, tacky, have seen better days, deteriorate, degenerate, fall off, wane, ebb, retrograde, decline, droop, go down, go downhill, go from bad to worse, go farther and fare worse, jump out of the frying pan into the fire, run to seed, go to seed, run to waste swale, sweal, lapse, be the worse for, sphacelate: break, break down, spring a leak, crack, start, shrivel, fade, go off, wither, molder, rot, rankle, decay, go bad, go to decay, fall into decay, fall into the sear and yellow leaf, rust, crumble, shake, totter, totter to its fall, perish, die, deteriorate, weaken, put back, set back, taint, infect, contaminate, poison, empoison, envenom, canker, corrupt, exulcerate, pollute, vitiate, inquinate, debase, embase, denaturalize, denature, leaven, deflower, debauch, defile, deprave, degrade, ulcerate, stain, discolor, alloy, adulterate, sophisticate, tamper with, prejudice, pervert, prostitute, demoralize, brutalize, render vicious, embitter, acerbate, exacerbate, aggravate, injure, impair, labefy, damage, harm, hurt, shend, scath, scathe, spoil, mar, despoil, dilapidate, waste, overrun, ravage, pillage, wound, stab, pierce, maim, lame, surbate, cripple, hough, hamstring, hit between wind and water, scotch, mangle, mutilate, disfigure, blemish, deface, warp, blight, rot, corrode, erode, wear away, wear out, gnaw, gnaw at the root of, sap, mine, undermine, shake, sap the foundations of, break up, disorganize, dismantle, dismast, destroy, damnify, do one's worst, knock down, deal a blow to, play havoc with, play sad havoc with, play the mischief with, play the deuce with, play the very devil with, play havoc among, play sad havoc among, play the mischief among, play the deuce among, play the very devil among, decimate, Adj, unimproved &c (improve), deteriorated, altered, altered for the worse, injured, sprung, withering, spoiling, on the wane, on the decline, tabid, degenerate, marescent, worse, the worse for, all the worse for, out of repair, out of tune, imperfect, the worse for wear, battered, weathered, weather-beaten, stale, passe, shaken, dilapidated, frayed, faded, wilted, shabby, secondhand, threadbare, worn, worn to a thread, worn to a shadow, worn to the stump, worn to rags, reduced, reduced to a skeleton, far gone, tacky, decayed, moth-eaten, worm-eaten, mildewed, rusty, moldy, spotted, seedy, time-worn, moss-grown, discolored, effete, wasted, crumbling, moldering, rotten, cankered, blighted, tainted, depraved, decrepid, decrepit, broke, busted, broken, out of commission, hors de combat, out of action, broken down, done, done for, done up, worn out, used up, finished, beyond saving, fit for the dust hole, fit for the wastepaper basket, past work, at a low ebb, in a bad way, on one's last legs, undermined, deciduous, nodding to its fall, tottering, past cure, fatigued, retrograde, deleterious, out of the frying pan into the fire, agrescit medendo, what a falling off was there!.
N bane, curse, evil, hurtfulness, painfulness, scourge, damnosa hereditas, white elephant, sting, fang, thorn, tang, bramble, brier, nettle, poison, toxin, teratogen, leaven, virus venom, arsenic, antimony, tartar emetic, strychnine, nicotine, miasma, miasm, mephitis, malaria, azote, sewer gas, pest, Albany hemp, arsenious oxide, arsenious acid, bichloride of mercury, carbonic acid, carbonic gas, choke damp, corrosive sublimate, fire damp, hydrocyanic acid, cyanide, Prussic acid, hydrogen cyanide, marsh gas, nux vomica, ratsbane, hemlock, hellebore, nightshade, belladonna, henbane, aconite, banewort, bhang, ganja, hashish, Upas tree, Toxline (online), rust, worm, helminth, moth, moth and rust, fungus, mildew, dry rot, canker, cankerworm, cancer, torpedo, viper, demon, toxicology, baneful, poisonous, phr, bibere venenum in auro, Contingent Subservience.
bushman's poison, eastern poison oak, fly poison, poison arrow plant, poison ash, poison bush, poison camas, poison cup, poison dogwood, poison gas, poison hemlock, poison ivy, poison mercury, poison milkweed, poison oak, poison parsley, poison pea, poison pill, poison sumac, south american poison toad, western poison oak