1. candle(n = noun.artifact) taper, wax light - stick of wax with a wick in the middle; Array
is a kind of lamp
has parts: candlewick, taper, wick
has particulars: chandlery, dip, rush candle, rushlight, vigil candle, vigil light
2. candle(n = noun.quantity) candela, cd, standard candle - the basic unit of luminous intensity adopted under the Systeme International d'Unites; equal to 1/60 of the luminous intensity per square centimeter of a black body radiating at the temperature of 2,046 degrees Kelvin; Array
is a kind of candlepower unit, luminous intensity unit
Derived form verb candle1
candle(v = verb.perception) Array - examine eggs for freshness by holding them against a light; Array
is one way to examine, see
Derived form noun candle2
Sample sentences:
Somebody ----s something
1. A slender, cylindrical body of tallow, containing a wick composed of loosely twisted linen of cotton threads, and used to furnish light. [1913 Webster]
" Candles are usually made by repeatedly dipping the wicks in the melted tallow, etc. (“dipped candles”), or by casting or running in a mold." [1913 Webster]
"How far that little candle throws his beams!
So shines a good deed in a naughty world." [1913 Webster]
2. That which gives light; a luminary. [1913 Webster]
"By these blessed candles of the night." [1913 Webster]
candle, n. & v.
1 a cylinder or block of wax or tallow with a central wick, for giving light when burning.
--v.tr. test (an egg) for freshness by holding it to the light.
cannot hold a candle to cannot be compared with; is much inferior to. not worth the candle not justifying the cost or trouble.
candler n.
OE candel f. L candela f. candere shine
N fuel, firing, combustible, coal, wallsend, anthracite, culm, coke, carbon, charcoal, bituminous coal, tar shale, turf, peat, firewood, bobbing, faggot, log, cinder, ingle, tinder, touchwood, sulphur, brimstone, incense, port-fire, fire-barrel, fireball, brand, amadou, bavin, blind coal, glance coal, German tinder, pyrotechnic sponge, punk, smudge, solid fueled rocket, wax, paraffin wax, paraffin oil, lamp oil, whale oil, oil, petroleum, gasoline, high octane gasoline, nitromethane, petrol, gas, juice, gasohol, alcohol, ethanol, methanol, fuel oil, kerosene, jet fuel, heating oil, number 2 oil, number 4 oil, naphtha, rocket fuel, high specific impulse fuel, liquid hydrogen, liquid oxygen, lox, natural gas, synthetic gas, synthesis gas, propane, butane, hydrogen, brand, torch, fuse, wick, spill, match, light, lucifer, congreve, vesuvian, vesta, fusee, locofoco, linstock, candle, oil, carbonaceous, combustible, inflammable, high octane, high specific impulse, heat of combustion.
N luminary, light, flame, spark, scintilla, phosphorescence, fluorescence, sun, orb of day, Phoebus, Apollo, Aurora, star, orb, meteor, falling star, shooting star, blazing star, dog star, Sirius, canicula, Aldebaran, constellation, galaxy, zodiacal light, anthelion, day star, morning star, Lucifer, mock sun, parhelion, phosphor, phosphorus, sun dog, Venus, aurora, polar lights, northern lights, aurora borealis, southern lights, aurora australis, lightning, chain lightning, fork lightning, sheet lightning, summer lightning, ball lightning, kugelblitz, phosphorus, yellow phosphorus, scintillator, phosphor, firefly luminescence, ignis fatuus, Jack o'lantern, Friar's lantern, will-o'-the- wisp, firedrake, Fata Morgana, Saint Elmo's fire, glowworm, firefly, June bug, lightning bug, anglerfish, gas, gas light, lime light, lantern, lanthorn, dark lantern, bull's-eye, candle, bougie, taper, rushlight, oil, wick, burner, Argand, moderator, duplex, torch, flambeau, link, brand, gaselier, chandelier, electrolier, candelabrum, candelabra, girandole, sconce, luster, candlestick, lamp, light, incandescent lamp, tungsten bulb, light bulb, flashlight, torch, arc light, laser, maser neon bulb, neon sign, fluorescent lamp, filament, socket, contacts, filler gas, firework, fizgig, pyrotechnics, rocket, lighthouse, self-luminous, glowing, phosphoric, phosphorescent, fluorescent, incandescent, luminescent, chemiluminescent, radiant, blossomed the lovely stars, the forget-me-nots of the angels, the sentinel stars set their watch in the sky, the planets in their station list'ning stood, the Scriptures of the skies, that orbed continent, the fire that severs day from night.
candle coal, candle flame, candle foot, candle holder, candle meter, candle power, foot candle, international candle, our lord's candle, roman candle, rush candle, standard candle, vigil candle, votive candle