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Found 1 definition: capital.

capital top

Pos: Adjective, Noun

Noun capital has 8 senses

1.  capital(n = noun.possession) working capital - assets available for use in the production of further assets; Array
is a kind of assets
has particulars: stock, risk capital, venture capital, operating capital, seed money
Derived forms verb capitalise6, verb capitalise5, verb capitalise4, verb capitalise1, noun capitalist2, verb capitalize6, verb capitalize4

2.  capital(n = noun.possession) Array - wealth in the form of money or property owned by a person or business and human resources of economic value; Array
is a kind of
has particulars: endowment, endowment fund, means, substance, corpus, principal, principal sum
Derived forms verb capitalise4, noun capitalist2

3.  capital(n = noun.location) Array - a seat of government; Array
is a kind of
has particulars: national capital, provincial capital, state capital

4.  capital(n = noun.communication) capital letter, majuscule, upper-case letter, uppercase - one of the large alphabetic characters used as the first letter in writing or printing proper names and sometimes for emphasis; "printers once kept the type for capitals and for small letters in separate cases; capitals were kept in the upper half of the type case and so became known as upper-case letters"
is a kind of character, grapheme, graphic symbol
has particulars: small cap, small capital
Derived forms adjective capital3, verb capitalise3, verb capitalize3

5.  capital(n = noun.location) Array - a center that is associated more than any other with some activity or product; "the crime capital of Italy"; "the drug capital of Columbia"
is a kind of
center, centre

6.  capital(n = noun.group) washington - the federal government of the United States; Array
is a kind of federal government

7.  capital(n = noun.communication) das kapital - a book written by Karl Marx (1867) describing his economic theories; Array
is a kind of book

8.  capital(n = noun.artifact) cap, chapiter - the upper part of a column that supports the entablature; Array
is a kind of top
is a part of column, pillar

Adjective capital has 3 senses

1.  capital(s = adj.all) Array - first-rate; "a capital fellow"; "a capital idea"

2.  capital(s = adj.all) Array - of primary importance; "our capital concern was to avoid defeat"

3.  capital(s = adj.all) great, majuscule - uppercase; "capital A"; "great A"; "many medieval manuscripts are in majuscule script"
Derived form noun capital4


capital, a. [F. capital, L. capitalis capital (in senses 1 & 2), fr. caput head. See Chief, and cf. Capital, n.].

1.  Of or pertaining to the head. [1913 Webster]
"Needs must the Serpent now his capital bruise
Expect with mortal pain.
" [1913 Webster]

2.  Having reference to, or involving, the forfeiture of the head or life; affecting life; punishable with death; as, capital trials; capital punishment. [1913 Webster]
"Many crimes that are capital among us." [1913 Webster]
"To put to death a capital offender." [1913 Webster]

3.  First in importance; chief; principal. [1913 Webster]
"A capital article in religion" [1913 Webster]
"Whatever is capital and essential in Christianity." [1913 Webster]

4.  Chief, in a political sense, as being the seat of the general government of a state or nation; as, Washington and Paris are capital cities. [1913 Webster]

5.  Of first rate quality; excellent; as, a capital speech or song. [1913 Webster]

Capital letter [F, lettre capitale] (Print.), a leading or heading letter, used at the beginning of a sentence and as the first letter of certain words, distinguished, for the most part, both by different form and larger size, from the small (lower-case) letters, which form the greater part of common print or writing. -- Small capital letters have the form of capital letters and height of the body of the lower-case letters. -- Capital stock, money, property, or stock invested in any business, or the enterprise of any corporation or institution. Abbott.
Syn. -- Chief; leading; controlling; prominent.

capital, n. [Cf. L. capitellum and capitulum, a small head, the head, top, or capital of a column, dim. of caput head; F. chapiteau, OF. capitel. See chief, and cf. cattle, chattel, chapiter, chapter.].

1.  The head or uppermost member of a column, pilaster, etc. It consists generally of three parts, abacus, bell (or vase), and necking. See these terms, and Column. [1913 Webster]

2.  The seat of government; the chief city or town in a country; a metropolis. Macauly. [1913 Webster]

3.  Money, property, or stock employed in trade, manufactures, etc.; the sum invested or lent, as distinguished from the income or interest. See Capital stock, under Capital, a. [1913 Webster]

4.  That portion of the produce of industry, which may be directly employed either to support human beings or to assist in production. M'Culloch. [1913 Webster]
" When wealth is used to assist production it is called capital. The capital of a civilized community includes fixed capital (i.e. buildings, machines, and roads used in the course of production and exchange) and circulating capital (i.e., food, fuel, money, etc., spent in the course of production and exchange)." T. Raleigh. [1913 Webster]

5.  Anything which can be used to increase one's power or influence. [1913 Webster]
"He tried to make capital out of his rival's discomfiture." [1913 Webster]

6.  An imaginary line dividing a bastion, ravelin, or other work, into two equal parts. [1913 Webster]

7.  A chapter, or section, of a book. [1913 Webster]
"Holy St. Bernard hath said in the 59th capital." [1913 Webster]

8.  See Capital letter, under Capital, a. [1913 Webster]

Active capital. See under Active, -- Small capital (Print.), a small capital letter; informally referred to (in the plural) as small caps; as, the technical terms are listed in small caps. See under Capital, a. -- To live on one's capital, to consume one's capital without producing or accumulating anything to replace it.


capital, n., adj., & int.
1 the most important town or city of a country or region, usu. its seat of government and administrative centre.
2 a the money or other assets with which a company starts in business. b accumulated wealth, esp. as used in further production. c money invested or lent at interest.
3 capitalists generally.
4 a capital letter.
1 a principal; most important; leading. b colloq. excellent, first-rate.
2 a involving or punishable by death (capital punishment; a capital offence). b (of an error etc.) vitally harmful; fatal.
3 (of letters of the alphabet) large in size and of the form used to begin sentences and names etc.
--int. expressing approval or satisfaction.

capital gain a profit from the sale of investments or property. capital goods goods, esp. machinery, plant, etc., used or to be used in producing commodities (opp. consumer goods). capital levy
1 the appropriation by the State of a fixed proportion of the wealth in the country.
2 a wealth tax. capital sum a lump sum of money, esp. payable to an insured person. capital territory a territory containing the capital city of a country. capital transfer tax hist. (in the UK) a tax levied on the transfer of capital by gift or bequest etc.

Replaced in 1986 by inheritance tax. make capital out of use to one's advantage. with a capital -- emphatically such (art with a capital A).

capitally adv.

capital, n. Archit. the head or cornice of a pillar or column.

ME f. OF capitel f. LL capitellum dimin. of L caput head



N  means, resources, wherewithal, ways and means, capital, revenue, stock in trade, provision, a shot in the locker, appliances, means and appliances, conveniences, cards to play, expedients, two strings to one's bow, sheet anchor, aid, medium, instrumental, mechanical, by means of, with, by what means, by all means, by any means, by some means, wherewith, herewith, therewith, wherewithal, how, through, with the aid of, by the aid of, by the agency of.


N  importance, consequence, moment, prominence, consideration, mark, materialness, import, significance, concern, emphasis, interest, greatness, superiority, notability, weight, value, usefulness, gravity, seriousness, solemnity, no joke, no laughing matter, pressure, urgency, stress, matter of life and death, memorabilia, notabilia, great doings, red-letter day, great thing, great point, main chance, the be all and the end all, cardinal point, substance, gist, sum and substance, gravamen, head and front, important part, principal part, prominent part, essential part, half the battle, sine qua non, breath of one's nostrils, cream, salt, core, kernel, heart, nucleus, keynote, keystone, corner stone, trump card, salient points, top sawyer, first fiddle, prima donna, chief, triton among the minnows, 'it', important, of importance, momentous, material, to the point, not to be overlooked, not to be despised, not to be sneezed at, egregious, weighty, of note, notable, prominent, salient, signal, memorable, remarkable, unforgettable, worthy of remark, worthy of notice, never to be forgotten, stirring, eventful, grave, serious, earnest, noble, grand, solemn, impressive, commanding, imposing, urgent, pressing, critical, instant, paramount, essential, vital, all-absorbing, radical, cardinal, chief, main, prime, primary, principal, leading, capital, foremost, overruling, of vital importance in the front rank, first-rate, superior, considerable, marked, rare, significant, telling, trenchant, emphatic, pregnant, tanti, materially, in the main, above all, kat' exochin, par excellence, to crown all, to beat all, expende Hannibalem!.


N  goodness, excellence, merit, virtue, value, worth, price, super-excellence, supereminence, superiority, perfection, coup de maitre, masterpiece, chef d'ouvre, prime, flower, cream, elite, pick, A, nonesuch, nonpareil, creme de la creme, flower of the flock, cock of the roost, salt of the earth, champion, prodigy, tidbit, gem, gem of the first water, bijou, precious stone, jewel, pearl, diamond, ruby, brilliant, treasure, good thing, rara avis, one in a thousand, beneficence, good man, harmless, hurtless, unobnoxious, innocuous, innocent, inoffensive, beneficial, valuable, of value, serviceable, advantageous, edifying, profitable, salutary, favorable, propitious fair, good, good as gold, excellent, better, superior, above par, nice, fine, genuine, best, choice, select, picked, elect, recherche, rare, priceless, unparagoned, unparalleled, superlatively, good, bully, crackajack, giltedged, superfine, superexcellent, of the first water, first-rate, first-class, high- wrought, exquisite, very best, crack, prime, tiptop, capital, cardinal, standard, inimitable, admirable, estimable, praiseworthy, pleasing, couleur de rose, precious, of great price, costly, worth its weight in gold, worth a Jew's eye, priceless, invaluable, inestimable, precious as the apple of the eye, tolerable, up to the mark, unexceptionable, unobjectionable, satisfactory, tidy, in good condition, in fair condition, fresh, sound, beneficially, well, Jewels five words long, long may such goodness live!, the luxury of doing good.


N  money, legal tender, money matters, money market, finance, accounts, funds, treasure, capital, stock, assets, wealth, supplies, ways and means, wherewithal, sinews of war, almighty dollar, needful, cash, mammon, dough, cabbage, money-like instruments, M, M, sum, amount, balance, balance sheet, sum total, proceeds, currency, circulating medium, specie, coin, piece, hard cash, cold cash, dollar, sterling coin, pounds shillings and pence, Ls, d, pocket, breeches pocket, purse, money in hand, cash at hand, ready money, ready cash, slug, wad wad of bills, wad of money, thick wad of bills, roll of dough, rhino, blunt, dust, mopus, tin, salt, chink, argent comptant, bottom dollar, buzzard dollar, checks, dibs, double eagle, eagle, Federal currency, fractional currency, postal currency, Federal Reserve Note, United States Note, silver certificate, gold certificate, long bit, short bit, moss, nickel, pile, pin money, quarter, red cent, roanoke, rock, seawan, seawant, thousand dollars, grand, single, one-dollar bill, two- dollar bill, five-dollar bill, fiver, fin, Lincoln, ten-dollar bill, sawbuck, twenty-dollar bill, Jackson, double sawbuck, fifty-dollar bill, hundred-dollar bill, C-note, penny, cent, Lincoln cent, indian head penny, copper, two-cent piece three-cent piece, half- dime, nickel, buffalo nickel, V nickel, dime, disme, mercury dime, quarter, two bits, half dollar, dollar, silver dollar, Eisenhower dollar, Susan B, Anthony dollar, precious metals, gold, silver, copper, bullion, ingot, nugget, petty cash, pocket money, change, small change, small coin, doit, stiver, rap, mite, farthing, sou, penny, shilling, tester, groat, guinea, rouleau, wampum, good sum, round sum, lump sum, power of money, plum, lac of rupees, major coin, crown, minor coin, monetarist, monetary theory, numismatics, chrysology, numismatist, paper money, greenback, major denomination, minor denomination, money order, postal money order, Post Office order, bank note, bond, bill, bill of exchange, order, warrant, coupon, debenture, exchequer bill, assignat, blueback, hundi, shinplaster, note, note of hand, promissory note, I O U, draft, check, cheque, back-dated check, negotiable order of withdrawal, NOW, remittance, credit, liability, drawer, drawee, obligor, obligee, moneyer, coiner, false money, bad money, base coin, flash note, slip, kite, fancy stocks, Bank of Elegance, argumentum ad crumenam, letter of credit, circulation, multiplier effect, inflation, double-digit inflation, hyperinflation, erosion of the currency, debasement of the currency, deflation, stagflation, exchange rate, rate of exchange, floating exchange rates, fixed rates, currency counter, currency exchange, bureau de change, gold-backed currency, gold standard, silver standard, bank account, savings account, checking account, money market account, NOW account, time deposit, deposit, demand deposit, super NOW account, certificate of deposit, CD, $, US$, Y, A$, Federal Reserve Bank, central bank, Federal Reserve Board, board of governors of the Federal Reserve, Treasury Department, Secret Service, mint, bureau of engraving, seigniorage, counterfeit, funny money, bogus money, (falsehood), interest, interest rate, discount rate, monetary, pecuniary, crumenal, fiscal, financial, sumptuary, numismatic, numismatical, sterling, nummary, barbarus ipse placet dummodo sit dives, but the jingling of the guinea helps the hurt that, Gelt regiert die Welt, money rules the world, money makes the world go round, nervos belli pecuniam infinitam, redet Geld so schweigt die Welt, money is the mother's milk of politics, money is the root of all evil, money isn't everything, as phony as a three-dollar bill, don't take any wooden nickels.


N  wealth, riches, fortune, handsome fortune, opulence, affluence, good circumstances, easy circumstances, independence, competence, solvency, provision, livelihood, maintenance, alimony, dowry, means, resources, substance, property, command of money, income, capital, money, round sum, mint of money, mine of wealth, El Dorado, bonanza, Pacatolus, Golconda, Potosi, long purse, full purse, well lined purse, heavy purse, deep pockets, purse of Fortunatus, embarras de richesses, pelf, Mammon, lucre, filthy lucre, loaves and fishes, rich man, moneyed man, warm man, man of substance, capitalist, millionaire, tippybob, Nabob, Croesus, idas, Plutus, Dives, Timon of Athens, Timocracy, Plutocracy, Danae, wealthy, rich, affluent, opulent, moneyed, monied, worth much, well to do, well off, warm, comfortable, well, well provided for, made of money, rich as Croesus, filthy rich, rich as a Jew, rolling in riches, rolling in wealth, flush, flush of cash, flush of money, flush of tin, in funds, in cash, in full feather, solvent, pecunious, out of debt, in the black, all straight, one's ship coming in, amour fait beaucoup mais argent fait tout, love does much but money does everything, aurea rumpunt tecta quietem, magna servitus ist magna fortuna, mammon, the least erected spirit that fell from Heaven, opum furiata cupido, vera prosperita e non aver necessita, wie gewonnen so zerronnen.


N  abode, dwelling, lodging, domicile, residence, apartment, place, digs, pad, address, habitation, where one's lot is cast, local habitation, berth, diggings, seat, lap, sojourn, housing, quarters, headquarters, resiance, tabernacle, throne, ark, home, fatherland, country, homestead, homestall, fireside, hearth, hearth stone, chimney corner, inglenook, ingle side, harem, seraglio, zenana, household gods, lares et penates, roof, household, housing, dulce domum, paternal domicile, native soil, native land, habitat, range, stamping ground, haunt, hangout, biosphere, environment, ecological niche, nest, nidus, snuggery, arbor, bower, lair, den, cave, hole, hiding place, cell, sanctum sanctorum, aerie, eyrie, eyry, rookery, hive, covert, resort, retreat, perch, roost, nidification, kala jagah, bivouac, camp, encampment, cantonment, castrametation, barrack, casemate, casern, tent, building, chamber, xenodochium, tenement, messuage, farm, farmhouse, grange, hacienda, toft, cot, cabin, hut, chalet, croft, shed, booth, stall, hovel, bothy, shanty, dugout, wigwam, pen, barn, bawn, kennel, sty, doghold, cote, coop, hutch, byre, cow house, cow shed, stable, dovecote, columbary, columbarium, shippen, igloo, iglu, jacal, lacustrine dwelling, lacuslake dwelling, lacuspile dwelling, log cabin, log house, shack, shebang, tepee, topek, house, mansion, place, villa, cottage, box, lodge, hermitage, rus in urbe, folly, rotunda, tower, chateau, castle, pavilion, hotel, court, manor-house, capital messuage, hall, palace, kiosk, bungalow, casa, country seat, apartment house, flat house, frame house, shingle house, tenement house, temple, hamlet, village, thorp, dorp, ham, kraal, borough, burgh, town, city, capital, metropolis, suburb, province, country, county town, county seat, courthouse, ghetto, street, place, terrace, parade, esplanade, alameda, board walk, embankment, road, row, lane, alley, court, quadrangle, quad, wynd, close, yard, passage, rents, buildings, mews, square, polygon, circus, crescent, mall, piazza, arcade, colonnade, peristyle, cloister, gardens, grove, residences, block of buildings, market place, place, plaza, anchorage, roadstead, roads, dock, basin, wharf, quay, port, harbor, quarter, parish, assembly room, meetinghouse, pump room, spa, watering place, inn, hostel, hostelry, hotel, tavern, caravansary, dak bungalow, khan, hospice, public house, pub, pot house, mug house, gin mill, gin palace, bar, bar room, barrel house, cabaret, chophouse, club, clubhouse, cookshop, dive, exchange, grill room, saloon, shebeen, coffee house, eating house, canteen, restaurant, buffet, cafe, estaminet, posada, almshouse, poorhouse, townhouse, garden, park, pleasure ground, plaisance, demesne, cage, terrarium, doghouse, pen, aviary, barn, stall, zoo, urban, metropolitan, suburban, provincial, rural, rustic, domestic, cosmopolitan, palatial, eigner Hert ist goldes Werth, even cities have their graves, ubi libertas ibi patria, home sweet home.


N  summit, summity, top, peak, vertex, apex, zenith, pinnacle, acme, culmination, meridian, utmost height, ne plus utra, height, pitch, maximum, climax, culminating point, crowning point, turning point, turn of the tide, fountain head, water shed, water parting, sky, pole, tip, tip top, crest, crow's nest, cap, truck, nib, end, crown, brow, head, nob, noddle, pate, capsheaf, high places, heights, topgallant mast, sky scraper, quarter deck, hurricane deck, architrave, frieze, cornice, coping stone, zoophorus, capital, epistyle, sconce, pediment, entablature, tympanum, ceiling, attic, loft, garret, house top, upper story, summit conference, summit, peak of achievement, peak of performance, peaks and troughs, peaks and valleys (in graphs), highest &c (high), top, top most, upper most, tiptop, culminating, meridian, meridional, capital, head, polar, supreme, supernal, topgallant, atop, at the top of the tree, en flute, fleur deau, summit, summity, top, peak, vertex, apex, zenith, pinnacle, acme, culmination, meridian, utmost height, ne plus utra, height, pitch, maximum, climax, culminating point, crowning point, turning point, turn of the tide, fountain head, water shed, water parting, sky, pole, tip, tip top, crest, crow's nest, cap, truck, nib, end, crown, brow, head, nob, noddle, pate, capsheaf, high places, heights, topgallant mast, sky scraper, quarter deck, hurricane deck, architrave, frieze, cornice, coping stone, zoophorus, capital, epistyle, sconce, pediment, entablature, tympanum, ceiling, attic, loft, garret, house top, upper story, summit conference, summit, peak of achievement, peak of performance, peaks and troughs, peaks and valleys (in graphs), highest &c (high), top, top most, upper most, tiptop, culminating, meridian, meridional, capital, head, polar, supreme, supernal, topgallant, atop, at the top of the tree, en flute, fleur deau.


albanian capital, algerian capital, american capital, angolan capital, australian capital, austrian capital, belgian capital, block capital, brazilian capital, british capital, bulgarian capital, cambodian capital, canadian capital, capital account, capital cost, capital expenditure, capital gain, capital gains tax, capital letter, capital levy, capital loss, capital of afghanistan, capital of alabama, capital of alaska, capital of antigua and barbuda, capital of argentina, capital of arizona, capital of arkansas, capital of armenia, capital of australia, capital of austria, capital of azerbaijan, capital of bahrain, capital of bangladesh, capital of barbados, capital of belarus, capital of belgium, capital of benin, capital of botswana, capital of brazil, capital of burundi, capital of california, capital of cameroon, capital of canada, capital of cape verde, capital of central africa, capital of chad, capital of chile, capital of colombia, capital of colorado, capital of connecticut, capital of costa rica, capital of cuba, capital of cyprus, capital of delaware, capital of djibouti, capital of ecuador, capital of egypt, capital of estonia, capital of ethiopia, capital of finland, capital of florida, capital of france, capital of gabon, capital of gambia, capital of georgia, capital of ghana, capital of greece, capital of grenada, capital of guatemala, capital of guinea, capital of guinea-bissau, capital of hawaii, capital of hungary, capital of iceland, capital of idaho, capital of illinois, capital of india, capital of indiana, capital of indonesia, capital of iowa, capital of iran, capital of iraq, capital of ireland, capital of israel, capital of italy, capital of jamaica, capital of japan, capital of jordan, capital of kansas, capital of kazakhstan, capital of kentucky, capital of kenya, capital of kuwait, capital of kyrgyzstan, capital of laos, capital of latvia, capital of lebanon, capital of lesotho, capital of liberia, capital of libya, capital of liechtenstein, capital of lithuania, capital of louisiana, capital of luxembourg, capital of madagascar, capital of maine, capital of malawi, capital of malaysia, capital of malta, capital of maryland, capital of massachusetts, capital of mexico, capital of michigan, capital of minnesota, capital of mississippi, capital of missouri, capital of moldova, capital of mongolia, capital of montana, capital of morocco, capital of mozambique, capital of nebraska, capital of nepal, capital of nevada, capital of new hampshire, capital of new jersey, capital of new mexico, capital of new york, capital of new zealand, capital of nicaragua, capital of niger, capital of nigeria, capital of north carolina, capital of north dakota, capital of north korea, capital of northern ireland, capital of norway, capital of ohio, capital of oklahoma, capital of oman, capital of oregon, capital of pakistan, capital of panama, capital of papua new guinea, capital of paraguay, capital of pennsylvania, capital of peru, capital of poland, capital of portugal, capital of qatar, capital of red china, capital of rhode island, capital of romania, capital of rwanda, capital of san marino, capital of saudi arabia, capital of senegal, capital of serbia and montenegro, capital of seychelles, capital of sierra leone, capital of singapore, capital of slovakia, capital of somalia, capital of south africa, capital of south carolina, capital of south dakota, capital of south korea, capital of spain, capital of sri lanka, capital of sudan, capital of suriname, capital of swaziland, capital of sweden, capital of switzerland, capital of syria, capital of taiwan, capital of tajikistan, capital of tanzania, capital of tennessee, capital of texas, capital of thailand, capital of the bahamas, capital of the dominican republic, capital of the netherlands, capital of the philippines, capital of the russian federation, capital of the ukraine, capital of the united kingdom, capital of the united states, capital of tibet, capital of togo, capital of trinidad and tobago, capital of tunisia, capital of turkey, capital of turkmenistan, capital of uganda, capital of uruguay, capital of utah, capital of uzbek, capital of vanuatu, capital of venezuela, capital of vermont, capital of vietnam, capital of virginia, capital of washington, capital of west virginia, capital of western samoa, capital of wisconsin, capital of wyoming, capital of zambia, capital of zimbabwe, capital offense, capital punishment, capital ship, capital stock, cost of capital, cuban capital, czech capital, danish capital, dutch capital, egyptian capital, finnish capital, french capital, german capital, greek capital, haitian capital, hawaiian capital, honduran capital, hungarian capital, indian capital, iranian capital, irish capital, italian capital, jamaican capital, japanese capital, laotian capital, liberian capital, mexican capital, national capital, nicaraguan capital, nigerian capital, operating capital, panamanian capital, provincial capital, return on invested capital, risk capital, russian capital, salvadoran capital, small capital, spanish capital, state capital, turkish capital, united arab emirates's capital, venture capital, working capital