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Found 1 definition: circulate.

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Pos: Verb (usu participle)

Verb circulate has 8 senses

1.  circulate(v = verb.communication) go around, spread - become widely known and passed on; "the rumor spread"; "the story went around in the office"
is one way to go, locomote, move, travel
Sample sentences: Something ----s

2.  circulate(v = verb.communication) broadcast, circularise, circularize, diffuse, disperse, disseminate, distribute, pass around, propagate, spread - cause to become widely known; "spread information"; "circulate a rumor"; "broadcast the news"
is one way to air, bare, publicise, publicize
Derived form noun circulation6
Sample sentences: Somebody ----s something

3.  circulate(v = verb.motion) distribute, pass around, pass on - cause be distributed; "This letter is being circulated among the faculty"
is one way to displace, move
Derived forms noun circular1, noun circulation6, noun circulation1, noun circulation4
Sample sentences: Somebody ----s something; Somebody ----s something to somebody

4.  circulate(v = verb.motion) Array - move through a space, circuit or system, returning to the starting point; "Blood circulates in my veins"; "The air here does not circulate"
is one way to
course, feed, flow, run
Derived forms noun circulation2, adjective circulative1
Sample sentences: Something ----s; Something is ----ing PP

5.  circulate(v = verb.motion) circle - move in circles; Array
is one way to go, locomote, move, travel
Derived forms noun circle4, noun circle8
Sample sentences: Something ----s; Somebody ----s

6.  circulate(v = verb.motion) Array - cause to move in a circuit or system; "The fan circulates the air in the room"
is one way to
displace, move
Derived forms noun circulation5, noun circulation2
Sample sentences: Somebody ----s something; Something ----s something

7.  circulate(v = verb.motion) Array - move around freely; "She circulates among royalty"
is one way to
go, locomote, move, travel
Sample sentences: Something ----s; Somebody ----s; Something is ----ing PP; Somebody ----s something; Somebody ----s PP

8.  circulate(v = verb.change) mobilise, mobilize - cause to move around; "circulate a rumor"
is one way to displace, move
Derived forms noun circulation6, noun circulation5, noun circulation2
Sample sentences: Somebody ----s something; Something ----s something


circulate, v. i. [L. circulatus, p. p. of circulare, v. t., to surround, make round, circulari, v. i., to gather into a circle. See Circle.].

1.  To move in a circle or circuitously; to move round and return to the same point; as, the blood circulates in the body. Boyle. [1913 Webster]

2.  To pass from place to place, from person to person, or from hand to hand; to be diffused; as, money circulates; a story circulates. [1913 Webster]

Circulating decimal. See Decimal. -- Circulating library, a library whose books are loaned to the public, usually at certain fixed rates. -- Circulating medium. See Medium.

circulate, v. t.

   To cause to pass from place to place, or from person to person; to spread; as, to circulate a report; to circulate bills of credit. [1913 Webster]

Circulating pump. See under Pump.
Syn. -- To spread; diffuse; propagate; disseminate.


circulate, v.
1 intr. go round from one place or person etc. to the next and so on; be in circulation.
2 tr. a cause to go round; put into circulation. b give currency to (a report etc.). c circularize.
3 intr. be actively sociable at a party, gathering, etc.

circulating library a small library with books lent to a group of subscribers in turn. circulating medium notes or gold etc. used in exchange.

circulative adj. circulator n.

L circulare circulat- f. circulus CIRCLE



VB  amount to, come to, mount up to, touch the pocket, draw, draw upon, indorse, issue, utter, discount, back, demonetize, remonetize, fiscalize, monetize, circulate, be in circulation, be out of circulation, mint (coins), coin, print (paper currency), inflate, deflate, debase, devalue, revalue, circulate, put in circulation, withdraw from circulation, exchange currencies, change money, charge interest, pay interest, lose interest, amount to, come to, mount up to, touch the pocket, draw, draw upon, indorse, issue, utter, discount, back, demonetize, remonetize, fiscalize, monetize, circulate, be in circulation, be out of circulation, mint (coins), coin, print (paper currency), inflate, deflate, debase, devalue, revalue, circulate, put in circulation, withdraw from circulation, exchange currencies, change money, charge interest, pay interest, lose interest.


VB  turn, bend, wheel, go about, put about, heel, go round to the right about, turn round to the right about, turn on one's heel, make a circle, make a complete circle, describe a circle, describe a complete circle, go through 180 degrees, go through 360 degrees, pass through 180 degrees, pass through 360 degrees, circumnavigate, circumambulate, circumvent, put a girdle round about the earth, go the round, make the round of, wind, circulate, meander, whisk, twirl, twist, make a detour.


VB  rotate, roll along, revolve, spin, turn round, circumvolve, circulate, gyre, gyrate, wheel, whirl, pirouette, twirl, trundle, troll, bowl, roll up, furl, wallow, welter, box the compass, spin like a top, spin like a teetotum, spin out.


VB  publish, make public, make known, speak of, talk of, broach, utter, put forward, circulate, propagate, promulgate, spread, spread abroad, rumor, diffuse, disseminate, evulugate, put forth, give forth, send forth, emit, edit, get out, issue, bring before the public, lay before the public, drag before the public, give out, give to the world, put about, bandy about, hawk about, buzz about, whisper about, bruit about, blaze about, drag into the open day, voice, proclaim, herald, blazon, blaze abroad, noise abroad, sound a trumpet, trumpet forth, thunder forth, give tongue, announce with beat of drum, announce with flourish of trumpets, proclaim from the housetops, proclaim at Charing Cross, advertise, placard, post, post up afficher, publish in the Gazette, send round the crier, raise a cry, raise a hue and cry, raise a report, set news afloat, be published, be public, become public, come out, go about, fly about, buzz about, blow about, get about, get abroad, get afloat, get wind, find vent, see the light, go forth, take air, acquire currency, pass current, go the rounds, go the round of the newspapers, go through the length and breadth of the land, virum volitare per ora, pass from mouth to mouth, spread, run like wildfire, spread like wildfire.