cypress vine(n = noun.plant) indian pink, ipomoea quamoclit, quamoclit pennata, star-glory - tropical American annual climber having red (sometimes white) flowers and finely dissected leaves; naturalized in United States and elsewhere; Array
is a kind of morning glory
allegheny vine, arbor vine, arizona cypress, bald cypress, balloon vine, barbados-gooseberry vine, black cypress pine, black-eyed susan vine, calabar-bean vine, canarybird vine, cantaloup vine, cantaloupe vine, chalice vine, china fleece vine, cinnamon vine, common grape vine, common matrimony vine, coral vine, cross vine, cubeb vine, cucumber vine, cypress, cypress family, cypress pine, cypress sedge, cypress spurge, cypress tree, easter lily vine, goa bean vine, gourd vine, gowen cypress, groundnut vine, guadalupe cypress, guinea gold vine, hottentot bread vine, hottentot's bread vine, italian cypress, jade vine, kiwi vine, kudzu vine, lace-flower vine, lawson's cypress, love vine, madeira vine, matrimony vine, mediterranean cypress, melon vine, mexican cypress, mexican swamp cypress, monterey cypress, montezuma cypress, negro vine, nootka cypress, passionflower vine, peanut vine, pepper vine, pipe vine, pond bald cypress, pond cypress, portuguese cypress, potato vine, prairie gourd vine, pumpkin vine, pygmy cypress, railroad vine, red cypress pine, russian vine, santa cruz cypress, silk vine, silver lace vine, silver vine, soapberry vine, southern cypress, squash vine, squaw vine, staff vine, strainer vine, summer cypress, summer squash vine, swamp cypress, sweet melon vine, sweet potato vine, tara vine, trumpet vine, uruguay potato vine, vase vine, vine, vine cactus, vine maple, vine snake, water vine, watermelon vine, white cypress, white cypress pine, white potato vine, wild potato vine, wild sweet potato vine, winter melon vine, yellow cypress