four-lined leaf bug(n = noun.animal) four-lined plant bug, poecilocapsus lineatus - yellow or orange leaf bug with four black stripes down the back; widespread in central and eastern North America; Array
is a kind of capsid, mirid, mirid bug
is a member of genus poecilocapsus, poecilocapsus
abruptly-pinnate leaf, acerate leaf, acuminate leaf, amplexicaul leaf, assassin bug, bay leaf, bed bug, bible leaf, bijugate leaf, bijugous leaf, bipinnate leaf, birch leaf miner, boat bug, bug, bug eyed, bug out, carpet bug, chinch bug, compound leaf, cone-nosed bug, conenose bug, cordate leaf, coreid bug, crenate leaf, croton bug, cuneate leaf, decompound leaf, deltoid leaf, dentate leaf, denticulate leaf, elliptic leaf, elongate leaf, emarginate leaf, ensiform leaf, entire leaf, erose leaf, even-pinnate leaf, fig leaf, flannel leaf, floral leaf, four-lined plant bug, giant water bug, gold leaf, hastate leaf, japanese leaf, june bug, kissing bug, lace bug, lanceolate leaf, leaf, leaf beet, leaf beetle, leaf blade, leaf blight, leaf bud, leaf bug, leaf cast, leaf cutter, leaf disease, leaf fat, leaf form, leaf insect, leaf lard, leaf lettuce, leaf miner, leaf mold, leaf mould, leaf mustard, leaf out, leaf roller, leaf scorch, leaf shape, leaf soil, leaf spring, leaf-foot bug, leaf-footed bug, lightning bug, linear leaf, lion's leaf, lobed leaf, lygaeid bug, lygus bug, lyrate leaf, may bug, mealy bug, millennium bug, mirid bug, oak leaf, oak leaf cluster, oblanceolate leaf, oblong leaf, obovate leaf, obtuse leaf, odd-pinnate leaf, orbiculate leaf, ovate leaf, paint leaf, painted leaf, palmate leaf, pandurate leaf, panduriform leaf, parallel-veined leaf, parted leaf, pedate leaf, peltate leaf, perfoliate leaf, pill bug, pinacate bug, pine leaf aphid, pinnate leaf, plant bug, potato bug, prickly-edged leaf, quinquefoliate leaf, reniform leaf, rose bug, runcinate leaf, sagittiform leaf, satin leaf, scale leaf, sea bug, seed leaf, serrate leaf, simple leaf, sow bug, spatulate leaf, squash bug, sumatra leaf, tansy leaf aster, tarnished plant bug, tea leaf, trifoliolate leaf, true bug, turn over a new leaf, walking leaf, water bug, wheel bug, year 2000 bug