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Found 1 definition: leaf lettuce.

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Noun leaf lettuce has 2 senses

1.  leaf lettuce(n = noun.plant) lactuca sativa crispa - distinguished by leaves having curled or incised leaves forming a loose rosette that does not develop into a compact head; Array
is a kind of lettuce
has parts: leaf lettuce, loose-leaf lettuce

2.  leaf lettuce(n = noun.food) loose-leaf lettuce - lettuce with loosely curled leaves that do not form a compact head; Array
is a kind of lettuce
is a part of lactuca sativa crispa, leaf lettuce


abruptly-pinnate leaf, acerate leaf, acuminate leaf, amplexicaul leaf, bay leaf, bibb lettuce, bible leaf, bijugate leaf, bijugous leaf, bipinnate leaf, birch leaf miner, boston lettuce, butterhead lettuce, common lettuce, compound leaf, cordate leaf, cos lettuce, crenate leaf, crisphead lettuce, cuneate leaf, decompound leaf, deltoid leaf, dentate leaf, denticulate leaf, elliptic leaf, elongate leaf, emarginate leaf, ensiform leaf, entire leaf, erose leaf, even-pinnate leaf, fig leaf, flannel leaf, floral leaf, four-lined leaf bug, frog's lettuce, garden lettuce, gold leaf, hastate leaf, head lettuce, iceberg lettuce, indian lettuce, japanese leaf, lamb's lettuce, lanceolate leaf, leaf, leaf beet, leaf beetle, leaf blade, leaf blight, leaf bud, leaf bug, leaf cast, leaf cutter, leaf disease, leaf fat, leaf form, leaf insect, leaf lard, leaf miner, leaf mold, leaf mould, leaf mustard, leaf out, leaf roller, leaf scorch, leaf shape, leaf soil, leaf spring, lettuce, linear leaf, lion's leaf, lobed leaf, loose-leaf lettuce, lyrate leaf, malheur wire lettuce, miner's lettuce, oak leaf, oak leaf cluster, oblanceolate leaf, oblong leaf, obovate leaf, obtuse leaf, odd-pinnate leaf, orbiculate leaf, ovate leaf, paint leaf, painted leaf, palmate leaf, pandurate leaf, panduriform leaf, parallel-veined leaf, parted leaf, pedate leaf, peltate leaf, perfoliate leaf, pine leaf aphid, pinnate leaf, prickly lettuce, prickly-edged leaf, quinquefoliate leaf, reniform leaf, romaine lettuce, runcinate leaf, sagittiform leaf, satin leaf, scale leaf, sea lettuce, seed leaf, serrate leaf, simple leaf, spatulate leaf, stem lettuce, sumatra leaf, tansy leaf aster, tea leaf, trifoliolate leaf, turn over a new leaf, walking leaf, water lettuce, white lettuce