1. lace(n = noun.artifact) lacing - a cord that is drawn through eyelets or around hooks in order to draw together two edges (as of a shoe or garment); Array
is a kind of cord
is a part of shoe
has particulars: bootlace, shoe lace, shoe string, shoelace, shoestring
Derived form verb lace4
2. lace(n = noun.artifact) Array - a delicate decorative fabric woven in an open web of symmetrical patterns; Array
is a kind of cloth, fabric, material, textile
has particulars: brussels lace, filet, macrame, bobbin lace, pillow lace, needlepoint, point lace
Derived forms verb lace3, verb lace2, adjective lacy1
1. lace(v = verb.contact) enlace, entwine, interlace, intertwine, twine - spin,wind, or twist together; "intertwine the ribbons"; "Twine the threads into a rope"; "intertwined hearts"
is one way to distort, twine, twist
Sample sentences:
Somebody ----s something
2. lace(v = verb.creation) braid, plait - make by braiding or interlacing; "lace a tablecloth"
is one way to tissue, weave
Derived form noun lace2
Sample sentences:
Somebody ----s something
3. lace(v = verb.creation) Array - do lacework; "The Flemish women were lacing in front of the cathedral"
is one way to tissue, weave
Derived form noun lace2
Sample sentences:
They lace the cape
4. lace(v = verb.contact) lace up - draw through eyes or holes; "lace the shoelaces"
is one way to bind, tie
Derived forms noun lace1, noun lacer1, noun lacing2
Sample sentences:
Somebody ----s something
5. lace(v = verb.change) fortify, spike - add alcohol to (beverages); "the punch is spiked!"
is one way to alter, change, modify
Derived form noun lacing1
Sample sentences:
Somebody ----s something; Something ----s something
1. That which binds or holds, especially by being interwoven; a string, cord, or band, usually one passing through eyelet or other holes, and used in drawing and holding together parts of a garment, of a shoe, of a machine belt, etc. [1913 Webster]
"His hat hung at his back down by a lace." [1913 Webster]
"For striving more, the more in laces strong
Himself he tied." [1913 Webster]
2. A snare or gin, especially one made of interwoven cords; a net. Fairfax. [1913 Webster]
"Vulcanus had caught thee [Venus] in his lace." [1913 Webster]
3. A fabric of fine threads of linen, silk, cotton, etc., often ornamented with figures; a delicate tissue of thread, much worn as an ornament of dress. [1913 Webster]
"Our English dames are much given to the wearing of costly laces." [1913 Webster]
4. Spirits added to coffee or some other beverage. Addison. [1913 Webster]
1. To fasten with a lace; to draw together with a lace passed through eyelet holes; to unite with a lace or laces, or, figuratively. with anything resembling laces. Shak. [1913 Webster]
"When Jenny's stays are newly laced." [1913 Webster]
2. To adorn with narrow strips or braids of some decorative material; as, cloth laced with silver. Shak. [1913 Webster]
3. To beat; to lash; to make stripes on. [1913 Webster]
"I'll lace your coat for ye." [1913 Webster]
4. To add something to (a food or beverage) so as to impart flavor, pungency, or some special quality; as, to lace a punch with alcohol; to lace the Kool-Aid with LSD. [1913 Webster]
5. To twine or draw as a lace; to interlace; to intertwine. [Webster 1913 Suppl.]
"The Gond . . . picked up a trail of the Karela, the vine that bears the bitter wild gourd, and laced it to and fro across the temple door." [Webster 1913 Suppl.]
To be fastened with a lace, or laces; as, these boots lace. [1913 Webster]
lace, n. & v.
1 a fine open fabric, esp. of cotton or silk, made by weaving thread in patterns and used esp. to trim blouses, underwear, etc.
2 a cord or leather strip passed through eyelets or hooks on opposite sides of a shoe, corsets, etc., pulled tight and fastened.
3 braid used for trimming esp. dress uniform (gold lace).
1 tr. (usu. foll. by up) a fasten or tighten (a shoe, corsets, etc.) with a lace or laces. b compress the waist of (a person) with a laced corset.
2 tr. flavour or fortify (coffee, beer, etc.) with a dash of spirits.
3 tr. (usu. foll. by with) a streak (a sky etc.) with colour (cheek laced with blood). b interlace or embroider (fabric) with thread etc.
4 tr. & (foll. by into) intr. colloq. lash, beat, defeat.
5 tr. (often foll. by through) pass (a shoelace etc.) through.
6 tr. trim with lace.
lace-glass Venetian glass with lacelike designs. lace-pillow a cushion placed on the lap and providing support in lacemaking. lace-up
--n. a shoe fastened with a lace.
--attrib.adj. (of a shoe etc.) fastened by a lace or laces.
ME f. OF laz, las, lacier ult. f. L laqueus noose
VB join, unite, conjoin, connect, associate, put together, lay together, clap together, hang together, lump together, hold together, piece together, tack together, fix together, bind up together together, embody, reembody, roll into one, attach, fix, affix, saddle on, fasten, bind, secure, clinch, twist, make fast, tie, pinion, string, strap, sew, lace, tat, stitch, tack, knit, button, buckle, hitch, lash, truss, bandage, braid, splice, swathe, gird, tether, moor, picket, harness, chain, fetter, lock, latch, belay, brace, hook, grapple, leash, couple, accouple, link, yoke, bracket, marry, bridge over, span, braze, pin, nail, bolt, hasp, clasp, clamp, crimp, screw, rivet, impact, solder, set, weld together, fuse together, wedge, rabbet, mortise, miter, jam, dovetail, enchase, graft, ingraft, inosculate, entwine, intwine, interlink, interlace, intertwine, intertwist, interweave, entangle, twine round, belay, tighten, trice up, screw up, be joined, hang together, hold together, cohere.
VB punish, chastise, chasten, castigate, correct, inflict punishment, administer correction, deal retributive justice, cowhide, lambaste, visit upon, pay, pay out, serve out, do for, make short work of, give a lesson to, serve one right, make an example of, have a rod in pickle for, give it one, strike, deal a blow to, administer the lash, smite, slap, slap the face, smack, cuff, box the ears, spank, thwack, thump, beat, lay on, swinge, buffet, thresh, thrash, pummel, drub, leather, trounce, sandbag, baste, belabor, lace, lace one's jacket, dress, dress down, give a dressing, trim, warm, wipe, tund, cob, bang, strap, comb, lash, lick, larrup, wallop, whop, flog, scourge, whip, birch, cane, give the stick, switch, flagellate, horsewhip, bastinado, towel, rub down with an oaken towel, rib roast, dust one's jacket, fustigate, pitch into, lay about one, beat black and blue, beat to a mummy, beat to a jelly, give a black eye, tar and feather, pelt, stone, lapidate, masthead, keelhaul, execute, bring to the block, bring to the gallows, behead, decapitate, guillotine, decollate, hang, turn off, gibbet, bowstring, hang draw and quarter, shoot, decimate, burn, break on the wheel, crucify, empale, impale, flay, lynch, electrocute, gas, send to the gas chamber, torture, put on, put to the rack, picket, banish, exile, transport, expel, ostracize, rusticate, drum out, dismiss, disbar, disbench, strike off the roll, unfrock, post, suffer, suffer for, suffer punishment, be flogged, be executed, suffer the ultimate penalty, be hanged, come to the gallows, mount the gallows, swing, twist in the wind, dance upon nothing, die in one's shoes, be rightly served, be electrocuted, fry, ride the lightning, face the firing squad.
N ornament, floridness c, adj, turgidity, turgescence, altiloquence, declamation, teratology, well-rounded periods, elegance, orotundity, inversion, antithesis, alliteration, paronomasia, figurativeness, flourish, flowers of speech, flowers of rhetoric, frills of style, euphuism, euphemism, big-sounding words, high-sounding words, macrology, sesquipedalia verba, Alexandrine, inflation, pretension, rant, bombast, fustian, prose run mad, fine writing, sesquipedality, Minerva press, phrasemonger, euphuist, euphemist, ornament, beautified, ornate, florid, rich, flowery, euphuistic, euphemistic, sonorous, high-sounding, big-sounding, inflated, swelling, tumid, turgid, turgescent, pedantic, pompous, stilted, orotund, high flown, high flowing, sententious, rhetorical, declamatory, grandiose, grandiloquent, magniloquent, altiloquent, sesquipedal, sesquipedalian, Johnsonian, mouthy, bombastic, fustian, frothy, flashy, flaming, antithetical, alliterative, figurative, artificial, ore rutundo, ornament, ornamentation, ornamental art, ornature, ornateness, adornment, decoration, embellishment, architecture, jewelry, garnish, polish, varnish, French polish, veneer, japanning, lacquer, gilding, plating, ormolu, enamel, cloisonn_e, cosmetics (in general), makeup, eye shadow, rouge, face powder, lipstick, blush, pattern, diaper, powdering, paneling, graining, pargeting, detail, repousse (convexity), texture, richness, tracery, molding, fillet, listel, strapwork, coquillage, flourish, fleur-de-lis, arabesque, fret, anthemion, egg and tongue, egg and dart, astragal, zigzag, acanthus, cartouche, pilaster, bead, beading, champleve ware, cloisonne ware, frost work, Moresque, Morisco, tooling, embroidery, brocade, brocatelle, galloon, lace, fringe, trapping, border, edging, trimming, hanging, tapestry, arras, millinery, ermine, drap d'or, wreath, festoon, garland, chaplet, flower, nosegay, bouquet, posy, daisies pied and violets blue, tassel knot, shoulder knot, apaulette, epaulet, aigulet, frog, star, rosette, bow, feather, plume, pompom, panache, aigrette, finery, frippery, gewgaw, gimcrack, tinsel, spangle, clinquant, pinchbeck, paste, excess of ornament, gaud, pride, illustration, illumination, vignette, fleuron, head piece, tail piece, cul-de-lampe, flowers of rhetoric, work of art, ornamented, beautified, ornate, rich, gilt, begilt, tesselated, festooned, champleve, cloisonne, topiary, smart, gay, trickly, flowery, glittering, new gilt, new spangled, fine as a Mayday queen, fine as a fivepence, fine as a carrot fresh scraped, pranked out, bedight, well-groomed, in full dress, dressed to kill, dressed to the nines, dressed to advantage, in Sunday best, en grand tenue, en grande toilette, in best bib and tucker, endimanche, showy, flashy, gaudy, garish, gairish, gorgeous, ornamental, decorative, becoming.
N crossing, intersection, interdigitation, decussation, transversion, convolution, level crossing, reticulation, network, inosculation, anastomosis, intertexture, mortise, net, plexus, web, mesh, twill, skein, sleeve, felt, lace, wicker, mat, matting, plait, trellis, wattle, lattice, grating, grille, gridiron, tracery, fretwork, filigree, reticle, tissue, netting, mokes, rivulation, cross, chain, wreath, braid, cat's cradle, knot, entangle, cloth, linen, muslin, cambric, crossing, crossed, matted, v, transverse, cross, cruciform, crucial, retiform, reticular, reticulated, areolar, cancellated, grated, barred, streaked, textile, crossbarred, cruciate, palmiped, secant, web-footed, cross, thwart, athwart, transversely, at grade, crosswise.
VB cross, decussate, intersect, interlace, intertwine, intertwist, interweave, interdigitate, interlink, twine, entwine, weave, inweave, twist, wreathe, anastomose, inosculate, dovetail, splice, link, lace, tat, mat, plait, plat, braid, felt, twill, tangle, entangle, ravel, net, knot, dishevel, raddle.