lean(n = noun.attribute) inclination, leaning, list, tilt - the property possessed by a line or surface that departs from the vertical; "the tower had a pronounced tilt"; "the ship developed a list to starboard"; "he walked with a heavy inclination to the right"
is a kind of position, spatial relation
Derived forms verb lean2, verb lean1
1. lean(v = verb.motion) angle, slant, tilt, tip - to incline or bend from a vertical position; "She leaned over the banister"
is one way to bend, flex
Derived forms noun lean1, noun leaner1
Sample sentences:
Something ----s; Something is ----ing PP; Somebody ----s PP
2. lean(v = verb.contact) Array - cause to lean or incline; "He leaned his rifle against the wall"
is one way to lay, place, pose, position, put, set
Derived forms noun lean1, noun leaner1
Sample sentences:
They lean their rifles on the cabinet
3. lean(v = verb.stative) be given, incline, run, tend - have a tendency or disposition to do or be something; be inclined; "She tends to be nervous before her lectures"; "These dresses run small"; "He inclined to corpulence"
is one way to be
Sample sentences:
Somebody ----s to INFINITIVE
4. lean(v = verb.cognition) Array - rely on for support; "We can lean on this man"
is one way to bank, rely, swear, trust
Sample sentences:
Somebody ----s somebody; Something ----s somebody
5. lean(v = verb.motion) list - cause to lean to the side; "Erosion listed the old tree"
is one way to move
Sample sentences:
Something ----s something
1. lean(a = adj.all) thin - lacking excess flesh; "you can't be too rich or too thin"; "Yon Cassius has a lean and hungry look"
Derived form noun leanness2
2. lean(a = adj.all) Array - lacking in mineral content or combustible material; "lean ore"; "lean fuel"
Antonym: rich
Derived form noun leanness1
3. lean(s = adj.all) skimpy - containing little excess; "a lean budget"; "a skimpy allowance"
Derived form noun leanness1
4. lean(s = adj.all) Array - not profitable or prosperous; "a lean year"
Derived form noun leanness1
To conceal. Ray. [1913 Webster]
1. To incline, deviate, or bend, from a vertical position; to be in a position thus inclining or deviating; as, she leaned out at the window; a leaning column. Dickens. [1913 Webster]
2. To incline in opinion or desire; to conform in conduct; -- with
"They delight rather to lean to their old customs." [1913 Webster]
3. To rest or rely, for support, comfort, and the like; -- with
"He leaned not on his fathers but himself." [1913 Webster]
To cause to lean; to incline; to support or rest. Mrs. Browning. [1913 Webster]
"His fainting limbs against an oak he leant." [1913 Webster]
1. Wanting flesh; destitute of or deficient in fat; slim; not plump; slender; meager; thin; lank; as, a lean body; a lean cattle. [1913 Webster]
2. Wanting fullness, richness, sufficiency, or productiveness; deficient in quality or contents; slender; scant; barren; bare; mean; -- used literally and figuratively; as, the lean harvest; a lean purse; a lean discourse; lean wages. Shak. [1913 Webster]
"Their lean and flashy songs." [1913 Webster]
"What the land is, whether it be fat or lean." [1913 Webster]
"Out of my lean and low ability
I'll lend you something." [1913 Webster]
3. Of a character which prevents the compositor from earning the usual wages; -- opposed to
1. That part of flesh which consists principally of muscle without the fat. [1913 Webster]
"The fat was so white and the lean was so ruddy." [1913 Webster]
2. Unremunerative copy or work. [1913 Webster]
lean, v. & n.
--v. (past and past part. leaned or leant)
1 intr. & tr. (often foll. by across, back, over, etc.) be or place in a sloping position; incline from the perpendicular.
2 intr. & tr. (foll. by against, on, upon) rest or cause to rest for support against etc.
3 intr. (foll. by on, upon) rely on; derive support from.
4 intr. (foll. by to, towards) be inclined or partial to; have a tendency towards.
--n. a deviation from the perpendicular; an inclination (has a decided lean to the right).
lean on colloq. put pressure on (a person) to act in a certain way. lean over backwards see BACKWARDS. lean-to (pl. -tos) a building with its roof leaning against a larger building or a wall.
lean, adj. & n.
1 (of a person or animal) thin; having no superfluous fat.
2 (of meat) containing little fat.
3 a meagre; of poor quality (lean crop). b not nourishing (lean diet).
4 unremunerative.
--n. the lean part of meat.
lean years years of scarcity.
leanly adv. leanness n.
OE hl{aelig}ne f. Gmc
N narrowness, thinness, narrowness, closeness, exility, exiguity, line, hair's breadth, finger's breadth, strip, streak, vein, monolayer, epitaxial deposition, thinness, tenuity, emaciation, macilency, marcor, shaving, slip, thread paper, skeleton, shadow, anatomy, spindleshanks, lantern jaws, mere skin and bone, middle constriction, stricture, neck, waist, isthmus, wasp, hourglass, ridge, ghaut, ghat, pass, ravine, narrowing, coarctation, angustation, tapering, contraction, narrow, close, slender, thin, fine, thread-like, finespun, gossamer, paper-thin, taper, slim, slight-made, scant, scanty, spare, delicate, incapacious, contracted, unexpanded &c (expand), slender as a thread, emaciated, lean, meager, gaunt, macilent, lank, lanky, weedy, skinny, scrawny slinky, starved, starveling, herring gutted, worn to a shadow, lean as a rake, thin as a lath, thin as a whipping post, thin as a wafer, hatchet-faced, lantern-jawed, attenuated, shriveled, extenuated, tabid, marcid, barebone, rawboned, monomolecular.