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Found 3 definition: northern, jacobs, ladder.

northern top

Pos: Adjective

Noun northern has 1 senses

   northern(n = noun.communication) Array - a dialect of Middle English that developed into Scottish Lallans; Array
is a kind of
middle english

Adjective northern has 4 senses

1.  northern(a = adj.all) Array - in or characteristic of a region of the United States north of (approximately) the Mason-Dixon line; "Northern liberals"; "northern industry"; "northern cities"

2.  northern(s = adj.all) northerly - situated in or oriented toward the north; "the northern suburbs"; "going in a northerly direction"

3.  northern(s = adj.all) northerly - coming from the north; used especially of wind; "the north wind doth blow"; "a northern snowstorm"; "the winds are northerly"
Derived form noun northernness1

4.  northern(a = adj.all) Array - situated in or coming from regions of the north; "the northern hemisphere"; "northern autumn colors"


northern, a. [AS. nor.].

1.  Of or pertaining to the north; being in the north, or nearer to that point than to the east or west. [1913 Webster]

2.  In a direction toward the north; as, to steer a northern course; coming from the north; as, a northern wind. [1913 Webster]

Northern diver. (Zoöl.) See Loon. -- Northern lights. See Aurora borealis, under Aurora. -- Northern spy (Bot.), an excellent American apple, of a yellowish color, marked with red.


northern, adj.
1 of or in the north; inhabiting the north.
2 lying or directed towards the north.

Northern hemisphere the half of the earth north of the equator. northern lights the aurora borealis. Northern States the States in the north of the US.

northernmost adj.

OE northerne (as NORTH, -ERN)



N  contraposition, opposition, polarity, inversion, opposite side, reverse, inverse, counterpart, antipodes, opposite poles, North and South, antonym, opposite (contrariety), opposite, reverse, inverse, converse, antipodal, subcontrary, fronting, facing, diametrically opposite, Northern, septentrional, Boreal, arctic, Southern, Austral, antarctic, over, over the way, over against, against, face to face, vis-a- vis, as poles asunder.


N  direction, management, managery, government, gubernation, conduct, legislation, regulation, guidance, bossism, legislature, steerage, pilotage, reins, reins of government, helm, rudder, needle, compass, guiding star, load star, lode star, pole star, cynosure, supervision, superintendence, surveillance, oversight, eye of the master, control, charge, board of control, command, premiership, senatorship, director, chair, portfolio, statesmanship, statecraft, kingcraft, queencraft, ministry, ministration, administration, stewardship, proctorship, agency, director, directing, hegemonic, at the helm, at the head of, direction, bearing, course, vector, set, drift, tenor, tendency, incidence, bending, trending, dip, tack, aim, collimation, steering steerage, point of the compass, cardinal points, North East, South, West, N by E, ENE, NE by N, NE, rhumb, azimuth, line of collimation, line, path, road, range, quarter, line of march, alignment, allignment, air line, beeline, straight shoot, directed, directed towards, pointing towards, bound for, aligned, with alligned with, direct, straight, undeviating, unswerving, straightforward, North, Northern, Northerly, towards, on the road, on the high road to, en avant, versus, to, hither, thither, whither, directly, straight as an arrow, forwards as an arrow, point blank, in a bee line to, in a direct line to, as the crow flies, in a straight line to, in a bee line for, in a direct line for, in a straight line for, in a bee line with, in a direct line with, in a straight line with, in a line with, full tilt at, as the crow flies, before the wind, near the wind, close to the wind, against the wind, windwards, in the wind's eye, through, via, by way of, in all directions, in all manner of ways, quaquaversum, from the four winds, the shortest distance between two points is a stra.


capital of northern ireland, northern alliance, northern baptist, northern baptist convention, northern bedstraw, northern beech fern, northern bobwhite, northern bog lemming, northern casque-headed frog, northern cricket frog, northern cross, northern dewberry, northern dune tansy, northern europe, northern flying squirrel, northern harrier, northern hemisphere, northern holly fern, northern ireland, northern jacob's ladder, northern lights, northern lobster, northern mammoth, northern mariana islands, northern marianas, northern oak fern, northern oriole, northern parula, northern phalarope, northern pike, northern pin oak, northern pitch pine, northern pocket gopher, northern porgy, northern red oak, northern rhodesia, northern scup, northern sea robin, northern shrike, northern snakehead, northern snow bedstraw, northern spy, northern storm petrel, northern territory, northern white cedar, northern whiting, northern woodsia, united kingdom of great britain and northern irela

Pos: Noun

Noun jacobs has 3 senses

1.  jacobs(n = noun.person) w. w. jacobs, william wymark jacobs - English writer of macabre short stories (1863-1943); Array
is a kind of author, writer

2.  jacobs(n = noun.person) jane jacobs - United States writer and critic of urban planning (born in 1916); Array
is a kind of author, writer

3.  jacobs(n = noun.person) aletta jacobs - Dutch physician who opened the first birth control clinic in the world in Amsterdam (1854-1929); Array
is a kind of doc, doctor, dr., md, medico, physician


aletta jacobs, jane jacobs, w. w. jacobs, william wymark jacobs

Pos: Noun, Verb (usu participle)

Noun ladder has 3 senses

1.  ladder(n = noun.artifact) Array - steps consisting of two parallel members connected by rungs; for climbing up or down; Array
is a kind of
stairs, steps
has parts: rundle, rung, spoke
has particulars: articulated ladder, extension ladder, jack ladder, jacob's ladder, pilot ladder, monkey ladder, rope ladder, scaling ladder, sea ladder, sea steps, step ladder, stepladder

2.  ladder(n = noun.state) Array - ascending stages by which somebody or something can progress; "he climbed the career ladder"
is a kind of
degree, level, point, stage

3.  ladder(n = noun.event) ravel, run - a row of unravelled stitches; "she got a run in her stocking"
is a kind of damage, harm, impairment
Derived form verb ladder1

Verb ladder has 1 senses

   ladder(v = verb.change) run - come unraveled or undone as if by snagging; "Her nylons were running"
is one way to break, come apart, fall apart, separate, split up
Derived form noun ladder3
Sample sentences: Something ----s


ladder, n. [OE. laddre, AS. hl, hl; akin to OFries. hladder, OHG. leitara, G. leiter, and from the root of E. lean, v. Lean, v. i., and cf. Climax.].

1.  A frame usually portable, of wood, metal, or rope, for ascent and descent, consisting of two side pieces to which are fastened cross strips or rounds forming steps. [1913 Webster]
"Some the engines play,
And some, more bold, mount ladders to the fire.
" [1913 Webster]

2.  That which resembles a ladder in form or use; [1913 Webster]
"Lowliness is young ambition's ladder." [1913 Webster]

Fish ladder. See under Fish. -- Ladder beetle (Zoöl.), an American leaf beetle (Chrysomela scalaris). The elytra are silvery white, striped and spotted with green; the under wings are rose-colored. It feeds upon the linden tree. -- Ladder handle, an iron rail at the side of a vertical fixed ladder, to grasp with the hand in climbing. -- Ladder shell (Zoöl.), a spiral marine shell of the genus Scalaria. See Scalaria.


ladder, n. & v.
1 a set of horizontal bars of wood or metal fixed between two uprights and used for climbing up or down.
2 Brit. a vertical strip of unravelled fabric in a stocking etc. resembling a ladder.
3 a a hierarchical structure. b such a structure as a means of advancement, promotion, etc.
--v. Brit.
1 intr. (of a stocking etc.) develop a ladder.
2 tr. cause a ladder in (a stocking etc.).

ladder-back an upright chair with a back resembling a ladder. ladder-stitch transverse bars in embroidery. ladder tournament a sporting contest with each participant listed and entitled to a higher place by defeating the one above.

OE hl{aelig}d(d)er, ult. f. Gmc: cf. LEAN(1)



N  method, way, manner, wise, gait, form, mode, fashion, tone, guise, modus operandi, MO, procedure, path, road, route, course, line of way, line of road, trajectory, orbit, track, beat, tack, steps, stair, staircase, flight of stairs, ladder, stile, perron, bridge, footbridge, viaduct, pontoon, steppingstone, plank, gangway, drawbridge, pass, ford, ferry, tunnel, pipe, door, gateway, channel, passage, avenue, means of access, approach, adit, artery, lane, loan, alley, aisle, lobby, corridor, back-door, back-stairs, secret passage, covert way, vennel, roadway, pathway, stairway, express, thoroughfare, highway, turnpike, freeway, royal road, coach road, broad highway, King's highway, Queen's highway, beaten track, beaten path, horse road, bridle road, bridle track, bridle path, walk, trottoir, footpath, pavement, flags, sidewalk, crossroad, byroad, bypath, byway, cut, short cut carrefour, private road, occupation road, highways and byways, railroad, railway, tram road, tramway, towpath, causeway, canal, street, speedway, adv, how, in what way, in what manner, by what mode, so, in this way, after this fashion, one way or another, anyhow, somehow or other, by way of, via, in transitu, on the high road to, hae tibi erunt artes.


accommodation ladder, aerial ladder, aerial ladder truck, extension ladder, fish ladder, hook and ladder, hook and ladder truck, jack ladder, jacob's ladder, ladder company, ladder truck, monkey ladder, northern jacob's ladder, pilot ladder, rope ladder, scaling ladder, sea ladder, step ladder