patent right(n = noun.attribute) Array - the right granted by a patent; especially the exclusive right to an invention; Array
is a kind of legal right
all right, by right of office, civil right, conjugal right, conjugal visitation right, divine right, divine right of kings, exclusive right, hard right, human right, in her own right, in her right mind, in his own right, in his right mind, in its own right, in one's own right, in their right minds, just right, legal right, letters patent, natural right, not right, own right, patent, patent and trademark office database, patent application, patent ductus arteriosus, patent infringement, patent law, patent leather, patent log, patent medicine, patent of invention, patent office, patent system, preemptive right, property right, put right, radical right, religious right, right, right along, right and left, right angle, right ascension, right atrioventricular valve, right atrium, right atrium of the heart, right away, right bank, right brain, right coronary artery, right field, right fielder, right gastric artery, right gastric vein, right hand, right hand man, right hander, right hemisphere, right mind, right minded, right of action, right of election, right of entry, right of first publication, right of offset, right of privacy, right of re-entry, right of search, right of way, right on, right smart, right sort, right stage, right to an attorney, right to confront accusors, right to due process, right to liberty, right to life, right to privacy, right to speedy and public trial by jury, right to the pursuit of happiness, right to vote, right triangle, right ventricle, right whale, right wing, right winger, riparian right, sense of right and wrong, set right, stage right, subscription right, the right way, undivided right, visitation right, voting right, water right, writ of right