pelecypod(n = noun.animal) bivalve, lamellibranch - marine or freshwater mollusks having a soft body with platelike gills enclosed within two shells hinged together; Array
is a kind of mollusc, mollusk, shellfish
is a member of bivalvia, class bivalvia, class lamellibranchia, class pelecypoda, lamellibranchia
has particulars: clam, cockle, oyster, ark shell, blood clam, mussel, escallop, scallop, scollop, piddock
Derived forms adjective pelecypod1, adjective pelecypodous1
pelecypod(s = adj.all) lamellibranch, pelecypodous - bivalve; Array
Derived form noun pelecypod1
A marine or freshwater mollusk having a soft body with platelike gills enclosed within two shells hinged together; a member of the Pelecypoda. [WordNet 1.5]
same as lamellibranchiate. [WordNet 1.5]