ball, ball and chain, ball bearing, ball boy, ball carrier, ball cartridge, ball club, ball cock, ball fern, ball field, ball game, ball gown, ball hawk, ball hawking, ball nettle, ball nightshade, ball of fire, ball over, ball the jack, ball up, ball valve, baseball play, basketball play, be on the ball, beach ball, billiard ball, bocce ball, bocci ball, boccie ball, bosie ball, bowling ball, breaking ball, camphor ball, cannon ball, change-of-pace ball, child's play, codfish ball, cotton ball, cricket ball, croquet ball, crystal ball, cue ball, curve ball, dirt ball, double play, dramatic play, draw play, eight ball, fair ball, fancy-dress ball, feather ball, field hockey ball, fish ball, fly ball, football play, force play, foul ball, foul play, golf ball, ground ball, gum ball, gutter ball, hair ball, have a ball, in play, jump ball, lacrosse ball, lucille ball, masked ball, masquerade ball, match play, matzah ball, matzo ball, matzoh ball, medal play, medicine ball, melon ball, minie ball, miracle play, morality play, musket ball, mystery play, net ball, ninepin ball, no ball, object ball, on the ball, out of play, passed ball, passing play, passion play, period of play, ping-pong ball, play, play a joke on, play a trick on, play along, play around, play around with, play back, play by ear, play down, play dumb, play false, play group, play havoc with, play hooky, play it by ear, play list, play off, play on, play on words, play out, play possum, play reading, play safe, play the game, play the market, play therapy, play up, play up to, play with fire, playground ball, polo ball, pool ball, popcorn ball, porcupine ball, power play, punching ball, puppet play, rifle ball, roulette ball, rugby ball, running play, safety squeeze play, satyr play, shadow play, skittle ball, smoke ball, soccer ball, spit ball, squash ball, squeeze play, stroke play, submarine ball, suicide squeeze play, tea ball, tennis ball, trap play, triple play, volley ball, whitworth ball, wiffle ball, word play