play hooky(v = verb.stative) bunk off - play truant from work or school; "The boy often plays hooky"
is one way to cut, skip
Sample sentences:
Somebody ----s
baseball play, basketball play, child's play, double play, dramatic play, draw play, football play, force play, foul play, hooky, hooky player, in play, match play, medal play, miracle play, morality play, mystery play, out of play, passing play, passion play, period of play, play, play a joke on, play a trick on, play along, play around, play around with, play back, play ball, play by ear, play down, play dumb, play false, play group, play havoc with, play it by ear, play list, play off, play on, play on words, play out, play possum, play reading, play safe, play the game, play the market, play therapy, play up, play up to, play with fire, power play, puppet play, running play, safety squeeze play, satyr play, shadow play, squeeze play, stroke play, suicide squeeze play, trap play, triple play, word play