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Found 1 definition: rope.

rope top

Pos: Noun, Verb (intransitive), Verb (transitive)

Noun rope has 2 senses

1.  rope(n = noun.artifact) Array - a strong line; Array
is a kind of
has parts: bight
has particulars: bola, brace, brail, bungee, bungee cord, cable, cordage, guide rope, halliard, halyard, halter, hangman's halter, hangman's rope, hemp, hempen necktie, harpoon line, hawser, jump rope, skip rope, skipping rope, lashing, lariat, lasso, reata, riata, prolonge, small stuff, tier, tightrope, trip line
Derived forms verb rope2, verb rope1, adjective ropey1, adjective ropy1

2.  rope(n = noun.artifact) circle, forget me drug, mexican valium, r-2, roach, roofy, rophy - street names for flunitrazepan; Array
is a kind of flunitrazepan, rohypnol

Verb rope has 2 senses

1.  rope(v = verb.contact) lasso - catch with a lasso; "rope cows"
is one way to capture, catch, get
Derived forms noun rope1, noun roper2, noun roper1, noun roping1
Sample sentences: Somebody ----s something

2.  rope(v = verb.contact) leash - fasten with a rope; "rope the bag securely"
is one way to bind, tie
Derived form noun rope1
Sample sentences: Somebody ----s something; Somebody ----s something PP


rope, n. [AS. rāp; akin to D. reep, G. reif ring hoop, Icel. reip rope, Sw. rep, Dan. reb, reeb Goth. skaudaraip latchet.].

1.  A large, stout cord, usually one not less than an inch in circumference, made of strands twisted or braided together. It differs from cord, line, and string, only in its size. See Cordage. [1913 Webster]

2.  A row or string consisting of a number of things united, as by braiding, twining, etc.; as, a rope of onions. [1913 Webster]

3.  The small intestines; as, the ropes of birds. [1913 Webster]

Rope ladder, a ladder made of ropes. -- Rope mat., a mat made of cordage, or strands of old rope. -- Rope of sand, something of no cohession or fiber; a feeble union or tie; something not to be relied upon. -- Rope pump, a pump in which a rapidly running endless rope raises water by the momentum communicated to the water by its adhesion to the rope. -- Rope transmission (Mach.), a method of transmitting power, as between distant places, by means of endless ropes running over grooved pulleys. -- Rope's end, a piece of rope; especially, one used as a lash in inflicting punishment. -- To give one rope, to give one liberty or license; to let one go at will uncheked.

rope, v. i.

   To be formed into rope; to draw out or extend into a filament or thread, as by means of any glutinous or adhesive quality. [1913 Webster]
"Let us not hang like ropingicicles
Upon our houses' thatch.
" [1913 Webster]

rope, v. t.

1.  To bind, fasten, or tie with a rope or cord; as, to rope a bale of goods. [1913 Webster]

2.  To connect or fasten together, as a party of mountain climbers, with a rope. [1913 Webster]

3.  To partition, separate, or divide off, by means of a rope, so as to include or exclude something; as, to rope in, or rope off, a plot of ground; to rope out a crowd. [1913 Webster]

4.  To lasso (a steer, horse). [1913 Webster]

5.  To draw, as with a rope; to entice; to inveigle; to decoy; as, to rope in customers or voters. [1913 Webster]

6.  To prevent from winning (as a horse), by pulling or curbing. [1913 Webster]


rope, n. & v.
1 a stout cord made by twisting together strands of hemp, sisal, flax, cotton, nylon, wire, or similar material. b a piece of this. c US a lasso.
2 (foll. by of) a quantity of onions, ova, or pearls strung together.
3 (in pl., prec. by the) a the conditions in some sphere of action (know the ropes; show a person the ropes). b the ropes enclosing a boxing- or wrestling-ring or cricket ground.
4 (prec. by the) a a halter for hanging a person. b execution by hanging.
1 tr. fasten, secure, or catch with rope.
2 tr. (usu. foll. by off, in) enclose (a space) with rope.
3 Mountaineering a tr. connect (a party) with a rope; attach (a person) to a rope. b (absol.) put on a rope. c intr. (foll. by down, up) climb down or up using a rope.

give a person plenty of rope (or enough rope to hang himself or herself) give a person enough freedom of action to bring about his or her own downfall. on the rope Mountaineering roped together. on the ropes
1 Boxing forced against the ropes by the opponent's attack.
2 near defeat. rope in persuade to take part. rope into persuade to take part in (was roped into doing the washing-up). rope-ladder two long ropes connected by short crosspieces, used as a ladder. rope-moulding a moulding cut spirally in imitation of rope-strands. rope of sand delusive security. rope's end hist. a short piece of rope used to flog (formerly, esp. a sailor) with. rope-walk a long piece of ground where ropes are made. rope-walker a performer on a tightrope. rope-walking the action of performing on a tightrope. rope-yard a rope-making establishment.
1 material obtained by unpicking rope-strands, or used for making them.
2 a piece of this.
3 a mere trifle.

OE rap f. Gmc



N  instrument, machinery, mechanism, engineering, instrument, organ, tool, implement, utensil, machine, engine, lathe, gin, mill, air engine, caloric engine, heat engine, gear, tackle, tackling, rig, rigging, apparatus, appliances, plant, materiel, harness, trappings, fittings, accouterments, barde, equipment, equipmentage, appointments, furniture, upholstery, chattels, paraphernalia, mechanical powers, lever, leverage, mechanical advantage, crow, crowbar, handspike, gavelock, jemmy, jimmy, arm, limb, wing, oar, paddle, pulley, wheel and axle, wheelwork, clockwork, wheels within wheels, pinion, crank, winch, cam, pedal, capstan, wheel, inclined plane, wedge, screw, spring, mainspring, can hook, glut, heald, heddle, jenny, parbuckle, sprag, water wheel, handle, hilt, haft, shaft, heft, shank, blade, trigger, tiller, helm, treadle, key, turnscrew, screwdriver, knocker, hammer, edge tool, borer, vice, teeth, nail, rope, peg, support, spoon, arms, oar, cardiograph, recapper, snowplow, tenpenny, votograph, instrumental, mechanical, machinal, brachial.


N  connection, vinculum, link, connective, connection, junction, bond of union, copula, hyphen, intermedium, bracket, bridge, stepping-stone, isthmus, bond, tendon, tendril, fiber, cord, cordage, riband, ribbon, rope, guy, cable, line, halser, hawser, painter, moorings, wire, chain, string, fastener, fastening, tie, ligament, ligature, strap, tackle, rigging, standing rigging, running rigging, traces, harness, yoke, band ribband, bandage, brace, roller, fillet, inkle, with, withe, withy, thong, braid, girder, tiebeam, girth, girdle, cestus, garter, halter, noose, lasso, surcingle, knot, running knot, cabestro, cinch, lariat, legadero, oxreim, suspenders, pin, corking pin, nail, brad, tack, skewer, staple, corrugated fastener, clamp, U-clamp, C-clamp, cramp, cramp iron, ratchet, detent, larigo, pawl, terret, treenail, screw, button, buckle, clasp, hasp, hinge, hank, catch, latch, bolt, latchet, tag, tooth, hook, hook and eye, lock, holdfast, padlock, rivet, anchor, grappling iron, trennel, stake, post, cement, glue, gum, paste, size, wafer, solder, lute, putty, birdlime, mortar, stucco, plaster, grout, viscum, shackle, rein, prop.


N  freedom, liberty, independence, license, facility, scope, range, latitude, play, free play, full play, free scope, full scope, free stage and no favor, swing, full swing, elbowroom, margin, rope, wide berth, Liberty Hall, franchise, denization, free man, freed man, livery man, denizen, autonomy, self-government, liberalism, free trade, noninterference, Monroe Doctrine, immunity, exemption, emancipation, enfranchisement, affranchisement, free land, freehold, allodium, frankalmoigne, mortmain, bushwhacker, freelance, free thinker, free trader, independent, free, free as air, out of harness, independent, at large, loose, scot-free, left alone, left to oneself, in full swing, uncaught, unconstrained, unbuttoned, unconfined, unrestrained, unchecked, unprevented, unhindered, unobstructed, unbound, uncontrolled, untrammeled, unsubject, ungoverned, unenslaved, unenthralled, unchained, unshackled, unfettered, unreined, unbridled, uncurbed, unmuzzled, unrestricted, unlimited, unmitigated, unconditional, absolute, discretionary, unassailed, unforced, uncompelled, unbiassed, spontaneous, free and easy, at ease, at one's ease, degage, quite at home, wanton, rampant, irrepressible, unvanquished, exempt, freed, freeborn, autonomous, freehold, allodial, gratis, eleutherian, unclaimed, going a begging, freely, ad libitum, ubi libertas ibi patria, free white and twenty-one.


N  scourge, rod, cane, stick, ratan, rattan, birch, birch rod, azote, blacksnake, bullwhack, chicote, kurbash, quirt, rawhide, sjambok, rod in pickle, switch, ferule, cudgel, truncheon, whip, bullwhip, lash, strap, thong, cowhide, knout, cat, cat o'nine tails, rope's end, pillory, stocks, whipping post, cucking stool, ducking stool, brank, trebuchet, trebuket, triangle, wooden horse, iron maiden, thumbscrew, boot, rack, wheel, iron heel, chinese water torture, treadmill, crank, galleys, scaffold, block, ax, guillotine, stake, cross, gallows, gibbet, tree, drop, noose, rope, halter, bowstring, death chair, electric chair, gas chamber, lethal injection, firing squad, mecate, house of correction, goaler, jailer, executioner, electrocutioner, lyncher, hangman, headsman, Jack Ketch.


N  filament, line, fiber, fibril, funicle, vein, hair, capillament, cilium, cilia, pilus, pili, tendril, gossamer, hair stroke, veinlet, venula, venule, wire, string, thread, packthread, cotton, sewing silk, twine, twist, whipcord, tape, ribbon, cord, rope, yarn, hemp, oakum, jute, strip, shred, slip, spill, list, band, fillet, fascia, ribbon, riband, roll, lath, splinter, shiver, shaving, beard, ramification, strand, filamentous, filamentiferous, filaceous, filiform, fibrous, fibrillous, thread-like, wiry, stringy, ropy, capillary, capilliform, funicular, wire-drawn, anguilliform, flagelliform, hairy, taeniate, taeniform, taenioid, venose, venous.


guess rope, guest rope, guide rope, guy rope, hangman's rope, jump rope, ridge rope, rope bridge, rope burn, rope down, rope in, rope ladder, rope off, rope tow, rope up, rope yard, rope yarn, skip rope, skipping rope, towing rope, trail rope