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KS (Revisi Shellabear 2011): Keturunan Dan menurut kaum mereka: kaum Suham, dari Suham. Itulah kaum bani Dan.

AYT: Inilah keluarga suku Dan: Suham, keluarga Suham. Itulah keluarga dari suku Dan.

TB: Inilah bani Dan, menurut kaum mereka: dari Suham kaum orang Suham. Itulah kaum-kaum Dan menurut kaum mereka.

TL: Maka inilah anak-anak laki-laki Dan dengan bangsa-bangsanya: Dari Suham turunlah bangsa Suhami, ia itulah bani Dan dengan bangsanya.

MILT: Inilah keturunan Dan menurut kaum-kaum mereka: dari Suham, kaum orang Suham. Inilah kaum-kaum orang Dan menurut kaum-kaum mereka.

Shellabear 2010: Keturunan Dan menurut kaum mereka: kaum Suham, dari Suham. Itulah kaum bani Dan.

KSKK: Suku Dan, menurut kaum: dari Suham, kaum Suham.

VMD: Kelompok keluarga dalam suku Dan: Suham — kelompok keluarga Suham. Itulah kelompok keluarga dari suku Dan.

BIS: Dari suku Dan: Kaum Suham.

TMV: Suku Dan: puak Suham.

FAYH: Suku Dan: 64.400 orang. Suku ini terdiri dari Bani Suham, putra Dan, menurut nama nenek moyang mereka, yaitu Suham.

ENDE: Inilah bani Dan menurut marga-marga mereka: Dari Sjuham: marga Sjuham. Itulah marga-marga. Dan menurut marga-marga mereka.

Shellabear 1912: Maka inilah anak-anak Dan sekadar segala kaumnya yaitu dari pada Suham kaum bani Suham maka sekalian inilah segala kaum Dan sekadar kaumnya.

Leydekker Draft: 'Inilah segala 'anakh laki-laki Dan pada segala 'isij rumahnja; deri pada SJuham 'isij rumah 'awrang SJuhamij: 'inilah segala 'isij rumah Dan pada segala 'isij rumahnja.

AVB: Keturunan Dan menurut kaum mereka: kaum Suham, daripada Suham. Itulah kaum bani Dan.

TB ITL: Inilah <0428> bani <01121> Dan <01835>, menurut kaum <04940> mereka: dari Suham <07748> kaum <04940> orang Suham <07749>. Itulah <0428> kaum-kaum <04940> Dan <01835> menurut kaum <04940> mereka.

Jawa: Turune Rama Dhan miturut golongane, yaiku: kang saka Rama Suham iku bani Suham. Iya iku golongane turune Rama Dhan.

Jawa 1994: Saka taler Dhan: Turun-Suham;

Sunda: Anak incu ti kaom Dan: Suham.

Madura: Dhari suku Dan: Kaom Suham.

Bali: Sane saking suku Dan, inggih punika: palingsehan Suham.

Bugis: Polé ri suku Dan: Appanna Suham.

Makasar: Battu ri suku Dan: Golongang Suham.

Toraja: Inde sia tu bati’na Dan situru’ pa’rapuanna, iamotu dio mai Suham pa’rapuanna to Suham. Iamote tu pa’rapuanna Dan situru’ pa’rapuanna.

Karo: Suku Dan terpukna eme kap Husim,

Simalungun: Anak ni si Dan mangihutkon ginompar ni sidea: Si Suham, harorohan ni halak Suhami. Ai ma ginompar ni si Dan mangihutkon ginompar ni sidea.

Toba: On do angka anak ni si Dan marompuompu: Si Suham haroroan ni halak Suham i. I ma angka pinompar ni Dan marompuompu.

NETBible: These are the Danites by their families: from Shuham, the family of the Shuhamites. These were the families of Dan, according to their families.

NASB: These are the sons of Dan according to their families: of Shuham, the family of the Shuhamites. These are the families of Dan according to their families.

HCSB: These were Dan's descendants by their clans: the Shuhamite clan from Shuham. These were the clans of Dan by their clans.

LEB: The family descended from Dan was the family of Shuham. This was the family descended from Dan.

NIV: These were the descendants of Dan by their clans: through Shuham, the Shuhamite clan. These were the clans of Dan:

ESV: These are the sons of Dan according to their clans: of Shuham, the clan of the Shuhamites. These are the clans of Dan according to their clans.

NRSV: These are the descendants of Dan by their clans: of Shuham, the clan of the Shuhamites. These are the clans of Dan by their clans.

REB: Danites, by their families: Shuham, the Shuhamite family. These were the families of Dan by their families;

NKJV: These are the sons of Dan according to their families: of Shuham, the family of the Shuhamites. These are the families of Dan according to their families.

KJV: These [are] the sons of Dan after their families: of Shuham, the family of the Shuhamites. These [are] the families of Dan after their families.

AMP: These are the sons of Dan according to their families: of Shuham, the family of the Shuhamites. These are the families of Dan according to their families.

NLT: These were the clans descended from the sons of Dan: The Shuhamite clan, named after its ancestor Shuham.

GNB: The tribe of Dan: the clan of Shuham,

ERV: The family groups from the tribe of Dan were Shuham—the Shuhamite family group. That was the family group from the tribe of Dan.

BBE: These are the sons of Dan by their families: of Shuham, the family of the Shuhamites. These are the families of Dan by their families.

MSG: The sons of Dan by clan: Shuham and the Shuhamite clan. These are the clans of Dan,

CEV: There were 64,400 men from the tribe of Dan; they were all from the clan of Shuham.

CEVUK: There were 64,400 men from the tribe of Dan; they were all from the clan of Shuham.

GWV: The family descended from Dan was the family of Shuham. This was the family descended from Dan.

NET [draft] ITL: These <0428> are the Danites <01835> <01121> by their families <04940>: from Shuham <07748>, the family <04940> of the Shuhamites <07749>. These <0428> were the families <04940> of Dan <01835>, according to their families <04940>.

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