anyrwpov anthropos
Pelafalan: anth'-ro-pos
Asal Mula: from 435 and ops (the countenance, from
3700) man-faced, i.e. a human being
Referensi: TDNT - *:*,59
Jenis: n m
(noun masculine)
Dalam Yunani: anyrwpe 9, anyrwpoi 28, anyrwpoiv 44, anyrwpon 61, anyrwpou 129, anyrwpouv 31, anyrwpov 122, anyrwpw 24, anyrwpwn 99
Dalam TB: manusia 156, orang 128, Manusia 89, seorang 53, orang-orang 19, Orang 16, seorang manusia 6, kepada manusia 5, seorangpun 5, Seorang 4, seseorang 4, laki-laki 3, untuk manusia 2, kepada orang 2, Orang-orang 2, orang itu 2, satu orang manusia 2, dengan seorang 1, Saudara 1, di mata orang 1, dunia 1, Bukan 1, batinku 1, batinmu 1, bukan 1, dengan manusia 1, Siapakah 1, manusia duniawi 1, suami 1, saudara 1, turun-temurun 1, umat manusia 1, warganegara-warganegara 1, pada orang 1, orang jahat 1, yang manusia 1, kepada orang-orang 1, manusia-manusia 1, manusiawi 1, mereka 1, ia 1
Dalam AV: man 552, not tr 4, misc 3
Jumlah: 559
- orang; manusia ( cara manusia, sbg manusia); suami (Mat 19.10); putra (Mat 10.35); hamba (Luk 12.35)
- manusia, suami, laki-laki dewasa
- 1) a human being, whether male or female
1a) generically, to include all human individuals
1b) to distinguish man from beings of a different order
1b1) of animals and plants
1b2) of from God and Christ
1b3) of the angels
1c) with the added notion of weakness, by which man is led
into a mistake or prompted to sin
1d) with the adjunct notion of contempt or disdainful pity
1e) with reference to two fold nature of man, body and soul
1f) with reference to the two fold nature of man, the corrupt
and the truly Christian man, conformed to the nature of God
1g) with reference to sex, a male
2) indefinitely, someone, a man, one
3) in the plural, people
4) joined with other words, merchantman
- from 435 and ops (the countenance; from 3700); man-faced, i.e. a human being: KJV -- certain, man.
see GREEK for 435
see GREEK for 3700
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