Alkitab Mobile SABDA
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TB: Atas titah TUHAN orang Israel berangkat dan atas titah TUHAN juga mereka berkemah; selama awan itu diam di atas Kemah Suci, mereka tetap berkemah.

AYT: Umat Israel berangkat menurut perintah TUHAN dan berkemah menurut perintah TUHAN. Selama awan masih melingkupi Tenda Suci, umat Israel tetap berkemah di situ.

TL: Maka atas firman Tuhan berangkatlah bani Israel dan atas firman Tuhanpun didirikannyalah kemahnya; maka selama segala hari awan itu berhenti di atas kemah sembahyang, tinggallah mereka itu di sana.

MILT: Atas perintah TUHAN (YAHWEH - 03068) bani Israel berangkat, dan atas perintah TUHAN (YAHWEH - 03068) mereka berkemah. Selama awan itu berdiam di atas tabernakel, mereka tetap berkemah.

Shellabear 2010: Berdasarkan firman ALLAH bani Israil berangkat dan berdasarkan firman ALLAH jugalah mereka berkemah. Selama awan itu diam di atas Kemah Suci, mereka pun tetap berkemah.

KS (Revisi Shellabear 2011): Berdasarkan firman ALLAH bani Israil berangkat dan berdasarkan firman ALLAH jugalah mereka berkemah. Selama awan itu diam di atas Kemah Suci, mereka pun tetap berkemah.

KSKK: Orang-orang Israel berangkat atas perintah Yahweh, dan mereka berkemah atas perintah Yahweh pula. Orang-orang Israel tinggal berkemah selama Awan diam di atas Kemah Suci.

VMD: Demikianlah cara TUHAN menunjukkan kepada orang Israel kapan mereka berangkat dan kapan berhenti dan mendirikan kemah. Selama awan itu ada di atas Kemah Suci, umat terus berkemah di tempat itu.

TSI: Atas perintah TUHAN umat Israel berangkat, dan atas perintah TUHAN juga mereka berhenti dan berkemah. Selama awan itu masih diam di atas kemah-Nya, mereka tetap tinggal di tempat itu.

BIS: Atas perintah TUHAN bangsa Israel itu membongkar kemah dan atas perintah TUHAN juga mereka memasangnya kembali. Selama awan itu ada di atas Kemah TUHAN, mereka tetap tinggal di tempat itu.

TMV: Dengan perintah TUHAN, umat itu menggulung khemah, dan dengan perintah-Nya juga mereka memasang khemah. Selama awan itu berada di atas Khemah TUHAN, mereka tetap tinggal di tempat itu.

FAYH: Jadi mereka berangkat atau berhenti menurut perintah TUHAN. Selama awan itu diam di atas Kemah Suci, mereka pun tinggal di tempat situ.

ENDE: Atas firman Jahwe bani Israil berangkat dan atas firman Jahwepun mereka berkemah. Selama awan itu diam atas Kediaman itu merekapun berkemah.

Shellabear 1912: Maka dengan firman Allah juga berjalanlah bani Israel itu dan dengan firman Allah juga didirikannya kemahnya selama awan itu duduk atas kemah sembahyang itu maka tinggallah sekaliannya dengan kemahnya.

Leydekker Draft: 'Atas bunji penjuroh Huwa ber`angkatlah benij Jisra`ejl, dan 'atas bunji penjuroh Huwa bertantaralah marika 'itu: segala harij lamanja, jang padanja dijamlah 'awan 'itu di`atas tampat kadijaman, bertantaralah marika 'itu.

AVB: Maka orang Israel berangkat berpandukan firman TUHAN dan mereka juga berkhemah berpandukan firman TUHAN. Selama awan itu tetap berada di atas Khemah Suci, selama itulah mereka terus berkhemah.

AYT ITL: Umat <01121> Israel <03478> berangkat <05265> menurut <05921> perintah <06310> TUHAN <03068> dan berkemah <02583> menurut <05921> perintah <06310> TUHAN <03068>. Selama <03117> awan <06051> masih melingkupi <05921> Tenda Suci <04908>, umat Israel tetap berkemah <02583> di situ. [<03605> <0834> <07931>]

TB ITL: Atas <05921> titah <06310> TUHAN <03068> orang <01121> Israel <03478> berangkat <05265> dan atas <05921> titah <06310> TUHAN <03068> juga mereka berkemah <02583>; selama <03117> <03605> awan <06051> itu diam <07931> di atas <05921> Kemah Suci <04908>, mereka tetap berkemah <02583>. [<0834>]

TL ITL: Maka atas <05921> firman <06310> Tuhan <03068> berangkatlah <05265> bani <01121> Israel <03478> dan atas <05921> firman <06310> Tuhanpun <03068> didirikannyalah <02583> kemahnya; maka selama segala <03605> hari <03117> awan <06051> itu berhenti <02583> di atas <05921> kemah sembahyang <04908>, tinggallah <02583> mereka itu di sana <02583>.

AVB ITL: Maka orang <01121> Israel <03478> berangkat <05265> berpandukan firman <06310> TUHAN <03068> dan mereka juga berkhemah <02583> berpandukan firman <06310> TUHAN <03068>. Selama <03605> <03117> awan <06051> itu tetap berada <07931> di atas <05921> Khemah Suci <04908>, selama itulah mereka terus berkhemah <02583>. [<05921> <05921> <0834>]

HEBREW: <02583> wnxy <04908> Nksmh <05921> le <06051> Nneh <07931> Nksy <0834> rsa <03117> ymy <03605> lk <02583> wnxy <03068> hwhy <06310> yp <05921> lew <03478> larvy <01121> ynb <05265> weoy <03068> hwhy <06310> yp <05921> le (9:18)

Jawa: Wong Israel anggone budhal awit saka dhawuhe Sang Yehuwah, lan iya awit saka dhawuhe Sang Yehuwah anggone padha lereb.

Jawa 1994: Wong Israèl padha mbedhol lan masang kémahé manut dhawuhé Allah. Selawasé méga mau ana ing sandhuwuré Kémah Suci, bangsa Israèl tetep manggon ing panggonan kono.

Sunda: Boh bobongkarna boh masanggrahanana deui salawasna kudu kalawan timbalan PANGERAN. Sapanjang eta mega nyimbutan keneh Kemah PANGERAN, pasanggrahan urang Israil kudu tetep di tempatna.

Madura: Oreng Isra’il abungkar ban maddek kemah menorot dhabuna PANGERAN. Saabidda ondhem gella’ gi’ badha e attasanna Kemah Socce, oreng Isra’il paggun neng e parkemahanna jareya.

Bali: Bangsa Israele ngancit pakemahannyane wantah malantaran titah Ida Sang Hyang Widi Wasa. Kadi asapunika taler rikalaning jaga nyujukang pakemahan punika, taler malantaran titah Ida Sang Hyang Widi Wasa kewanten. Yening megane nenten magingsir saking Kemah Linggih Ida Sang Hyang Widi Wasa, bangsa Israele tetep makemah ring genahe punika.

Bugis: Nasaba paréntana PUWANGNGE iyaro bangsa Israélié nabongkara’i kémaé sibawa nasaba paréntanato PUWANGNGE napasangngi mennang paimeng. Ri wettu engkana mupa iyaro ellungngé ri yasé’na Kémana PUWANGNGE, tette’i mennang monro ri onrongngéro.

Makasar: Lanri parentaNa Batara nanabongkara’ Kemaya siagang lanri parentaNa todong Batara nanapaenteng ke’nanga ammotere’ anjo Kemaya. Lalang nia’na anjo rammanga irateanna KemaNa Batara, tuli ammantanna ke’nanga anjoreng ri tampaka.

Toraja: Tete dio parentaNa PUANG nake’de’ tu to Israel, sia tete dio parentaNa PUANG anna ma’tenda; lan mintu’ attu nanii gaun dao kema iato, pada duka masainnato nanii torro tu tau iato ma’tenda dio.

Karo: Bangsa e nadingken inganna erkemah rikutken perentah TUHAN, janah arah PerentahNa ka ia majekken kemahna. Kidekah embun e ringan denga i babo Kemah e, bangsa Israel tetap ringan i je.

Simalungun: Ase marguru hubani hata ni Jahowa do bingkat halak Israel, anjaha marguru hubani hata ni Jahowa do sidea marsaran; sadokah marsaran hombun ai i atasni lampolampo ai, marsaran ma sidea.

Toba: Asa marguru tu hata ni Jahowa borhat halak Israel, jala marguru tu hata ni Jahowa nasida marsaro; saleleng mangulon ombun i di atas undungundung i marsaro nasida.

NETBible: At the commandment of the Lord the Israelites would begin their journey, and at the commandment of the Lord they would make camp; as long as the cloud remained settled over the tabernacle they would camp.

NASB: At the command of the LORD the sons of Israel would set out, and at the command of the LORD they would camp; as long as the cloud settled over the tabernacle, they remained camped.

HCSB: At the LORD's command the Israelites set out, and at the LORD's command they camped. As long as the cloud stayed over the tabernacle, they camped.

LEB: At the LORD’S command the Israelites would break camp, and at his command they would set up camp. As long as the column of smoke stayed over the tent, they would stay in the same place.

NIV: At the LORD’s command the Israelites set out, and at his command they encamped. As long as the cloud stayed over the tabernacle, they remained in camp.

ESV: At the command of the LORD the people of Israel set out, and at the command of the LORD they camped. As long as the cloud rested over the tabernacle, they remained in camp.

NRSV: At the command of the LORD the Israelites would set out, and at the command of the LORD they would camp. As long as the cloud rested over the tabernacle, they would remain in camp.

REB: At the command of the LORD they struck camp, and at his command they encamped again, and continued in camp as long as the cloud rested over the Tabernacle.

NKJV: At the command of the LORD the children of Israel would journey, and at the command of the LORD they would camp; as long as the cloud stayed above the tabernacle they remained encamped.

KJV: At the commandment of the LORD the children of Israel journeyed, and at the commandment of the LORD they pitched: as long as the cloud abode upon the tabernacle they rested in their tents.

AMP: At the Lord's command the Israelites journeyed, and at [His] command they encamped. As long as the cloud rested upon the tabernacle they remained encamped.

NLT: In this way, they traveled at the LORD’s command and stopped wherever he told them to. Then they remained where they were as long as the cloud stayed over the Tabernacle.

GNB: The people broke camp at the command of the LORD, and at his command they set up camp. As long as the cloud stayed over the Tent, they stayed in the same camp.

ERV: This was the way the LORD showed the Israelites when to move and when to stop and set up camp. While the cloud stayed over the Holy Tent, the people continued to camp in that same place.

BBE: At the order of the Lord the children of Israel went forward, and at the order of the Lord they put up their tents: as long as the cloud was resting on the House, they did not go away from that place.

MSG: The People of Israel marched at GOD's command and they camped at his command. As long as the Cloud was over The Dwelling, they camped.

CEV: (9:17)

CEVUK: (9:17)

GWV: At the LORD’S command the Israelites would break camp, and at his command they would set up camp. As long as the column of smoke stayed over the tent, they would stay in the same place.

KJV: At the commandment <06310> of the LORD <03068> the children <01121> of Israel <03478> journeyed <05265> (8799)_, and at the commandment <06310> of the LORD <03068> they pitched <02583> (8799)_: as long as <03117> the cloud <06051> abode <07931> (8799) upon the tabernacle <04908> they rested <02583> (8799) in their tents.

NASB: At the command<6310> of the LORD<3068> the sons<1121> of Israel<3478> would set<5265> out, and at the command<6310> of the LORD<3068> they would camp<2583>; as long<3605><3117> as the cloud<6051> settled<7931> over<5921> the tabernacle<4908>, they remained<2583> camped<2583>.

NET [draft] ITL: At <05921> the commandment <06310> of the Lord <03068> the Israelites <03478> <01121> would begin <05265> their journey <05265>, and at <05921> the commandment <06310> of the Lord <03068> they would make camp <02583>; as long as <03117> <03605> the cloud <06051> remained settled <07931> over <05921> the tabernacle <04908> they would camp <02583>.

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