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VMD: “Jadi, kasihilah TUHAN Allahmu. Lakukanlah tugasmu. Taatilah senantiasa hukum, peraturan, serta perintah-perintah-Nya.

AYT: Kamu harus mengasihi TUHAN, Allahmu dengan melakukan perintah, hukum, dan ketetapan-Nya.

TB: "Haruslah engkau mengasihi TUHAN, Allahmu, dan melakukan dengan setia kewajibanmu terhadap Dia dengan senantiasa berpegang pada segala ketetapan-Nya, peraturan-Nya dan perintah-Nya.

TL: Maka sebab itu hendaklah kamu mengasihi akan Tuhan, Allahmu, dan melakukan kebaktian kepada-Nya dan segala hukum-Nya dan syarat-Nya dan undang-undang-Nya pada segala hari.

MILT: "Dan engkau harus mengasihi TUHAN (YAHWEH - 03068), Allahmu (Elohimmu - 0430), dan memelihara perintah-Nya, ketetapan-Nya dan peraturan-Nya selama-lamanya.

Shellabear 2010: Kasihilah ALLAH, Tuhanmu, dan peganglah teguh kewajibanmu pada-Nya, juga ketetapan-ketetapan, peraturan-peraturan, serta perintah-perintah-Nya.

KS (Revisi Shellabear 2011): Kasihilah ALLAH, Tuhanmu, dan peganglah teguh kewajibanmu pada-Nya, juga ketetapan-ketetapan, peraturan-peraturan, serta perintah-perintah-Nya.

KSKK: Maka, kasihilah Yahweh, Allahmu, dan taatilah segala yang diperintahkan-Nya kepadamu: hukum-hukum-Nya, ketetapan-ketetapan-Nya, dan perintah-perintah-Nya.

TSI: Selanjutnya Musa mengajar umat Israel, “Kasihilah TUHAN Allahmu dan taatilah selalu semua perintah, ketetapan, dan hukum-Nya.

BIS: "Cintailah TUHAN Allahmu, dan taatilah selalu segala perintah-Nya.

TMV: "Kasihilah TUHAN, Allah kamu dan patuhi segala hukum-Nya sentiasa.

FAYH: "KAMU harus mengasihi TUHAN, Allahmu, dan setia menaati setiap perintah-Nya.

ENDE: Hendaklah engkau mentjintai Jahwe Allahmu, dan senantiasa mengindahkan pedoman-pedomanNja: ketetapan-ketetapan, keputusan-keputusan dan perintah-perintahNja.

Shellabear 1912: "Sebab itu hendaklah engkau mengasihi Tuhanmu Allah itu serta memeliharakan pesan-Nya dan segala hukum-Nya dan undang-undang-Nya dan segala firman-Nya sediakala.

Leydekker Draft: Karana 'itu haroslah 'angkaw meng`asehij Huwa 'Ilahmu, dan memaliharakan tongguwannja, dan 'ondang-ondangnja, dan hukum-hukumnja, dan pasan-pasannja pada sakalijen harij.

AVB: Maka hendaklah kamu mengasihi TUHAN, Allahmu, dan memegang dengan teguh segala kewajipanmu kepada-Nya, juga segala ketetapan, kanun, serta perintah-Nya.

TB ITL: "Haruslah engkau mengasihi <0157> TUHAN <03068>, Allahmu <0430>, dan melakukan dengan setia <08104> kewajibanmu <04931> terhadap Dia dengan senantiasa <03117> <03605> berpegang pada segala ketetapan-Nya <02708>, peraturan-Nya <04941> dan perintah-Nya <04687>.

Jawa: “Kowe kudu padha tresna marang Pangeran Yehuwah, Gusti Allahmu, lan netepana apa kang dadi kuwajibanmu marang Panjenengane kanthi temen-temen, yaiku sakehe katetepane, pranatane lan pepakene.

Jawa 1994: "Tresnaa marang Pangéran Allahmu, lan nglakonana dhawuhé.

Sunda: "Mana kudu nyaraah ka PANGERAN. Salawasna kudu narurut kana sagala papakon-Na.

Madura: "Ba’na pataresna ka GUSTE Allahna, ban estowagi sakabbinna papakonna.

Bali: “Astiti baktija ring Ida Sang Hyang Widi Wasa, Widin semetone tur tinutinja setata sakancan pidabdab Idane.

Bugis: "Eloriwi PUWANG Allataalamu, sibawa tuli turusiwi sininna parénta-Na.

Makasar: "Kamaseangi Karaeng Allata’alanu, siagang tuli mannurukiko ri sikontu parentaNa.

Toraja: La mukamali’ tu PUANG, Kapenombammu, sia lan mintu’ allo la mukaritutui tu apa Napapassanangko sia iatu aluk Napondok sia atoranNa sia iatu pepasanNa.

Karo: "Kelengilah TUHAN Dibatandu. Ikutkenlah gelgel undang-UndangNa.

Simalungun: Halani ai maningon haholonganmu do Jahowa Naibatamu, anjaha ramotkononmu pambalosion Bani, age aturan-Ni, uhum-Ni pakon tonah-Ni sadokah ham manggoluh.

Toba: (I.) Dibahen i ingkon haholonganmu do Jahowa Debatam, jala radotanmu pangoloion tu Ibana, angka aturanna pe, angka uhumna dohot tonana saleleng ho mangolu.

NETBible: You must love the Lord your God and do what he requires; keep his statutes, ordinances, and commandments at all times.

NASB: "You shall therefore love the LORD your God, and always keep His charge, His statutes, His ordinances, and His commandments.

HCSB: "Therefore, love the LORD your God and always keep His mandate and His statutes, ordinances, and commands.

LEB: Love the LORD your God, and do what he wants you to do. Always obey his laws, rules, and commands.

NIV: Love the LORD your God and keep his requirements, his decrees, his laws and his commands always.

ESV: "You shall therefore love the LORD your God and keep his charge, his statutes, his rules, and his commandments always.

NRSV: You shall love the LORD your God, therefore, and keep his charge, his decrees, his ordinances, and his commandments always.

REB: Love the LORD your God and keep for all time the charge he laid upon you, his statutes, laws, and commandments.

NKJV: "Therefore you shall love the LORD your God, and keep His charge, His statutes, His judgments, and His commandments always.

KJV: Therefore thou shalt love the LORD thy God, and keep his charge, and his statutes, and his judgments, and his commandments, alway.

AMP: THEREFORE YOU shall love the Lord your God and keep His charge, His statutes, His precepts, and His commandments always.

NLT: "You must love the LORD your God and obey all his requirements, laws, regulations, and commands.

GNB: “Love the LORD your God and always obey all his laws.

ERV: “So you must love the LORD your God. You must do what he tells you to do and always obey his laws, rules, and commands.

BBE: So have love for the Lord your God, and give him worship, and keep his laws and his decisions and his orders at all times.

MSG: So love GOD, your God; guard well his rules and regulations; obey his commandments for the rest of time.

CEV: The LORD is your God, so you must always love him and obey his laws and teachings.

CEVUK: Moses said to Israel:The Lord is your God, so you must always love him and obey his laws and teachings.

GWV: Love the LORD your God, and do what he wants you to do. Always obey his laws, rules, and commands.

NET [draft] ITL: You must love <0157> the Lord <03068> your God <0430> and do what he requires <04931>; keep <08104> his statutes <02708>, ordinances <04941>, and commandments <04687> at all <03605> times <03117>.

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