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Found 3 definition: flip, ones, lid.

flip top

Pos: Noun, Verb (usu participle), Verb (intransitive), Adjective

Noun flip has 6 senses

1.  flip(n = noun.act) somersault, somersaulting, somerset, summersault, summerset - an acrobatic feat in which the feet roll over the head (either forward or backward) and return;
is a kind of tumble
has particulars: flip-flop

2.  flip(n = noun.food) - hot or cold alcoholic mixed drink containing a beaten egg;
is a kind of
mixed drink

3.  flip(n = noun.act) - a sudden, quick movement; "with a flip of the wrist"; "the fish flipped over"
is a kind of

4.  flip(n = noun.act) toss - the act of flipping a coin;
is a kind of throw
Derived form verb flip1

5.  flip(n = noun.act) - a dive in which the diver somersaults before entering the water;
is a kind of
dive, diving

6.  flip(n = noun.act) pass, toss - (sports) the act of throwing the ball to another member of your team; "the pass was fumbled"
is a kind of throw
has particulars: centering, snap
Derived forms verb flip6, verb flip5, verb flip4

Adjective flip has 1 senses

   flip(s = adj.all) impudent, insolent, snotty-nosed - marked by casual disrespect; "a flip answer to serious question"; "the student was kept in for impudent behavior"

Verb flip has 11 senses

1.  flip(v = verb.motion) toss - lightly throw to see which side comes up; "I don't know what to do--I may as well flip a coin!"
is one way to turn
Derived form noun flip4
Sample sentences: They flip the coin

2.  flip(v = verb.contact) switch, throw - cause to go on or to be engaged or set in operation; "switch on the light"; "throw the lever"
is one way to engage, lock, mesh, operate
Sample sentences: Somebody ----s something

3.  flip(v = verb.perception) flick, leaf, riff, riffle, thumb - look through a book or other written material; "He thumbed through the report"; "She leafed through the volume"
is one way to peruse
Sample sentences: Somebody ----s PP

4.  flip(v = verb.motion) twitch - toss with a sharp movement so as to cause to turn over in the air;
is one way to move
Derived form noun flip6
Sample sentences: Something ----s; Somebody ----s; Somebody ----s something

5.  flip(v = verb.motion) flick - cause to move with a flick; "he flicked his Bic"
is one way to throw
Derived form noun flip6
Sample sentences: Somebody ----s something

6.  flip(v = verb.contact) pitch, sky, toss - throw or toss with a light motion; "flip me the beachball"; "toss me newspaper"
is one way to fling
Derived form noun flip6
Sample sentences: The children flip the ball

7.  flip(v = verb.contact) - move with a flick or light motion;
is one way to
impel, propel
Derived forms noun flipper2, noun flipper1
Sample sentences: Somebody ----s something; Somebody ----s something PP

8.  flip(v = verb.contact) flip over, turn over - turn upside down, or throw so as to reverse; "flip over the pork chop"; "turn over the pancakes"
is one way to turn
Sample sentences: Something ----s; Somebody ----s; Somebody ----s something; Something ----s something

9.  flip(v = verb.cognition) flip out - react in an excited, delighted, or surprised way; "he flipped when he heard that he was accepted into Princeton University"
is one way to react, respond
Sample sentences: Somebody ----s

10.  flip(v = verb.change) flip out - go mad, go crazy; "He flipped when he heard that he was being laid off"
is one way to change
Sample sentences: Somebody ----s

11.  flip(v = verb.change) alternate, flip-flop, interchange, switch, tack - reverse (a direction, attitude, or course of action);
is one way to change by reversal, reverse, turn
Sample sentences: Something ----s; Somebody ----s something


flip, n. [Cf. Prov. E. flip nimble, flippant, also, a slight blow. Cf. Flippant.].

   A mixture of beer, spirit, etc., stirred and heated by a hot iron. [1913 Webster]

Flip dog, an iron used, when heated, to warm flip.

flip, v. t.

1.  To toss (an object) into the air so as make it turn over one or more times; to fillip; as, to flip up a cent. [1913 Webster]
"As when your little ones
Do 'twixt their fingers flip their cherry stones.
" [1913 Webster]

2.  To turn (a flat object) over with a quick motion; as, to flip a card over; to flip a pancake. [PJC]

3.  To cause (a person) to turn against former colleagues, such as to become a witness for the state, in a criminal prosecution in which the person is a defendant. [PJC]

4.  To resell (an asset) rapidly to make a quick profit. [PJC]

flip, v. i.

   To become insane or irrational; -- often used with out; as, seeing her mother killed made the girl flip out. [PJC]


flip, v., n., & adj.
--v. (flipped, flipping)
1 tr. a flick or toss (a coin, pellet, etc.) with a quick movement so that it spins in the air. b remove (a small object) from a surface with a flick of the fingers.
2 tr. a strike or flick (a person's ear, cheek, etc.) lightly or smartly. b move (a fan, whip, etc.) with a sudden jerk.
3 tr. turn (a small object) over.
4 intr. a make a fillip or flicking noise with the fingers. b (foll. by at) strike smartly at.
5 intr. move about with sudden jerks.
6 intr. sl. become suddenly excited or enthusiastic.
1 a smart light blow; a flick.
2 colloq. a a short pleasure flight in an aircraft. b a quick tour etc.
3 an act of flipping over (gave the stone a flip).
--adj. colloq. glib; flippant.

flip chart a large pad erected on a stand and bound so that one page can be turned over at the top to reveal the next. flip one's lid sl.
1 lose self-control.
2 go mad. flip side colloq. the less important side of a gramophone record. flip through = flick through.

flip, n.
1 a drink of heated beer and spirit.
2 = egg-flip.

perh. f. FLIP(1) in the sense whip up



N  food, eating, deglutition, gulp, epulation, mastication, manducation, rumination, gluttony, hippophagy, ichthyophagy, (appetite), mouth, jaws, mandible, mazard, gob, chops, drinking, potation, draught, libation, carousal, drunkenness, food, pabulum, aliment, nourishment, nutriment, sustenance, sustentation, sustention, nurture, subsistence, provender, corn, feed, fodder, provision, ration, keep, commons, board, commissariat, prey, forage, pasture, pasturage, fare, cheer, diet, dietary, regimen, belly timber, staff of life, bread, bread and cheese, comestibles, eatables, victuals, edibles, ingesta, grub, grubstake, prog, meat, bread, bread stuffs, cerealia, cereals, viands, cates, delicacy, dainty, creature comforts, contents of the larder, fleshpots, festal board, ambrosia, good cheer, good living, beef, bisquit, bun, cornstarch, cookie, cooky, cracker, doughnut, fatling, hardtack, hoecake, hominy, mutton, pilot bread, pork, roti, rusk, ship biscuit, veal, joint, piece de resistance, roast and boiled, remove, entremet, releve, hash, rechauffe, stew, ragout, fricassee, mince, pottage, potage, broth, soup, consomme, puree, spoonmeat, pie, pasty, volauvent, pudding, omelet, pastry, sweets, kickshaws, condiment, appetizer, hors d'oeuvre, main course, entree, alligator pear, apple, apple slump, artichoke, ashcake, griddlecake, pancake, flapjack, atole, avocado, banana, beche de mer, barbecue, beefsteak, beet root, blackberry, blancmange, bloater, bouilli, bouillon, breadfruit, chop suey, chowder, chupatty, clam, compote, damper, fish, frumenty, grapes, hasty pudding, ice cream, lettuce, mango, mangosteen, mince pie, oatmeal, oyster, pineapple, porridge, porterhouse steak, salmis, sauerkraut, sea slug, sturgeon ("Albany beef"), succotash, supawn, trepang, vanilla, waffle, walnut, table, cuisine, bill of fare, menu, table d'hote, ordinary, entree, meal, repast, feed, spread, mess, dish, plate, course, regale, regalement, refreshment, entertainment, refection, collation, picnic, feast, banquet, junket, breakfast, lunch, luncheon, dejeuner, bever, tiffin, dinner, supper, snack, junk food, fast food, whet, bait, dessert, potluck, table d'hote, dejeuner a la fourchette, hearty meal, square meal, substantial meal, full meal, blowout, light refreshment, bara, chotahazri, bara khana, mouthful, bolus, gobbet, morsel, sop, sippet, drink, beverage, liquor, broth, soup, potion, dram, draught, drench, swill, nip, sip, sup, gulp, wine, spirits, liqueur, beer, ale, malt liquor, Sir John Barleycorn, stingo, heavy wet, grog, toddy, flip, purl, punch, negus, cup, bishop, wassail, gin, coffee, chocolate, cocoa, tea, the cup that cheers but not inebriates, bock beer, lager beer, Pilsener beer, schenck beer, Brazil tea, cider, claret, ice water, mate, mint julep, near beer, 2 beer, non- alcoholic beverage, eating house, diner, hippophage, glutton, eatable, edible, esculent, comestible, alimentary, cereal, cibarious, dietetic, culinary, nutritive, nutritious, gastric, succulent, potable, potulent, bibulous, omnivorous, carnivorous, herbivorous, granivorous, graminivorous, phytivorous, ichthyivorous, omophagic, omophagous, pantophagous, phytophagous, xylophagous, across the walnuts and the wine, blessed hour of our dinners!, now good digestion wait on appetite, and health on both!, who can cloy the hungry edge of appetite?.


flip chart, flip flop, flip of a coin, flip one's lid, flip one's wig, flip out, flip over, flip side

ones top


ones, adv.

   Once. Chaucer. [1913 Webster]

lid top

Pos: Noun

Noun lid has 3 senses

1.  lid(n = noun.body) eyelid, palpebra - either of two folds of skin that can be moved to cover or open the eye; "his lids would stay open no longer"
is a kind of protective fold
is a part of eye, oculus, optic
has parts: cilium, eyelash, lash, conjunctiva

2.  lid(n = noun.artifact) - a movable top or cover (hinged or separate) for closing the opening at the top of a box, chest, jar, pan, etc.; "he raised the piano lid"
is a kind of
cover, top
is a part of box, chest, jar
has parts: lock
has particulars: trunk lid

3.  lid(n = noun.artifact) chapeau, hat - headdress that protects the head from bad weather; has shaped crown and usually a brim;
is a kind of headdress, headgear
has parts: brim, crown, hatband
has particulars: bearskin, busby, shako, boater, leghorn, panama, panama hat, sailor, skimmer, straw hat, bonnet, poke bonnet, bowler, bowler hat, derby, derby hat, plug hat, campaign hat, cavalier hat, slouch hat, cocked hat, cowboy hat, ten-gallon hat, deerstalker, beaver, dress hat, high hat, opera hat, silk hat, stovepipe, top hat, topper, dunce's cap, dunce cap, fool's cap, fedora, felt hat, homburg, stetson, trilby, fur hat, millinery, woman's hat, shovel hat, snap-brim hat, sombrero, sou'wester, sun hat, sunhat, titfer, toque, tirolean, tyrolean


lid, n. [AS. hlid, fr. hlīdan (in comp.) to cover, shut; akin to OS. hlīdan (in comp.), D. lid lid, OHG. hlit, G. augenlid eyelid, Icel. hli gate, gateway.

1.  That which covers the opening of a vessel or box, etc.; a movable cover; as, the lid of a chest or trunk. [1913 Webster]

2.  The cover of the eye; an eyelid. Shak. [1913 Webster]
"Tears, big tears, gushed from the rough soldier's lid." [1913 Webster]

3.  The cover of the spore cases of mosses. [1913 Webster]


lid, n.
1 a hinged or removable cover, esp. for the top of a container.
3 the operculum of a shell or a plant.
4 sl. a hat.

put the lid (or tin lid) on Brit. colloq.
1 be the culmination of.
2 put a stop to. take the lid off colloq. expose (a scandal etc.).

lidded adj. (also in comb.). lidless adj.

OE hlid f. Gmc



N  covering, cover, baldachin, baldachino, baldaquin, canopy, tilt, awning, tent, marquee, tente d'abri, umbrella, parasol, sunshade, veil (shade), shield, roof, ceiling, thatch, tile, pantile, pentile, tiling, slates, slating, leads, barrack, plafond, planchment, tiling, shed, top, lid, covercle, door, operculum, bulkhead, bandage, plaster, lint, wrapping, dossil, finger stall, coverlet, counterpane, sheet, quilt, tarpaulin, blanket, rug, drugget, housing, antimacassar, eiderdown, numdah, pillowcase, pillowslip, linoleum, saddle cloth, blanket cloth, tidy, tilpah, apishamore, integument, tegument, skin, pellicle, fleece, fell, fur, leather, shagreen, hide, pelt, peltry, cordwain, derm, robe, buffalo robe, cuticle, scarfskin, epidermis, clothing, mask, peel, crust, bark, rind, cortex, husk, shell, coat, eggshell, glume, capsule, sheath, sheathing, pod, cod, casing, case, theca, elytron, elytrum, involucrum, wrapping, wrapper, envelope, vesicle, corn husk, corn shuck, dermatology, conchology, testaceology, inunction, incrustation, superimposition, superposition, obduction, scale, veneer, facing, overlay, plate, silver plate, gold plate, copper plate, engobe, ormolu, Sheffield plate, pavement, coating, paint, varnish, plating, barrel plating, anointing, enamel, epitaxial deposition, vapor deposition, ground, whitewash, plaster, spackel, stucco, compo, cerement, ointment, covering, superimposed, overlaid, plated, cutaneous, dermal, cortical, cuticular, tegumentary, skinny, scaly, squamous, covered, imbricated, loricated, armor plated, ironclad, under cover, cowled, cucullate, dermatoid, encuirassed, hooded, squamiferous, tectiform, vaginate.


flip one's lid, skid lid, trunk lid