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Found 2 definition: hell, kitchen.

hell top

Pos: Interjection, Noun

Noun hell has 6 senses

1.  hell(n = noun.location) hell on earth, hellhole, inferno, snake pit, the pits - any place of pain and turmoil; "the hell of battle"; "the inferno of the engine room"; "when you're alone Christmas is the pits"
is a kind of part, region

2.  hell(n = noun.event) blaze - a cause of difficulty and suffering; "war is hell"; "go to blazes"
is a kind of trouble

3.  hell(n = noun.cognition) infernal region, inferno, nether region, perdition, pit - (Christianity) the abode of Satan and the forces of evil; where sinners suffer eternal punishment; "Hurl'd headlong...To bottomless perdition, there to dwell"; "a demon from the depths of the pit"; "Hell is paved with good intentions"
is a kind of fictitious place, imaginary place, mythical place
has particulars: gehenna, tartarus, hellfire, red region
Antonym: heaven

4.  hell(n = noun.cognition) hades, infernal region, netherworld, scheol, underworld - (religion) the world of the dead; "No one goes to Hades with all his immense wealth"
is a kind of fictitious place, imaginary place, mythical place
has parts: acheron, river acheron, cocytus, river cocytus, lethe, river lethe, river styx, styx

5.  hell(n = noun.act) sin - violent and excited activity; "they began to fight like sin"
is a kind of activity

6.  hell(n = noun.act) blaze - noisy and unrestrained mischief; "raising blazes"
is a kind of devilment, devilry, deviltry, mischief, mischief-making, mischievousness, rascality, roguery, roguishness, shenanigan


hell, n. [AS. hell; akin to D. hel, OHG. hella, G. hölle, Icel. hal, Sw. helfvete, Dan. helvede, Goth. halja, and to AS. helan to conceal. . Cf. Hele, v. t., Conceal, Cell, Helmet, Hole, Occult.].

1.  The place of the dead, or of souls after death; the grave; -- called in Hebrew sheol, and by the Greeks hades. [1913 Webster]
"He descended into hell." [1913 Webster]
"Thou wilt not leave my soul in hell." [1913 Webster]

2.  The place or state of punishment for the wicked after death; the abode of evil spirits. Hence, any mental torment; anguish. Milton. [1913 Webster]
"It is a knell
That summons thee to heaven or to hell.
" [1913 Webster]

3.  A place where outcast persons or things are gathered [1913 Webster]

Gates of hell. (Script.) See Gate, n., 4.

hell, v. t.

   To overwhelm. Spenser. [1913 Webster]


hell, n.
1 a place regarded in some religions as the abode of the dead, or of condemned sinners and devils.
2 a place or state of misery or wickedness.
3 colloq. used as an exclamation of surprise or annoyance (who the hell are you?; a hell of a mess).
4 US colloq. fun; high spirits.

beat (or knock etc.) the hell out of colloq. beat etc. without restraint. come hell or high water no matter what the difficulties. for the hell of it colloq. for fun; on impulse. get (or catch) hell colloq. be severely scolded or punished. give a person hell colloq. scold or punish or make things difficult for a person. hell-bent (foll. by on) recklessly determined. hell-cat a spiteful violent woman. hell-fire the fire or fires regarded as existing in hell. hell for leather at full speed. hell-hole an oppressive or unbearable place. hell-hound a fiend. hell's angel a member of a gang of male motor-cycle enthusiasts notorious for outrageous and violent behaviour. like hell colloq.
1 not at all.
2 recklessly, exceedingly. not a hope in hell colloq. no chance at all. play hell (or merry hell) with colloq. be upsetting or disruptive to. what the hell colloq. it is of no importance.

hell-like adj. hellward adv. & adj.

OE hel, hell f. Gmc



N  chance, lot, fate, luck, good luck, mascot, speculation, venture, stake, game of chance, mere shot, random shot, blind bargain, leap in the dark, pig in a poke, fluke, potluck, faro bank, flyer, limit, uncertainty, uncertainty principle, Heisenberg's uncertainty principle, drawing lots, sortilegy, sortition, sortes, sortes Virgilianae, rouge et noir, hazard, ante, chuck-a-luck, crack-loo, craps, faro, roulette, pitch and toss, chuck, farthing, cup tossing, heads or tails cross and pile, poker-dice, wager, bet, betting, gambling, the turf, gaming house, gambling house, betting house, bucket shop, gambling joint, totalizator, totalizer, hell, betting ring, dice, dice box, gambler, gamester, man of the turf, adventurer, dicer, fortuitous, unintentional, unintended, accidental, not meant, undesigned, purposed, unpremeditated, unforeseen, uncontemplated, never thought of, random, indiscriminate, promiscuous, undirected, aimless, driftless, designless, purposeless, causeless, without purpose, possible, unforeseeable, unpredictable, chancy, risky, speculative, dicey, randomly, by chance, fortuitously, unpredictably, unforeseeably, casually, unintentionally, unwittingly, en passant, by the way, incidentally, as it may happen, at random, at a venture, at haphazard, acierta errando, dextro tempore, fearful concatenation of circumstances, fortuitous combination of circumstances, le jeu est le fils d'avarice et le pere du desespo, the happy combination of fortuitous circumstances, the fortuitous or casual concourse of atoms, God does not play dice with the universe, chance, indetermination, accident, fortune, hazard, hap, haphazard, chance medley, random, luck, raccroc, casualty, contingence, adventure, hit, fate, equal chance, lottery, tombola, toss up, turn of the table, turn of the cards, hazard of the die, chapter of accidents, fickle finger of fate, cast of the dice, throw of the dice, heads or tails, flip of a coin, wheel of Fortune, sortes, sortes Virgilianae, probability, possibility, odds, long odds, run of luck, accidentalness, main chance, odds on, favorable odds, contingency, dependence (uncertainty), situation (circumstance), statistics, theory of Probabilities, theory of Chances, bookmaking, assurance, speculation, gaming, casual, fortuitous, accidental, adventitious, causeless, incidental, contingent, uncaused, undetermined, indeterminate, random, statistical, possible, unintentional, by chance, accidentally, by accident, casually, perchance, for aught one knows, as good would have it, as bad would have it, as luck would have it, as ill-luck would have it, as chance would have it, as it may be, as it may chance, as it may turn up, as it may happen, as the case may be, grasps the skirts of happy chance, the accident of an accident, There but for the grace of God go I.


N  hell, bottomless pit, place of torment, habitation of fallen angels, Pandemonium, Abaddon, Domdaniel, jahannan, sheol, hell fire, everlasting fire, everlasting torment, eternal damnation, lake of fire and brimstone, fire that is never quenched, worm that never dies, purgatory, limbo, gehenna, abyss, Tartarus, Hades, Avernus, Styx, Stygian creek, pit of Acheron, Cocytus, infernal regions, inferno, shades below, realms of Pluto, Pluto, Rhadamanthus, Erebus, Tophet, hellish, infernal, stygian, dies irae dies illa, the hue of dungeons and the scowl of night.


N  depth, deepness, profundity, depression, hollow, pit, shaft, well, crater, gulf, bowels of the earth, botttomless pit, hell, soundings, depth of water, water, draught, submersion, plummet, sound, probe, sounding rod, sounding line, lead, bathymetry, sonar, side-looking sonar, bathometer, deep, deep seated, profound, sunk, buried, submerged, subaqueous, submarine, subterranean, subterraneous, subterrene, underground, bottomless, soundless, fathomless, unfathomed, unfathomable, abysmal, deep as a well, bathycolpian, benthal, benthopelagic, downreaching, yawning, knee deep, ankle deep, beyond one's depth, out of one's depth, over head and ears, mark twine, mark twain.


come hell or high water, gambling hell, hell bent, hell dust, hell on earth, hell raiser, hell raising, hell to pay, like hell, raise hell, raising hell

kitchen top

Pos: Noun

Noun kitchen has 1 senses

   kitchen(n = noun.artifact) - a room equipped for preparing meals;
is a kind of
is a part of abode, domicile, dwelling, dwelling house, habitation, home
has particulars: caboose, cookhouse, galley, ship's galley, galley, kitchenette


kitchen, n. [OE. kichen, kichene, kuchene, AS. cycene, L. coquina, equiv. to culina a kitchen, fr. coquinus pertaining to cooking, fr. coquere to cook. See Cook to prepare food, and cf. Cuisine.].

1.  A room equipped for cooking food; the room of a house, restaurant, or other building appropriated to cookery. [1913 Webster]
"Cool was his kitchen, though his brains were hot." [1913 Webster]
"A fat kitchen makes a lean will." [1913 Webster]

2.  A utensil for roasting meat; as, a tin kitchen. [1913 Webster]

3.  The staff that works in a kitchen. [PJC]

Kitchen garden. See under Garden. -- Kitchen lee, dirty soapsuds. [Obs.] “A brazen tub of kitchen lee.” Ford. -- Kitchen stuff, fat collected from pots and pans. Donne.

kitchen, v. t.

   To furnish food to; to entertain with the fare of the kitchen. Shak. [1913 Webster]


kitchen, n.
1 the room or area where food is prepared and cooked.
2 (attrib.) of or belonging to the kitchen (kitchen knife; kitchen table).
3 sl. the percussion section of an orchestra.

everything but the kitchen sink everything imaginable. kitchen cabinet a group of unofficial advisers thought to be unduly influential. kitchen garden a garden where vegetables and sometimes fruit or herbs are grown. kitchen midden a prehistoric refuse-heap which marks an ancient settlement, chiefly containing bones, seashells, etc. kitchen-sink (in art forms) depicting extreme realism, esp. drabness or sordidness (kitchen-sink school of painting; kitchen-sink drama). kitchen tea Austral. & NZ a party held before a wedding to which female guests bring items of kitchen equipment as presents.

OE cycene f. L coquere cook



N  workshop, workhouse, workplace, shop, place of business, manufactory, mill, plant, works, factory, cabinet, studio, office, branch office bureau, atelier, hive, hive of industry, nursery, hothouse, hotbed, kitchen, mint, forge, loom, dock, dockyard, alveary, armory, laboratory, lab, research institute, refinery, cannery, power plant, beauty parlor, beehive, bindery, forcing pit, nailery, usine, slip, yard, wharf, foundry, foundery, furnace, vineyard, crucible, alembic, caldron, matrix, at work, at the office, at the shop, working.


N  receptacle, inclosure, recipient, receiver, reservatory, compartment, cell, cellule, follicle, hole, corner, niche, recess, nook, crypt, stall, pigeonhole, cove, oriel, cave, capsule, vesicle, cyst, pod, calyx, cancelli, utricle, bladder, pericarp, udder, stomach, paunch, venter, ventricle, crop, craw, maw, gizzard, breadbasket, mouth, pocket, pouch, fob, sheath, scabbard, socket, bag, sac, sack, saccule, wallet, cardcase, scrip, poke, knit, knapsack, haversack, sachel, satchel, reticule, budget, net, ditty bag, ditty box, housewife, hussif, saddlebags, portfolio, quiver, chest, box, coffer, caddy, case, casket, pyx, pix, caisson, desk, bureau, reliquary, trunk, portmanteau, band-box, valise, grip, grip sack, skippet, vasculum, boot, imperial, vache, cage, manger, rack, vessel, vase, bushel, barrel, canister, jar, pottle, basket, pannier, buck-basket, hopper, maund, creel, cran, crate, cradle, bassinet, wisket, whisket, jardiniere, corbeille, hamper, dosser, dorser, tray, hod, scuttle, utensil, brazier, cuspidor, spittoon, cistern, vat, caldron, barrel, cask, drum, puncheon, keg, rundlet, tun, butt, cag, firkin, kilderkin, carboy, amphora, bottle, jar, decanter, ewer, cruse, caraffe, crock, kit, canteen, flagon, demijohn, flask, flasket, stoup, noggin, vial, phial, cruet, caster, urn, epergne, salver, patella, tazza, patera, pig gin, big gin, tyg, nipperkin, pocket pistol, tub, bucket, pail, skeel, pot, tankard, jug, pitcher, mug, pipkin, galipot, gallipot, matrass, receiver, retort, alembic, bolthead, capsule, can, kettle, bowl, basin, jorum, punch bowl, cup, goblet, chalice, tumbler, glass, rummer, horn, saucepan, skillet, posnet, tureen, beaker, flask, Erlenmeyer flask, Florence flask, round-bottom flask, graduated cylinder, test tube, culture tube, pipette, Pasteur pipette, disposable pipette, syringe, vial, carboy, vacuum flask, Petri dish, microtiter tray, centrifuge tube, bail, beaker, billy, canakin, catch basin, catch drain, chatti, lota, mussuk, schooner, spider, terrine, toby, urceus, plate, platter, dish, trencher, calabash, porringer, potager, saucer, pan, crucible, glassware, tableware, vitrics, compote, gravy boat, creamer, sugar bowl, butter dish, mug, pitcher, punch bowl, chafing dish, shovel, trowel, spoon, spatula, ladle, dipper, tablespoon, watch glass, thimble, closet, commode, cupboard, cellaret, chiffonniere, locker, bin, bunker, buffet, press, clothespress, safe, sideboard, drawer, chest of drawers, chest on chest, highboy, lowboy, till, scrutoire, secretary, secretaire, davenport, bookcase, cabinet, canterbury, escritoire, etagere, vargueno, vitrine, chamber, apartment, room, cabin, office, court, hall, atrium, suite of rooms, apartment, flat, story, saloon, salon, parlor, by-room, cubicle, presence chamber, sitting room, best room, keeping room, drawing room, reception room, state room, gallery, cabinet, closet, pew, box, boudoir, adytum, sanctum, bedroom, dormitory, refectory, dining room, salle-a-manger, nursery, schoolroom, library, study, studio, billiard room, smoking room, den, stateroom, tablinum, tenement, bath room, bathroom, toilet, lavatory, powder room, john, jakes, necessary, loo, men's room, ladies' room, rest room, (uncleanness), 653 attic, loft, garret, cockloft, clerestory, cellar, vault, hold, cockpit, cubbyhole, cook house, entre-sol, mezzanine floor, ground floor, rez-de-chaussee, basement, kitchen, pantry, bawarchi-khana, scullery, offices, storeroom, lumber room, dairy, laundry, coach house, garage, hangar, outhouse, penthouse, lean-to, portico, porch, stoop, stope, veranda, patio, lanai, terrace, deck, lobby, court, courtyard, hall, vestibule, corridor, passage, breezeway, ante room, ante chamber, lounge, piazza, veranda, conservatory, greenhouse, bower, arbor, summerhouse, alcove, grotto, hermitage, lodging, bed, carriage, capsular, saccular, sacculated, recipient, ventricular, cystic, vascular, vesicular, cellular, camerated, locular, multilocular, polygastric, marsupial, siliquose, siliquous.


hell's kitchen, kitchen appliance, kitchen cabinet, kitchen garden, kitchen help, kitchen island, kitchen match, kitchen midden, kitchen middens, kitchen police, kitchen range, kitchen sink, kitchen stove, kitchen table, kitchen utensil, soup kitchen