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Found 1 definition: hex.

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Pos: Noun, Verb (transitive)

Noun hex has 1 senses

   hex(n = noun.communication) curse, jinx, whammy - an evil spell; "a witch put a curse on his whole family"; "he put the whammy on me"
is a kind of charm, magic spell, magical spell, spell
Derived form verb hex1

Verb hex has 1 senses

   hex(v = verb.communication) bewitch, enchant, glamour, jinx, witch - cast a spell over someone or something; put a hex on someone or something;
is one way to becharm, charm
Derived form noun hex1
Sample sentences: Somebody ----s something; Somebody ----s somebody

Adjective hex has 1 senses

   hex(a = adj.pert) hexadecimal - of or pertaining to a number system having 16 as its base;


hex, v. & n. US
1 intr. practise witchcraft.
2 tr. bewitch.
1 a magic spell.
2 a witch.

Pennsylvanian G hexe (v.), Hex (n.), f. G hexen, Hexe


hex nut