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Found 1 definition: shunt.

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Pos: Noun, Verb (usu participle), Verb (transitive)

Noun shunt has 3 senses

1.  shunt(n = noun.body) - a passage by which a bodily fluid (especially blood) is diverted from one channel to another; "an arteriovenus shunt"
is a kind of
passage, passageway
has particulars: bypass, portacaval shunt

2.  shunt(n = noun.artifact) bypass, electrical shunt - a conductor having low resistance in parallel with another device to divert a fraction of the current;
is a kind of conductor
is a part of circuit, electric circuit, electrical circuit
Derived form verb shunt2

3.  shunt(n = noun.artifact) - implant consisting of a tube made of plastic or rubber; for draining fluids within the body;
is a kind of

Verb shunt has 2 senses

1.  shunt(v = verb.motion) - transfer to another track, of trains;
is one way to
shift, transfer
Derived form noun shunter1
Sample sentences: Somebody ----s something

2.  shunt(v = verb.motion) - provide with or divert by means of an electrical shunt;
is one way to
Derived form noun shunt2
Sample sentences: Somebody ----s something; Something ----s something


shunt, v. t. [Prov. E., to move from, to put off, fr. OE. shunten, schunten, schounten; cf. D. schuinte a slant, slope, Icel. skunda to hasten. Cf. Shun.].

1.  To shun; to move from. [1913 Webster]

2.  To cause to move suddenly; to give a sudden start to; to shove. Ash. [1913 Webster]

3.  To turn off to one side; especially, to turn off, as a grain or a car upon a side track; to switch off; to shift. [1913 Webster]
"For shunting your late partner on to me." [1913 Webster]

4.  To provide with a shunt; as, to shunt a galvanometer. [1913 Webster]

shunt, v. i.

   To go aside; to turn off. [1913 Webster]

shunt, n. [Cf. D. schuinte slant, slope, declivity. See Shunt, v. t.].

1.  A turning off to a side or short track, that the principal track may be left free. [1913 Webster]

2.  A conducting circuit joining two points in a conductor, or the terminals of a galvanometer or dynamo, so as to form a parallel or derived circuit through which a portion of the current may pass, for the purpose of regulating the amount passing in the main circuit. [1913 Webster]

3.  The shifting of the studs on a projectile from the deep to the shallow sides of the grooves in its discharge from a shunt gun. [1913 Webster]

Shunt dynamo (Elec.), a dynamo in which the field circuit is connected with the main circuit so as to form a shunt to the letter, thus employing a portion of the current from the armature to maintain the field. -- Shunt gun, a firearm having shunt rifling. See under Rifling.


shunt, v. & n.
1 intr. & tr. diverge or cause (a train) to be diverted esp. on to a siding.
2 tr. Electr. provide (a current) with a shunt.
3 tr. a postpone or evade. b divert (a decision etc.) on to another person etc.
1 the act or an instance of shunting on to a siding.
2 Electr. a conductor joining two points of a circuit, through which more or less of a current may be diverted.
3 Surgery an alternative path for the circulation of the blood.
4 sl. a motor accident, esp. a collision of vehicles travelling one close behind another.

shunter n.

ME, perh. f. SHUN



VB  transfer, transmit, transport, transplace, transplant, translocate, convey, carry, bear, fetch and carry, carry over, ferry over, hand pass, forward, shift, conduct, convoy, bring, fetch, reach, tote, port, import, export, send, delegate, consign, relegate, turn over to, deliver, ship, embark, waft, shunt, transpose, displace, throw, drag, mail, post, shovel, ladle, decant, draft off, transfuse, infuse, siphon.


VB  alter one's course, deviate, depart from, turn, trend, bend, curve, swerve, heel, bear off, gybe, wear, intervert, deflect, divert, divert from its course, put on a new scent, shift, shunt, draw aside, crook, warp, stray, straggle, sidle, diverge, tralineate, digress, wander, wind, twist, meander, veer, tack, divagate, sidetrack, turn aside, turn a corner, turn away from, wheel, steer clear of, ramble, rove, drift, go astray, go adrift, yaw, dodge, step aside, ease off, make way for, shy, fly off at a tangent, glance off, wheel about, face about, turn to the right about, face to the right about, waddle, go out of one's way, lose one's way.


VB  recede, go, move back, move from, retire, withdraw, shrink, back off, come away, move away, back away, go away, get away, drift away, depart, retreat, move off, stand off, sheer off, fall back, stand aside, run away, remove, shunt, distance.


electrical shunt, portacaval shunt, shunt circuit, shunt valve, shunt winding