aladdin(n = noun.person) Array - in the Arabian Nights a boy who acquires a magic lamp from which he can summon a genie; Array
is a kind of character, fictional character, fictitious character
1. lamp(n = noun.artifact) Array - an artificial source of visible illumination; Array
is a kind of source of illumination
has particulars: aladdin's lamp, candle, taper, wax light, discharge lamp, electric lamp, flash, flash bulb, flash lamp, flashbulb, flashgun, photoflash, fluorescent lamp, gas lamp, hurricane lamp, hurricane lantern, storm lamp, storm lantern, tornado lantern, lantern, calcium light, limelight, neon induction lamp, neon lamp, neon tube, kerosene lamp, kerosine lamp, oil lamp, sodium-vapor lamp, sodium-vapour lamp, spirit lamp, spot, spotlight, street lamp, streetlight, rear lamp, rear light, tail lamp, taillight
2. lamp(n = noun.artifact) Array - a piece of furniture holding one or more electric light bulbs; Array
is a kind of article of furniture, furniture, piece of furniture
has parts: base, diffuser, diffusor, electric socket, lamp shade, lampshade
has particulars: floor lamp, reading lamp, table lamp
A thin plate or lamina. Chaucer. [1913 Webster]
1. A light-producing vessel, device, instrument or apparatus; [1913 Webster]
2. Figuratively, anything which enlightens intellectually or morally; anything regarded metaphorically a performing the uses of a lamp. [1913 Webster]
"Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path." [1913 Webster]
"Ages elapsed ere Homer's lamp appeared." [1913 Webster]
3. A device or mechanism for producing light by electricity, usually having a glass bulb or tube containing the light-emitting element. Most lamps belong to one of two categories, the
4. A device that emits radiant energy in the form of heat, infrared, or ultraviolet rays; as, a heat lamp. [PJC]
lamp, n. & v.
1 a device for producing a steady light, esp.: a an electric bulb, and usu. its holder and shade or cover (bedside lamp; bicycle lamp). b an oil-lamp. c a usu. glass holder for a candle. d a gas-jet and mantle.
2 a source of spiritual or intellectual inspiration.
3 poet. the sun, the moon, or a star.
4 a device producing esp. ultraviolet or infrared radiation as a treatment for various complaints.
1 intr. poet. shine.
2 tr. supply with lamps; illuminate.
3 tr. US sl. look at.
lamp-chimney a glass cylinder enclosing and making a draught for an oil-lamp flame. lamp-holder a device for supporting a lamp, esp. an electric one. lamp standard = LAMPPOST.
lampless adj.
ME f. OF lampe f. LL lampada f. accus. of L lampas torch f. Gk
N luminary, light, flame, spark, scintilla, phosphorescence, fluorescence, sun, orb of day, Phoebus, Apollo, Aurora, star, orb, meteor, falling star, shooting star, blazing star, dog star, Sirius, canicula, Aldebaran, constellation, galaxy, zodiacal light, anthelion, day star, morning star, Lucifer, mock sun, parhelion, phosphor, phosphorus, sun dog, Venus, aurora, polar lights, northern lights, aurora borealis, southern lights, aurora australis, lightning, chain lightning, fork lightning, sheet lightning, summer lightning, ball lightning, kugelblitz, phosphorus, yellow phosphorus, scintillator, phosphor, firefly luminescence, ignis fatuus, Jack o'lantern, Friar's lantern, will-o'-the- wisp, firedrake, Fata Morgana, Saint Elmo's fire, glowworm, firefly, June bug, lightning bug, anglerfish, gas, gas light, lime light, lantern, lanthorn, dark lantern, bull's-eye, candle, bougie, taper, rushlight, oil, wick, burner, Argand, moderator, duplex, torch, flambeau, link, brand, gaselier, chandelier, electrolier, candelabrum, candelabra, girandole, sconce, luster, candlestick, lamp, light, incandescent lamp, tungsten bulb, light bulb, flashlight, torch, arc light, laser, maser neon bulb, neon sign, fluorescent lamp, filament, socket, contacts, filler gas, firework, fizgig, pyrotechnics, rocket, lighthouse, self-luminous, glowing, phosphoric, phosphorescent, fluorescent, incandescent, luminescent, chemiluminescent, radiant, blossomed the lovely stars, the forget-me-nots of the angels, the sentinel stars set their watch in the sky, the planets in their station list'ning stood, the Scriptures of the skies, that orbed continent, the fire that severs day from night.
aladdin's lamp, arc lamp, argand lamp, blast lamp, carbon arc lamp, carcel lamp, davy lamp, discharge lamp, electric lamp, electric-discharge lamp, flash lamp, flood lamp, floor lamp, fluorescent lamp, fresnel lamp, gas lamp, gas-discharge lamp, glow lamp, heat lamp, hurricane lamp, incandescent lamp, indicator lamp, infrared lamp, kerosene lamp, kerosine lamp, lady with the lamp, lamp chimney, lamp house, lamp housing, lamp oil, lamp shade, lamp shell, mercury-vapor lamp, neon induction lamp, neon lamp, oil lamp, pilot lamp, quartz lamp, reading lamp, rear lamp, riding lamp, safety lamp, sodium-vapor lamp, sodium-vapour lamp, spirit lamp, storm lamp, street lamp, student lamp, sun lamp, sun-ray lamp, sunray lamp, table lamp, tail lamp, tungsten lamp, ultraviolet lamp