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 <<  Yeremia 46 : 23 >> 

NETBible: The population of Egypt is like a vast, impenetrable forest. But I, the Lord, affirm that the enemy will cut them down. For those who chop them down will be more numerous than locusts. They will be too numerous to count.

AYT: “Mereka akan menebang hutannya,” firman TUHAN, Meskipun hutan itu tidak dapat diselidiki, karena mereka lebih banyak daripada belalang, mereka tidak terhitung.

TB: Mereka menebang hutannya, demikianlah firman TUHAN, sekalipun itu tidak dapat dimasuki; sebab lebih banyak mereka dari pada belalang, tidak terbilang jumlahnya.

TL: Mereka itu sudah menebang hutannya, demikianlah firman Tuhan, jikalau ia itu tiada teresap sekalipun, karena terlebih banyak mereka itu dari pada belalang, tiada tepermanai banyaknya.

MILT: Mereka telah menebang hutannya," firman TUHAN (YAHWEH - 03068), "Karena mereka tidak dapat diselidiki berhubung mereka lebih banyak daripada belalang dan tidak terhitung jumlahnya.

Shellabear 2010: Mereka akan menebang hutannya,” demikianlah firman ALLAH, “sekalipun hutan itu tak dapat diterobos. Mereka lebih banyak daripada belalang, tak terhitung jumlahnya.

KS (Revisi Shellabear 2011): Mereka akan menebang hutannya," demikianlah firman ALLAH, "sekalipun hutan itu tak dapat diterobos. Mereka lebih banyak daripada belalang, tak terhitung jumlahnya.

KSKK: Betapa pun lebat rimbanya, mereka akan menebasnya, sabda Tuhan. Jumlah mereka terlampau besar, lebih banyak dari pada belalang.

VMD: Demikian firman TUHAN, “Mereka menebang hutan Mesir. Banyak pohon di hutan itu, tetapi semuanya akan ditebang. Tentara musuh lebih banyak daripada belalang. Begitu banyak tentara, tidak terhitung.

BIS: dan menggunduli hutan lebat yang tak dapat diterobosi. Tentara musuh tak terhitung, lebih banyak dari belalang. Aku, TUHAN berkata.

TMV: seperti orang memusnahkan hutan tebal. Bilangan mereka tidak terhitung, askar mereka lebih banyak daripada belalang.

FAYH: (46-22)

ENDE: Mereka menebang hutan -- itulah firman Jahwe -- sebab mereka tak tepermanai, daripada belalang banjaklah mereka, tidak terbilang.

Shellabear 1912: Maka firman Allah bahwa orang-orang itu akan menebang rimbanya jikalau yaitu tiada dapat diselidiknya karena bilangannya terlebih banyak dari pada belalang sehingga tiada tepermanai banyaknya.

Leydekker Draft: Marika 'itu sudah menabang rimbanja, baferman Huwa, welakin 'itu tijada kapariksa`an: karana lebeh banjakh 'adanja deri pada bilalang, sahingga tijada marika 'itu terbilang.

AVB: Mereka akan menebang hutannya,” demikianlah firman TUHAN, “sekalipun hutan itu tidak dapat diterobos. Mereka lebih banyak daripada belalang, tidak terhitung jumlahnya.

AYT ITL: “Mereka akan menebang <03772> hutannya <03293>,” firman <05002> TUHAN <03068>, Meskipun <03588> hutan itu tidak <03808> dapat diselidiki <02713>, karena <03588> mereka lebih banyak <07231> daripada belalang <0697>, mereka tidak <0369> terhitung <04557>. [<01992>]

TB ITL: Mereka menebang <03772> hutannya <03293>, demikianlah firman <05002> TUHAN <03068>, sekalipun <03588> itu tidak <03808> dapat dimasuki <02713>; sebab <03588> lebih banyak <07231> mereka <01992> dari pada belalang <0697>, tidak terbilang <0369> jumlahnya <04557>.

TL ITL: Mereka itu sudah menebang <03772> hutannya <03293>, demikianlah firman <05002> Tuhan <03068>, jikalau <03588> ia itu tiada <03808> teresap <07231> sekalipun, karena <03588> terlebih banyak mereka itu dari pada belalang <0697>, tiada tepermanai <0369> banyaknya <04557>.

AVB ITL: Mereka akan menebang <03772> hutannya <03293>,” demikianlah firman <05002> TUHAN <03068>, “sekalipun hutan itu tidak <03808> dapat diterobos <02713>. Mereka lebih banyak <07231> daripada belalang <0697>, tidak <0369> terhitung jumlahnya <04557>. [<01992>]

HEBREW: <04557> rpom <01992> Mhl <0369> Nyaw <0697> hbram <07231> wbr <03588> yk <02713> rqxy <03808> al <03588> yk <03068> hwhy <05002> Man <03293> hrey <03772> wtrk (46:23)

Jawa: Wong iku padha negori alase, -- mangkono pangandikane Sang Yehuwah, -- sanadyan ora kena dileboni: amarga luwih akeh katimbang walang, tanpa wilangan cacahe.

Jawa 1994: Prejurité mungsuh saking akèhé nganti ora kena diétung cacahé, ngungkuli cacahé walang.

Sunda: badis keur ngabukbak leuweung. Baladna loba teuing lamun diitung. leuwih loba batan simeut.

Madura: alas se rapet se ta’ ekenneng lebadi ebasbas epatadha’. Tantarana moso ta’ kabitong, abannya’an dhari balang. Sengko’, PANGERAN la ngoca’.

Bali: muah ngenyagang alas wayah. Wadua balan musuhne liu pesan tusing kena baan ngitung, paraprajuritne liunan teken balange.

Bugis: sibawa kellui ale malowang iya dé’é nariyullé bettui. Tenribilang tentarana balié, lebbi maégai naiya incalé. Iyya, PUWANG makkeda.

Makasar: siagang ambattasaki romang lompo tenaya nakkulle nipantamakki. Tantara musua takkulleai nibilang siapa jaina, la’bi jaiangngangi nakatimbanga. INakke, Batara anne akkana.

Toraja: Iatu tau iato mai ullelleng pangala’na, kadanNa PUANG, belanna tang dikanassa melo bilanganna, sia mandu losong anna batik, tang dikemba’ diia’.

Karo: si ngeradasken kerangen tua. Teremna la terbeligai tenterana teremen asangken labang.

Simalungun: Robohon ni sidea do haranganni, nini Jahowa, ai seng marsibar sidea; bueinan do sidea ase balang, seng tarbilangi sidea.

Toba: Nunga pola dirotongkon nasida tombakna, ninna Jahowa, atik pe so tartondong nian, ai tumorop do nasida sian sihapor, jala ndang habilangan toropnasida.

NASB: "They have cut down her forest," declares the LORD; "Surely it will no more be found, Even though they are now more numerous than locusts And are without number.

HCSB: They will cut down her forest--this is the LORD's declaration--though it is dense, for they are more numerous than locusts; they cannot be counted.

LEB: They will cut down the forest," declares the LORD, "since Egypt can’t be found. They are more numerous than locusts; they can’t be counted.

NIV: They will chop down her forest," declares the LORD, "dense though it be. They are more numerous than locusts, they cannot be counted.

ESV: They shall cut down her forest, declares the LORD, though it is impenetrable, because they are more numerous than locusts; they are without number.

NRSV: They shall cut down her forest, says the LORD, though it is impenetrable, because they are more numerous than locusts; they are without number.

REB: They cut down her forest, says the LORD, for they cannot be numbered; more numerous than locusts, they are past counting.

NKJV: "They shall cut down her forest," says the LORD, "Though it cannot be searched, Because they are innumerable, And more numerous than grasshoppers.

KJV: They shall cut down her forest, saith the LORD, though it cannot be searched; because they are more than the grasshoppers, and [are] innumerable.

AMP: They shall cut down her forest, says the Lord, though it is impenetrable, because they [the invading army] are more numerous than locusts and cannot be counted.

NLT: They will cut down her people like trees," says the LORD, "for they are more numerous than grasshoppers.

GNB: and destroying a thick forest. Their soldiers are too many to count; they outnumber the locusts.

ERV: This is what the LORD says: “They will chop down Egypt’s forest. There are many trees in that forest, but they will all be cut down. There are more enemy soldiers than locusts. There are so many soldiers that no one can count them.

BBE: They will be cutting down her woods, for they may not be searched out; because they are like locusts, more than may be numbered.

MSG: They'll level the country"--GOD's Decree--"nothing and no one standing for as far as you can see. The invaders will be a swarm of locusts, innumerable, past counting.

CEV: when men with axes start chopping down trees. It can only hiss and try to escape.

CEVUK: (46:22)

GWV: They will cut down the forest," declares the LORD, "since Egypt can’t be found. They are more numerous than locusts; they can’t be counted.

KJV: They shall cut down <03772> (8804) her forest <03293>_, saith <05002> (8803) the LORD <03068>_, though it cannot be searched <02713> (8735)_; because they are more <07231> (8804) than the grasshoppers <0697>_, and [are] innumerable <0369> <04557>_.

NASB: "They have cut<3772> down<3772> her forest<3293>," declares<5002> the LORD<3068>; "Surely<3588> it will no<3808> more be found<2713>, Even though<3588> they are now more<4480> numerous<7231> than<4480> locusts<697> And are without<369> number<4557>.

NET [draft] ITL: The population of Egypt is like a vast, impenetrable forest <03293>. But I, the Lord <03068>, affirm <05002> that <03588> the enemy will cut <03772> them down <03772>. For <03588> those who chop <02713> them down <02713> will be more numerous <07231> than locusts <0697>. They <01992> will be too numerous <0369> to count <04557>.

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 <<  Yeremia 46 : 23 >> 

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