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[VER] : [NIV]     [PL]  [PB] 
 <<  1 Tawarikh 5 : 22 >> 

NIV: and many others fell slain, because the battle was God’s. And they occupied the land until the exile.

AYT: Begitu banyak orang yang mati terbunuh, sebab pertempuran itu terjadi atas kehendak Allah. Kemudian, mereka menetap di tempat itu sampai masa pengasingan.

TB: Banyak orang yang tewas karena mati terbunuh, sebab pertempuran itu adalah dari pada Allah. Lalu mereka menduduki tempat orang-orang itu sampai waktu pembuangan.

TL: Tetapi banyak juga yang mati sebab kena luka, karena akibat perang ini dari pada Allah juga adanya; maka duduklah mereka itu pada tempat-tempat orang itu sampai mereka itupun dibawa dengan tertawan.

MILT: Sebab banyak orang yang mati terbunuh karena peperangan itu oleh Allah (Elohim - 0430). Dan mereka tinggal di tempat orang-orang itu sampai pada waktu pembuangan.

Shellabear 2010: Begitu banyak orang yang tewas terbunuh, sebab peperangan itu terjadi atas kehendak Allah. Mereka menduduki tempat orang-orang itu sampai masa pembuangan.

KS (Revisi Shellabear 2011): Begitu banyak orang yang tewas terbunuh, sebab peperangan itu terjadi atas kehendak Allah. Mereka menduduki tempat orang-orang itu sampai masa pembuangan.

KSKK: Mereka mengambil seratus ribu tawanan perang, tetapi banyak dari antara musuh-musuh itu yang telah dibunuh karena perang itu merupakan perang Allah. Mereka lalu menetap di wilayah orang Hagri sampai pembuangan.

VMD: Banyak orang Hagri terbunuh dalam perang itu karena Allah menolong mereka dalam perang itu. Kemudian semua suku yang terlibat dalam perang itu menempati wilayah orang Hagri sampai saat mereka dibuang ke pembuangan.

BIS: (5:21)

TMV: Mereka membunuh banyak orang musuh kerana peperangan itu berlaku menurut kehendak Allah. Kemudian mereka menetap di wilayah itu sampai masa mereka dibuang negeri.

FAYH: Sejumlah besar musuh berhasil ditewaskan dalam peperangan itu, karena Allah menyertai mereka. Lalu suku Ruben menduduki wilayah itu sampai Masa Pembuangan.

ENDE: sebab kebanjakan mereka ditembusi dan tewas, karena pertempuran itu dari Allah adanja. Lalu mereka sendiri berdiam disana akan ganti mereka, hingga pembuangan.

Shellabear 1912: Karena banyaklah yang rubuh mati sebab peperangan itu dari pada Allah datangnya. Maka duduklah orang-orang itu pada tempatnya sampai kepada masa ia tertawan itu.

Leydekker Draft: Karana rontohlah banjakh 'awrang terluka, sedang szakhibet parang 'itu deri pada 'Allah djuga maka dedudokinja tampat 'itu gantinja, sahingga 'ija depindahkan tertawan.

AVB: Begitu ramai orang yang tewas terbunuh, kerana peperangan itu terjadi atas kehendak Allah. Mereka menduduki tempat orang itu sehingga masa pembuangan.

TB ITL: Banyak <07227> orang yang tewas <05307> karena <03588> mati terbunuh <02491>, sebab <03588> pertempuran <04421> itu adalah dari pada Allah <0430>. Lalu mereka menduduki <03427> tempat <08478> orang-orang itu sampai <05704> waktu pembuangan <01473>.

Jawa: Akeh wong kang tiwas marga pinatenan, awit peperangan iku saka Gusti Allah. Panggonane wong-wong mau nuli padha diejegi nganti ing jaman pambuwangan.

Jawa 1994: (5:21)

Sunda: Musuh anu kasambut kacida lobana, nya Allah anu ngersakeun kitu. Tempat urut musuhna diandih, nepi ka maranehna sorangan engkena aya anu ngaboyong.

Madura: (5:21)

Bali: Dane ngamademang meseh danene akeh pisan, santukan Ida Sang Hyang Widi Wasa sane ngarsayang yudane punika. Dane raris magenah ring jagate punika kantos rauh ring masan danene kaselong.

Bugis: (5:21)

Makasar: (5:21)

Toraja: sia buda tau mate, belanna rari iato lu dio mai Puang Matua; – torromi tu tau iato mai lan inanna sae lako malena dipali’.

Karo: Nterem ibunuhna musuh, sabap perang e peraten Dibata kap. Jenari terus kalak enda ringan i daerah e seh ngayak paksa pembuangen.

Simalungun: Ai buei tumang do na rasei, ai humbani Naibata do parporangan ai. Anjaha isoluk sidea ma ianan ni sidea ai das ronsi panorang habuangan.

Toba: Ai mansai torop jolma marragean dibunu, ala sian Debata parporangan i; laos disoluk nasida inganannasida i sahat ro di tingki habubuangnasida.

NETBible: Because God fought for them, they killed many of the enemy. They dispossessed the Hagrites and lived in their land until the exile.

NASB: For many fell slain, because the war was of God. And they settled in their place until the exile.

HCSB: Many of the Hagrites were killed because it was God's battle. And they lived there in the Hagrites' place until the exile.

LEB: Many were killed in battle because this was God’s war. Reuben, Gad, and half of the tribe of Manasseh lived in the Hagrites’ land until the Assyrians captured them.

ESV: For many fell, because the war was of God. And they lived in their place until the exile.

NRSV: Many fell slain, because the war was of God. And they lived in their territory until the exile.

REB: Many Hagarites had been killed, for the war was of God's making, and they occupied their land until the exile.

NKJV: for many fell dead, because the war was God’s. And they dwelt in their place until the captivity.

KJV: For there fell down many slain, because the war [was] of God. And they dwelt in their steads until the captivity.

AMP: For a great number fell mortally wounded, because the battle was God's. And [these Israelites] dwelt in their territory until the captivity [by Assyria more than five centuries later].

NLT: Many of the Hagrites were killed in the battle because God was fighting against them. So they lived in their land until they were taken away into exile.

GNB: They killed many of the enemy, because the war was God's will. And they went on living in that territory until the exile.

ERV: Many Hagrites were killed because God helped the people of Reuben win the war. Then the tribes of Manasseh, Reuben, and Gad settled in the land of the Hagrites. They lived there until the time when the Israelites were taken into captivity.

BBE: And a very great number went to their death, because the war was God’s purpose. And they went on living in their place till they were taken away as prisoners.

MSG: Many were killed, because the battle was God's. They lived in that country until the exile.

CEV: Many of the Hagrites died in battle, because God was fighting this battle against them. The tribes of Reuben, Gad, and East Manasseh lived in that territory until they were taken as prisoners to Assyria.

CEVUK: Many of the Hagrites died in battle, because God was fighting this battle against them. The tribes of Reuben, Gad, and East Manasseh lived in that territory until they were taken as prisoners to Assyria.

GWV: Many were killed in battle because this was God’s war. Reuben, Gad, and half of the tribe of Manasseh lived in the Hagrites’ land until the Assyrians captured them.

NET [draft] ITL: Because <03588> God <0430> fought for them, they killed <02491> many <07227> of the enemy. They dispossessed <05307> the Hagrites <04421> and lived <03427> in their land <08478> until <05704> the exile <01473>.

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