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[VER] : [VMD]     [PL]  [PB] 
 <<  Yehezkiel 36 : 20 >> 

VMD: Juga di tengah-tengah bangsa-bangsa lain, mereka merusakkan nama baik-Ku. Mereka berkata, ‘Inilah umat TUHAN, tetapi mereka telah meninggalkan negeri-Nya.’

AYT: Dan, ketika mereka datang kepada bangsa-bangsa tempat mereka pergi, mereka mencemarkan nama-Ku yang kudus karena dikatakan tentang mereka, ‘Inilah umat TUHAN, tetapi mereka harus meninggalkan negeri-Nya.’”

TB: Di mana saja mereka datang di tengah bangsa-bangsa, mereka menajiskan nama-Ku yang kudus, dalam hal orang menyindir mereka: Katanya mereka umat TUHAN, tetapi mereka harus keluar dari tanah-Nya.

TL: Maka datanglah mereka itu di antara segala orang kafir, setelah sampai di sana dihinakannya juga nama-Ku yang suci, sebab kata orang akan halnya: Bahwa mereka ini umat Tuhan, maka keluar juga mereka itu dari dalam negerinya!

MILT: Dan ketika mereka masuk ke bangsa-bangsa, tempat mereka pergi ke sana, maka bangsa-bangsa itu menajiskan Nama kudus-Ku dengan mengatakan kepada mereka: Inilah umat TUHAN (YAHWEH - 03068), dan mereka telah keluar dari tanah-Nya!

Shellabear 2010: Di tempat mana pun mereka datang di antara bangsa-bangsa, mereka mencemarkan nama-Ku yang suci, karena mengenai mereka muncul sindiran, ‘Mereka ini umat ALLAH, tetapi mereka harus keluar dari tanah-Nya.’

KS (Revisi Shellabear 2011): Di tempat mana pun mereka datang di antara bangsa-bangsa, mereka mencemarkan nama-Ku yang suci, karena mengenai mereka muncul sindiran, Mereka ini umat ALLAH, tetapi mereka harus keluar dari tanah-Nya.

KSKK: Tetapi ketika mereka dibawa kepada bangsa-bangsa lain, Nama-Ku yang kudus dicemarkan, karena orang lain berkata tentang mereka, "Bangsa Yahweh harus dibuang dari negeri ini!"

BIS: Ke mana saja mereka pergi, mereka selalu mencemarkan nama-Ku yang suci. Sebab orang-orang mengatakan begini, 'Bangsa ini adalah umat Allah, tetapi mereka harus meninggalkan tanah yang diberikan Allah kepada mereka.'

TMV: Ke mana sahaja mereka pergi, mereka mencemarkan nama-Ku yang suci kerana orang berkata, ‘Lihatlah, mereka umat TUHAN, tetapi mereka terpaksa meninggalkan negeri yang diberikan-Nya kepada mereka.’

FAYH: Tetapi, setelah mereka tercerai-berai di antara bangsa-bangsa, mereka menajiskan nama-Ku yang kudus karena bangsa-bangsa itu berkata, 'Lihat, mereka itu umat TUHAN, tetapi mereka harus meninggalkan tanah-Nya. (Ternyata TUHAN mereka tidak mampu melindungi mereka!)'

ENDE: Tapi setibanja diantara bangsa2 tempat mereka datang, mereka lalu mentjemarkan namaKu jang kudus, karena perihal mereka dikatakan: Mereka itu umat Jahwe, namun mereka telah keluar dari negerinja.

Shellabear 1912: Setelah orang-orang itu sampai kepada segala bangsa barang kemana ia pergi maka dihinakannya nama-Ku yang kudus itu pada hal kata orang akan halnya bahwa inilah kaum Allah yang telah keluar dari tanahnya.

Leydekker Draft: 'Adapawn satelah sudah marika 'itu datang kapada CHalajikh, barang kamana 'ija sudah masokh, maka dehinakannjalah namaku jang khudus: 'awleh karana 'awrang berkatalah 'akan dija; 'awrang 'ini 'ada khawm Huwa, dan 'ija sudah kaluwar deri dalam tanahnja.

AVB: Di tempat mana-mana pun mereka pergi di antara bangsa, mereka mencemarkan nama-Ku yang suci, kerana mereka disindir orang, “Mereka ini umat TUHAN, tetapi mereka harus keluar dari tanah-Nya.”

TB ITL: Di mana <08033> <0834> saja mereka datang <0935> di tengah <0413> bangsa-bangsa <01471>, mereka menajiskan <02490> nama-Ku <08034> yang kudus <06944>, dalam hal orang menyindir mereka: Katanya <0559> mereka umat <05971> TUHAN <03068>, tetapi mereka harus keluar <03318> dari tanah-Nya <0776>. [<0935> <0428>]

Jawa: Ana ing ngendi bae ana ing satengahe bangsa-bangsa iku, padha najisake asmaningSun kang suci, marga padha dikandhakake: Jarene padha dadi umate Sang Yehuwah, lah kok padha diwetokake saka ing tanah kagungane!

Jawa 1994: Menyanga ngendi waé parané, wong-wong kuwi mirang-mirangaké asma-Ku, merga saben wong banjur muni, ‘Wong-wong kuwi padha ditundhung saka tanah sing diparingaké déning Allahé.’

Sunda: Tapi ka mana bae daratangna ngan matak goreng bae kana jenengan Kami anu suci, lantaran ceuk anu lian, ‘Ieu jelema-jelema teh ongkoh umat Allah, tapi nepi ka naringgalkeun tanah pamere Allahna sorangan.’

Madura: Entara dha’ emma’a bai bangsa jareya macemmer Tang nyama malolo. Sabab reng-oreng ngoca’ kantha reya, ‘Bangsa reya ommadda Allah, tape kodu ondur dhari tana se bi’ Allah eparengngagi ka aba’na.’

Bali: Saparan-parannyane ia ngawanang cemer parab Ulune ane suci, sawireh anake lakar pada ngucap kene: Bangsane ene katundung uli tanahnyane ane kapaicayang baan Widinnyane.

Bugis: Kégi-kégi mennang lao, tuli nacarépaiwi mennang asek-Ku iya mapaccingngé. Saba’ makkeda makkuwaiyé sining tauwé, ‘Iyaé bangsaé iyanaritu umma’na Allataala, iyakiya harusu’i mennang nasalai tana iya nabbéréyangngé Allataala lao ri mennang.’

Makasar: Manna kemae lampana ke’nanga, tuli nara’massinna arengKu matangkasaka. Nasaba’ akkanai taua kamma anne, ‘Anne bansaya umma’Na Allata’ala, mingka musti nabokoi butta Napassareanga Allata’ala mae ri ke’nanga.’

Toraja: Umba-umba nanii rampo dio lu mintu’ bangsa napamatuna tu sanga madatungKu, belanna napokada tau diona a’ganna nakua: Iate tau iate mai taunNa PUANG, apa moi susito inang tassu’ duka ia dio mai tondokNa.

Karo: Ku ja ia lawes, i je gelarKu si badia igombangi kalak, sabap ikataken kalak, 'Bangsa enda terpaksa nadingken negeri si ibereken Dibatana man bana.'

Simalungun: Jadi das ma sidea hu tongah-tongah ni bangsa-bangsa; tapi huja pe sidea das ipabutak sidea do ijai goran-Ku na pansing in marhitei na hinatahon ni halak pasal sidea: On ma bangsa ni Jahowa ia, hape maningon buhar do sidea hun tanohni!

Toba: Jadi dung sahat nasida tu tongatonga ni bangso parbegu, angka na tinopotnasida i, laos diramuni nasida disi goarhu na badia i, pola didok halak taringot tu nasida: Angka nasida do hape bangso ni Jahowa, jala na bungkas sian tanona i!

NETBible: But when they arrived in the nations where they went, they profaned my holy name. It was said of them, ‘These are the people of the Lord, yet they have departed from his land.’

NASB: "When they came to the nations where they went, they profaned My holy name, because it was said of them, ‘These are the people of the LORD; yet they have come out of His land.’

HCSB: When they came to the nations where they went, they profaned My holy name, because it was said about them: These are the people of the LORD, yet they had to leave His land in exile .

LEB: But wherever they went among the nations, they dishonored my holy name. People said about them, ‘These are the LORD’S people, yet they had to leave his land.’

NIV: And wherever they went among the nations they profaned my holy name, for it was said of them, ‘These are the LORD’s people, and yet they had to leave his land.’

ESV: But when they came to the nations, wherever they came, they profaned my holy name, in that people said of them, 'These are the people of the LORD, and yet they had to go out of his land.'

NRSV: But when they came to the nations, wherever they came, they profaned my holy name, in that it was said of them, "These are the people of the LORD, and yet they had to go out of his land."

REB: But whenever they came among the nations, they caused my holy name to be profaned. It was said of them, ‘These are the LORD's people, and it is from his land they have gone into exile.’

NKJV: "When they came to the nations, wherever they went, they profaned My holy name––when they said of them, ‘These are the people of the LORD, and yet they have gone out of His land.’

KJV: And when they entered unto the heathen, whither they went, they profaned my holy name, when they said to them, These [are] the people of the LORD, and are gone forth out of his land.

AMP: And when they came to the nations to which they went, they profaned My holy name in that men said of them, These are the people of the Lord, and yet they had to go forth out of His land.

NLT: But when they were scattered among the nations, they brought dishonor to my holy name. For the nations said, ‘These are the people of the LORD, and he couldn’t keep them safe in his own land!’

GNB: Wherever they went, they brought disgrace on my holy name, because people would say, ‘These are the people of the LORD, but they had to leave his land.’

ERV: But even in those other nations, they ruined my good name. How? Those nations said, ‘These are the LORD'S people, but they left his land.’

BBE: And when they came among the nations, wherever they went, they made my holy name unclean, when it was said of them, These are the people of the Lord who have gone out from his land.

MSG: Wherever they went, they gave me a bad name. People said, 'These are GOD's people, but they got kicked off his land.'

CEV: Wherever they went, my name was disgraced, because foreigners insulted my people by saying I had forced them out of their own land.

CEVUK: Wherever they went, my name was disgraced, because foreigners insulted my people by saying I had forced them out of their own land.

GWV: But wherever they went among the nations, they dishonored my holy name. People said about them, ‘These are the LORD’S people, yet they had to leave his land.’

NET [draft] ITL: But when they arrived <0935> in <0413> the nations <01471> where <0834> they went <0935>, they profaned <02490> my holy <06944> name <08034>. It was said <0559> of them, ‘These <0428> are the people <05971> of the Lord <03068>, yet they have departed <03318> from his land <0776>.’

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