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[VER] : [JAWA]     [PL]  [PB] 
 <<  Bilangan 14 : 21 >> 

Jawa: Mung bae, demi Ingsun agesang lan salumahing bumi kebekan kaluhuraning Yehuwah:

AYT: Namun, sesungguhnya, demi Aku yang hidup dan kemuliaan TUHAN akan memenuhi seluruh bumi:

TB: Hanya, demi Aku yang hidup dan kemuliaan TUHAN memenuhi seluruh bumi:

TL: Tetapi, sesungguh-sungguhnya Aku ini hidup, seluruh bumi akan dipenuhi dengan kemuliaan Tuhan.

MILT: tetapi sesungguhnya, sebagaimana Aku hidup, maka seluruh bumi akan dipenuhi oleh kemuliaan TUHAN (YAHWEH - 03068);

Shellabear 2010: Namun, demi Aku yang hidup dan demi kemuliaan ALLAH yang memenuhi seluruh bumi,

KS (Revisi Shellabear 2011): Namun, demi Aku yang hidup dan demi kemuliaan ALLAH yang memenuhi seluruh bumi,

KSKK: tetapi demi Aku yang hidup dan Kemuliaan Yahweh yang memenuhi seluruh bumi,

VMD: Namun, yakinlah, sebagaimana Aku hidup dan sebagaimana kemuliaan TUHAN memenuhi seluruh bumi, Aku berjanji kepadamu:

BIS: Tetapi Aku berjanji demi diri-Ku dan demi Aku yang hidup dan berkuasa di bumi ini,

TMV: Tetapi Aku berjanji demi diri-Ku dan demi Aku yang hidup dan berkuasa di bumi ini,

FAYH: (14-20)

ENDE: Akan tetapi, demi Aku hidup dan kemuliaan Jahwe memenuhi bumi seluruhnja:

Shellabear 1912: Tetapi sesungguhnya demi hayat-Ku dan demi seluruh bumi akan dipenuhi dengan kemuliaan Allah.

Leydekker Draft: Hanja samadjalah 'aku 'ini 'ada hidop; bahuwa haros saluroh bumi 'itu dipunohij dengan kamulija`an Huwa.

AVB: Namun demikian, demi Aku yang hidup dan demi kemuliaan TUHAN yang memenuhi seluruh bumi,

TB ITL: Hanya <0199>, demi Aku <0589> yang hidup <02416> dan kemuliaan <03519> TUHAN <03068> memenuhi <04390> seluruh <03605> bumi <0776>:

Jawa 1994: Nanging Aku janji nganggo dhasar gesang-Ku piyambak lan kaluhuran-Ku sing ngèbeki bumi,

Sunda: Tapi demi hirup Kami, jeung demi kamulyaan Kami anu minuhan jagat,

Madura: Tape Sengko’ ajanji, demi Sengko’ dibi’ se odhi’ ban kobasa e bumereya,

Bali: Nanging masrana parab Ulun sang maraga nyeneng muah kaluihan Ulune ane nguub gumine ene, Ulun majanji,

Bugis: Iyakiya majjancika ri alé-Ku sibawa nasaba Iyya iya tuwoé sibawa makuwasaé ri linoéwé,

Makasar: Mingka a’janjiA’ lanri batangkalengKu siagang lanri iNakke mattallasaKa siagang makoasaYa ri anne linoa,

Toraja: Apa la lelukraka tuoKu sia tae’ nasalai kamala’biranNa PUANG la ussamboi mintu’ lino.

Karo: Tapi erpadan Aku maka la banci lang, bagi Aku nggeluh janah kemulianKu la banci la ndemi doni enda,

Simalungun: Tapi tene, songon sintongni manggoluh Ahu, maningon gok hamuliaon ni Jahowa magira sab dunia on,

Toba: Alai tahe, songon sintongna mangolu Ahu, ingkon gok hamuliaon ni Jahowa sogot liat portibi on.

NETBible: But truly, as I live, all the earth will be filled with the glory of the Lord.

NASB: but indeed, as I live, all the earth will be filled with the glory of the LORD.

HCSB: Yet as surely as I live and as the whole earth is filled with the LORD's glory,

LEB: But as I live and as the glory of the LORD fills the whole earth, I solemnly swear that

NIV: Nevertheless, as surely as I live and as surely as the glory of the LORD fills the whole earth,

ESV: But truly, as I live, and as all the earth shall be filled with the glory of the LORD,

NRSV: nevertheless—as I live, and as all the earth shall be filled with the glory of the LORD—

REB: But as I live, and as the glory of the LORD fills the whole earth,

NKJV: "but truly, as I live, all the earth shall be filled with the glory of the LORD––

KJV: But [as] truly [as] I live, all the earth shall be filled with the glory of the LORD.

AMP: But truly as I live and as all the earth shall be filled with the glory of the Lord,

NLT: But as surely as I live, and as surely as the earth is filled with the LORD’s glory,

GNB: But I promise that as surely as I live and as surely as my presence fills the earth,

ERV: But I tell you the truth. As surely as I live and as surely as the Glory of the LORD fills the whole earth, I make you this promise:

BBE: But truly, as I am living, and as all the earth will be full of the glory of the Lord;

MSG: But as I live and as the Glory of GOD fills the whole Earth--

CEV: But as surely as I live and my power has no limit,

CEVUK: But as surely as I live and my power has no limit,

GWV: But as I live and as the glory of the LORD fills the whole earth, I solemnly swear that

NET [draft] ITL: But truly <0199>, as I <0589> live <02416>, all <03605> the earth <0776> will be filled <04390> with the glory <03519> of the Lord <03068>.

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 <<  Bilangan 14 : 21 >> 

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