Alkitab Mobile SABDA
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Jawa 1994: Sing jaga gapura Kémah Palenggahané Allah sing ngarep dhéwé Salum bin Koré, putuné Ébiasaf, bebarengan karo wong-wong kaum Korah liyané. Leluhuré wong-wong mau biyèn uga nglakoni pegawéan mau, nalika padha tugas ana ing Kémah Palenggahané Allah.

AYT: Salum, anak Kore, anak Ebyasaf, anak Korah, beserta saudara-saudara dalam kaum keluarga mereka, yaitu orang-orang Korah, melakukan pekerjaan pelayanan sebagai penjaga pintu Tenda Suci, seperti halnya leluhur mereka bertugas di perkemahan TUHAN sebagai penjaga pintu masuk.

TB: Salum bin Kore bin Ebyasaf bin Korah dan saudara-saudara sepuaknya, yakni orang-orang Korah, mempunyai tugas jabatan sebagai penjaga-penjaga ambang pintu Kemah, seperti bapa-bapa mereka bertugas di perkemahan TUHAN sebagai penjaga-penjaga pintu masuk.

TL: Maka Salum bin Kore bin Ebyasaf bin Korah, dari pada bangsa orang Korahi, itulah punya pekerjaan menjadi penunggu ambang pintu kemah, seperti bapa-bapa mereka itu dalam tentara Tuhan menjadi penunggu pintu.

MILT: Dan Salum anak Kore, anak Ebyasaf, anak Korah, dan saudara-saudaranya menurut keluarga leluhurnya, orang-orang Korah, ada pada pekerjaan pelayanan yang menjaga ambang-ambang pintu pada kemah. Dan leluhur mereka ada pada perkemahan TUHAN (YAHWEH - 03068), yaitu yang menjaga pintu masuk.

Shellabear 2010: Salum bin Kore bin Ebyasaf bin Korah bersama saudara-saudaranya sekaum keluarga, yaitu orang-orang Korah, bertugas melaksanakan pekerjaan sebagai penjaga pintu Kemah Suci. Nenek moyang mereka pun dahulu bertanggung jawab atas perkemahan ALLAH sebagai penjaga pintu masuk.

KS (Revisi Shellabear 2011): Salum bin Kore bin Ebyasaf bin Korah bersama saudara-saudaranya sekaum keluarga, yaitu orang-orang Korah, bertugas melaksanakan pekerjaan sebagai penjaga pintu Kemah Suci. Nenek moyang mereka pun dahulu bertanggung jawab atas perkemahan ALLAH sebagai penjaga pintu masuk.

KSKK: Salum putra Kore, putra Ebyasaf, putra Korah, dengan saudarama kaum Korah dari keluarga yang sama bertanggung jawab atas upacara kebaktian; mereka adalah penjaga-penjaga ambang pintu kenisah, karena nenek moyang mereka telah menjaga pintu masuk kemah Yahweh.

VMD: Salum anak Kore, Kore anak Ebyasaf, Ebyasaf anak Korah bersama kaumnya yaitu orang Korah, mereka bertanggung jawab atas pengawasan pintu Kemah Suci sebagaimana dilakukan para nenek moyang mereka sebelumnya. Nenek moyang mereka bertugas untuk mengawasi pintu masuk ke tempat di mana TUHAN tinggal di antara umat-Nya.

BIS: Yang ditugaskan menjaga pintu masuk ke Kemah TUHAN adalah Salum bersama orang-orang yang sekaum dengan dia, yaitu kaum Korah. (Salum adalah anak Kore cucu Ebyasaf.) Dahulu leluhur mereka pun melakukan tugas itu ketika mereka melayani di perkemahan TUHAN.

TMV: Salum anak Kore, cucu Ebyasaf, bersama-sama beberapa orang lain daripada puak Korah, iaitu puaknya, ditugaskan untuk mengawal pintu masuk ke Khemah TUHAN. Dahulu nenek moyang mereka pun melakukan tugas itu ketika mereka bekerja di perkhemahan TUHAN.

FAYH: Salum putra Kore cucu Ebyasaf cicit Korah dan sanak saudaranya -- yaitu bani Korah -- bertugas menjaga pintu masuk Kemah Pertemuan, sama seperti nenek moyang mereka yang dulu menjadi penjaga pintu masuk Kemah Pertemuan.

ENDE: Sjalum bin Kore bin Ebjasaf bin Korah dan saudara-saudaranja dari keluarga orang Korah djuga menjelenggarakan kebaktian, sebagai pendjaga ambang Kemah, sebagaimana nenek-mojang mereka dalam perkemahan Jahwe telah mendjaga tempat masuknja.

Shellabear 1912: Adapun Salum bin Kore bin Ebyasaf bin Korah dengan saudaranya dari pada isi rumah bapanya orang Korah itu memerintahkanlah pekerjaan menjadi penunggu pintu kemah itu maka nenek moyangnya pun telah memerintahkan tempat kemah Allah menjadi penunggu pintu.

Leydekker Draft: Dan SJalum 'anakh laki-laki KHawrej, 'anakh laki-laki 'Ebjasaf, 'anakh laki-laki KHawrah, dan segala sudaranja laki-laki deri pada 'isij rumah bapanja, 'awrang KHorhij 'itulah djuru pakardja`an perdjaka`an, penongguw 'ambang pintu taratakh: seperti bapa-bapanja didalam tantara Huwa sudah 'ada penongguw-penongguw kamasokan.

AVB: Salum anak Kore, anak Ebyasaf, anak Korah bersama-sama saudaranya sekaum keluarga, iaitu bani Korah, bertugas melaksanakan pekerjaan sebagai penjaga pintu Khemah Suci. Nenek moyang mereka pun dahulu bertanggungjawab atas perkhemahan TUHAN sebagai penjaga pintu masuk.

AYT ITL: Salum <07967>, anak <01121> Kore <06981>, anak <01121> Ebyasaf <043>, anak <01121> Korah <07141>, beserta saudara-saudara <0251> dalam kaum <01004> keluarga <01> mereka, yaitu orang-orang Korah <07145>, melakukan pekerjaan <04399> pelayanan <05656> sebagai penjaga <08104> pintu <05592> Tenda <0168> Suci, seperti halnya leluhur <01> mereka bertugas di <05921> perkemahan <04264> TUHAN <03068> sebagai penjaga <08104> pintu masuk <03996>. [<05921>]

TB ITL: Salum <07967> bin <01121> Kore <06981> bin <01121> Ebyasaf <043> bin <01121> Korah <07141> dan saudara-saudara <0251> sepuaknya <01> <01004>, yakni orang-orang Korah <07145>, mempunyai tugas <04399> jabatan <05656> sebagai penjaga-penjaga <08104> ambang pintu <05592> Kemah <0168>, seperti bapa-bapa <01> mereka bertugas di <05921> perkemahan <04264> TUHAN <03068> sebagai penjaga-penjaga pintu <08104> masuk <03996>. [<05921>]

TL ITL: Maka Salum <07967> bin <01121> Kore <06981> bin <01121> Ebyasaf <043> bin <01121> Korah <07141>, dari pada bangsa <01004> orang Korahi <07145>, itulah punya pekerjaan <04399> menjadi penunggu <08104> ambang pintu <05592> kemah <0168>, seperti bapa-bapa <01> mereka itu dalam <05921> tentara <04264> Tuhan <03068> menjadi penunggu <08104> pintu <03996>.

AVB ITL: Salum <07967> anak <01121> Kore <06981>, anak <01121> Ebyasaf <043>, anak <01121> Korah <07141> bersama-sama saudaranya <0251> sekaum <01004> keluarga <01>, iaitu bani Korah <07145>, bertugas melaksanakan <04399> pekerjaan <05656> sebagai penjaga <08104> pintu <05592> Khemah Suci <0168>. Nenek moyang <01> mereka pun dahulu bertanggungjawab atas <05921> perkhemahan <04264> TUHAN <03068> sebagai penjaga <08104> pintu masuk <03996>. [<05921>]

HEBREW: <03996> awbmh <08104> yrms <03068> hwhy <04264> hnxm <05921> le <01> Mhytbaw <0168> lhal <05592> Mypoh <08104> yrms <05656> hdwbeh <04399> tkalm <05921> le <07145> Myxrqh <01> wyba <01004> tybl <0251> wyxaw <07141> xrq <01121> Nb <043> Poyba <01121> Nb <06981> arwq <01121> Nb <07967> Mwlsw (9:19)

Jawa: Salum bin Kore bin Ebyasaf bin Korakh lan para sadulure tunggal kulawangsa, yaiku para wong Korakh, iku padha kawajiban dadi panjaganing lawange Tarub kaya para leluhure kang padha nduweni kawajiban ana ing patarubaning Pangeran Yehuwah dadi panjaganing lawang lumebu.

Sunda: Salum bin Kore incu Ebyasap jeung jalma-jalma papada warga Korah, dibere kawajiban ngajaga lawang Kemah Tepangan PANGERAN, cara papancen karuhunna bareto di pakemahan PANGERAN.

Madura: Se epajaga labang se elebadi oreng mon maso’a ka Padalemman Socce iya areya Salum ban reng-oreng sakaomma, iya areya kaom Korah. (Salum reya ana’na Kore kompoyya Ebyasaf.) Lamba’ bangatowana epaneggu’ lalakon jareya keya e bakto aladine e Kemah Socce.

Bali: Dane Salum putran Dane Kore, putun Dane Ebyasap kasarengin antuk semeton danene saking palingsehan Dane Korah, kicen tetegenan jaga nyaga gapuran Kemah Linggih Ida Sang Hyang Widi Wasa, pateh sakadi paraleluur danene sane dumun rikala dane madue tetegenan buat nyaga Kemah Linggih Ida Sang Hyang Widi Wasa.

Bugis: Iya risuroé monrowangngi sumpang muttama’é ri Kémana PUWANGNGE iyanaritu Salum silaong sining tau iya siappangngé sibawa aléna, iyanaritu appang Korah. (Salum iyanaritu ana’ Koré eppona Ebyasaf.) Riyolo toriyolona pogau’ towi jamangngéro wettunna mennang mattumani ri akkémanna PUWANGNGE.

Makasar: Ia nisarea tugasa’ anjagai pakke’bu’ antamaya ri KemaNa Batara iamintu Salum siagang yangasenna bijanna, iamintu kammaya Korah. (Salum iamintu ana’na Kore, cucunna Ebyasaf.) Riolo boe-boena todong ke’nanga anggaukangi anjo tugasaka ri wattunna allayani ke’nanga ri KemaNa Batara.

Toraja: Iatu Salum, anakna muane Kore, anakna muane Ebyasaf, anakna Korah sia iatu mai siulu’na lan mai rapunna, iamotu to Korah, iamo pentoeanna tu ma’kampa ba’ba tenda. Belanna iatu nene’ to dolona inang to ma’kampa babangan dio to’ tendaNa PUANG dolona.

Karo: Salum, anak Kore, kempuna Ebiasap, radu ras senina-seninana anggota-anggota terpuk Korah, ertanggung jawab njagai dalan bengket ku bas Kemah Perjumpan, bali ras nini-ninina si ertugas i bas perkemahen TUHAN.

Simalungun: Si Sallum, anak ni si Kore, anak ni si Abyasap, anak ni si Korah, rap pakon saninani humbani ginompar ni ompungni, halak Korahi, ai do simada horja manjaga labah ni lampo-lampo ai, usih songon ompung ni sidea bani parsaranan ni Jahowa manjaga labah harorohan.

Toba: Ia si Sallum, anak ni si Kora, i ma anak ni si Eliasap, i ma anak ni si Kora dohot hahaanggina sian pinompar ni ompuna, halak Kora ma nampuna ulaon ni todoan i, asa marjaga nasida di lobulobu laho bongot tu undungundung i, suang songon ompunasida i di parsaroan ni Jahowa, asa dijaga nasida pintu haroroan.

NETBible: Shallum son of Kore, son of Ebiasaph, son of Korah, and his relatives from his family (the Korahites) were assigned to guard the entrance to the sanctuary. Their ancestors had guarded the entrance to the Lord’s dwelling place.

NASB: Shallum the son of Kore, the son of Ebiasaph, the son of Korah, and his relatives of his father’s house, the Korahites, were over the work of the service, keepers of the thresholds of the tent; and their fathers had been over the camp of the LORD, keepers of the entrance.

HCSB: Shallum son of Kore, son of Ebiasaph, son of Korah and his relatives from his household, the Korahites, were assigned to guard the thresholds of the tent. Their ancestors had been assigned to the LORD's camp as guardians of the entrance.

LEB: Shallum (son of Kore, grandson of Ebiasaph, great–grandson of Korah) and the members of his family (Korah’s descendants) were responsible for serving as watchmen at the entrances to the tent, as their ancestors had been in charge of guarding the entrances to the LORD’S camp.

NIV: Shallum son of Kore, the son of Ebiasaph, the son of Korah, and his fellow gatekeepers from his family (the Korahites) were responsible for guarding the thresholds of the Tent just as their fathers had been responsible for guarding the entrance to the dwelling of the LORD.

ESV: Shallum the son of Kore, son of Ebiasaph, son of Korah, and his kinsmen of his fathers' house, the Korahites, were in charge of the work of the service, keepers of the thresholds of the tent, as their fathers had been in charge of the camp of the LORD, keepers of the entrance.

NRSV: Shallum son of Kore, son of Ebiasaph, son of Korah, and his kindred of his ancestral house, the Korahites, were in charge of the work of the service, guardians of the thresholds of the tent, as their ancestors had been in charge of the camp of the LORD, guardians of the entrance.

REB: Shallum son of Kore, son of Ebiasaph, son of Korah, and his kinsmen of the Korahite family were responsible for service as guards of the thresholds of the Tabernacle; their ancestors had performed the duty of guarding the entrances to the camp of the LORD.

NKJV: Shallum the son of Kore, the son of Ebiasaph, the son of Korah, and his brethren, from his father’s house, the Korahites, were in charge of the work of the service, gatekeepers of the tabernacle. Their fathers had been keepers of the entrance to the camp of the LORD.

KJV: And Shallum the son of Kore, the son of Ebiasaph, the son of Korah, and his brethren, of the house of his father, the Korahites, [were] over the work of the service, keepers of the gates of the tabernacle: and their fathers, [being] over the host of the LORD, [were] keepers of the entry.

AMP: Shallum son of Kore, the son of Ebiasaph, the son of Korah, and his kinsmen of his father's house, the Korahites, were in charge of the work of the service, keepers of the thresholds of the Tent, as their fathers had been in charge of the camp of the Lord, keepers of the entrance.

NLT: Shallum was the son of Kore, a descendant of Abiasaph, from the clan of Korah. He and his relatives, the Korahites, were responsible for guarding the entrance to the sanctuary, just as their ancestors had guarded the Tabernacle in the camp of the LORD.

GNB: Shallum, the son of Kore and grandson of Ebiasaph, together with his fellow members of the clan of Korah, was responsible for guarding the entrance to the Tent of the LORD's presence, just as their ancestors had been when they were in charge of the LORD's camp.

ERV: Shallum was Kore’s son. Kore was Ebiasaph’s son. Ebiasaph was Korah’s son. Shallum and his brothers were gatekeepers. They were from the family of Korah. They had the job of guarding the entrance to the Holy Tent. They did this just as their ancestors had done before them. Their ancestors had the job of guarding the entrance to the area where the LORD lived among the people.

BBE: And Shallum, the son of Kore, the son of Ebiasaph, the son of Korah, and his brothers, of his family, the Korahites, were responsible for everything which had to be done in connection with the order of worship, keepers of the doors of the Tent; their fathers had had the care of the tents of the Lord, being keepers of the doorway.

MSG: Shallum son of Kore, the son of Ebiasaph, the son of Korah, along with his brothers in the Korahite family, were in charge of the services of worship as doorkeepers of the Tent, as their ancestors had guarded the entrance to the camp of God.

CEV: Shallum son of Kore, as well as the other men in the Korahite clan, guarded the entrance to the temple, just as their ancestors had guarded the entrance to the sacred tent.

CEVUK: Shallum son of Kore, as well as the other men in the Korahite clan, guarded the entrance to the temple, just as their ancestors had guarded the entrance to the sacred tent.

GWV: Shallum (son of Kore, grandson of Ebiasaph, great–grandson of Korah) and the members of his family (Korah’s descendants) were responsible for serving as watchmen at the entrances to the tent, as their ancestors had been in charge of guarding the entrances to the LORD’S camp.

KJV: And Shallum <07967> the son <01121> of Kore <06981>_, the son <01121> of Ebiasaph <043>_, the son <01121> of Korah <07141>_, and his brethren <0251>_, of the house <01004> of his father <01>_, the Korahites <07145>_, [were] over the work <04399> of the service <05656>_, keepers <08104> (8802) of the gates <05592> of the tabernacle <0168>_: and their fathers <01>_, [being] over the host <04264> of the LORD <03068>_, [were] keepers <08104> (8802) of the entry <03996>_. {gates: Heb. thresholds}

NASB: Shallum<7967> the son<1121> of Kore<6981>, the son<1121> of Ebiasaph<43>, the son<1121> of Korah<7141>, and his relatives<251> of his father's<1> house<1004>, the Korahites<7145>, were over<5921> the work<4399> of the service<5656>, keepers<8104> of the thresholds<5592> of the tent<168>; and their fathers<1> had been over<5921> the camp<4264> of the LORD<3068>, keepers<8104> of the entrance<3996>.

NET [draft] ITL: Shallum <07967> son <01121> of Kore <06981>, son <01121> of Ebiasaph <043>, son <01121> of <05921> Korah <07141>, and his relatives <0251> from his family <01> <01004> (the Korahites <07145>) were assigned <04399> to guard <08104> the entrance <05592> to the sanctuary <0168>. Their ancestors <01> had guarded <08104> the entrance <03996> to the Lord’s <03068> dwelling place <04264>.

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