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Jawa 1994: Bareng raja Yéhuda mireng yèn tentara Siria, kanca sekuthoné raja Israèl, wis mlebu ing wilayah Israèl, raja Yéhuda lan rakyaté wedi banget, nganti gemeter kaya kemitiré wit-witan sing katerak angin.

AYT: Ketika seisi rumah Daud diberi tahu, “Orang-orang Aram telah berkemah di Efraim”, hatinya dan hati rakyatnya bergetar seperti pohon-pohon di hutan yang tertiup angin.

TB: Lalu diberitahukanlah kepada keluarga Daud: "Aram telah berkemah di wilayah Efraim," maka hati Ahas dan hati rakyatnya gemetar ketakutan seperti pohon-pohon hutan bergoyang ditiup angin.

TL: Maka dikabarkan oranglah kepada orang isi istana Daud, sembahnya: Bahwa orang Syam sudah berjanji-janjian dengan orang Efrayim! Maka pada masa itu berdebarlah hati baginda dan hati segala rakyat bagindapun serta, seperti pohon kayu di hutan tergerak oleh angin.

MILT: Dan isi rumah Daud telah diberitahu, dengan mengatakan, Aram telah bersekutu dengan Efraim. Maka hatinya terguncang, juga hati rakyatnya, seperti pohon-pohon di hutan yang bergoyang terhadap angin.

Shellabear 2010: Ketika diberitahukan kepada kaum keturunan Daud, “Orang Aram bersekutu dengan orang Efraim,” maka gemetarlah hati raja dan hati rakyatnya, seperti pohon-pohon di hutan yang digoyangkan angin.

KS (Revisi Shellabear 2011): Ketika diberitahukan kepada kaum keturunan Daud, "Orang Aram bersekutu dengan orang Efraim," maka gemetarlah hati raja dan hati rakyatnya, seperti pohon-pohon di hutan yang digoyangkan angin.

KSKK: Ketika berita ini tiba kepada keluarga Daud, "Pasukan Aram telah berkemah di wilayah Efraim," maka gemetarlah hati raja dan rakyatnya seperti pohon-pohon di hutan gemetar ditiup angin.

VMD: Keluarga Daud menerima berita yang mengatakan, “Tentara Aram dan Efraim telah bergabung dalam satu kemah.” Ketika Raja Ahas mendengar berita itu, ia dan rakyatnya ketakutan. Mereka gemetar ketakutan seperti pohon di hutan yang dihembus angin.

BIS: Waktu raja Yehuda mendengar bahwa pasukan Siria sudah masuk ke wilayah Israel sebagai sekutu, ia dan bangsanya sangat ketakutan, sehingga mereka gemetar seperti pohon yang digoyangkan angin.

TMV: Apabila raja Yehuda mendengar bahawa tentera Siria telah berada di kawasan Israel, raja dan rakyatnya sangat ketakutan sehingga mereka gementar seperti pokok digoyangkan angin.

FAYH: Akhirnya sampailah berita itu ke istana keluarga Raja Daud: "Aram telah bersekutu dengan Efraim (Israel) untuk memerangi kita!" Maka gemetarlah hati Raja Ahas dan rakyatnya, seperti pohon di hutan yang digoyangkan oleh angin kencang.

ENDE: Maka wangsa Dawud diberitahu: "Aram telah menjergap Efraim." Lalu berlajapan hatinja dan hati rakjatpun ber-lajap2an seperti pohon hutan dihadapan angin.

Shellabear 1912: Maka dikabarkan oranglah kepada isi istana Daud mengatakan: "Bahwa orang Aram itu sepakat dengan Efraim." Maka tergeraklah hati baginda dan hati segala rakyatnya seperti segala pohon kayu di rimba tergerak oleh angin.

Leydekker Draft: Tatkala 'awrang beritakanlah pada 'isij rumah Da`ud, 'udjarnja: berhubonglah 'awrang 'Aram dengan 'awrang 'Efrajim: maka bergarakhlah hatinja, dan hati raszijetnja, seperti pohon-pohon kajuw derimba tergarakh 'awleh 'angin.

AVB: Apabila diberitahukan kepada keturunan kaum Daud, “Orang Aram bersekutu dengan orang Efraim,” maka gementarlah hati raja dan hati rakyatnya, seperti pokok di hutan yang digoyangkan angin.

TB ITL: Lalu diberitahukanlah <05046> kepada keluarga <01004> Daud <01732>: "Aram <0758> telah berkemah <05117> di <05921> wilayah Efraim <0669>," maka hati <03824> Ahas dan hati <03824> rakyatnya <05971> gemetar ketakutan <05128> seperti pohon-pohon <06086> hutan <03293> bergoyang <05128> ditiup <06440> angin <07307>. [<0559>]

Jawa: Banjur ana kang ngaturi pawarta marang tedhake Sang Prabu Dawud mangkene: “Aram sampun kekemah wonten ing wilayah Efraim,” ing kono panggalihe Sang Prabu Akhas lan atine para kawulane padha gumeter kaya hiyad-hiyuding wit-witan ing alas kang katempuh ing angin.

Sunda: Barang raja Yuda dicariosan yen balad Siria geus aya di wilayah Israil kacida sieuneunana, rahayatna kitu keneh, mani tingdaregdeg kawas tangkal kaoyag angin.

Madura: E bakto rato Yehuda meyarsa ja’ pasukan Siria la maso’ ka baba kakobasa’anna Isra’il menangka kanca, rato Yehuda jareya ban ra’yadda laju katako’en, sampe’ padha ngetter akantha kajuwan se etongngo’ angen.

Bali: Rikala gatrane rauh ring sang prabu ring Yehuda mungguing wadua balan wong Siriane sampun sayaga ring wewidangan Israele, sang prabu lan rakyat idane sami pada rumasa karesresan ngetor, waluya sakadi wit taru sane kogar antuk angin.

Bugis: Wettunna naéngkalinga arung Yéhuda makkedaé muttama’ni pasukanna Siria ri daérana Israélié selaku sellao, métau senna’ni sibawa bangsana, angkanna ténré mennang pada-pada aju iya nagottangngé anging.

Makasar: Nalangngere’na karaeng Yehuda angkanaya antamami pasukang Siria a’jari agang ri daerana Israel, a’jari sanna’mi malla’na siagang bansana, sa’genna annekkere’ rapang poko’ kayu nige’gosoka ri anging.

Toraja: Tonna pokadami tau lako to lan banuanna Daud kumua: Nasamboimo Aram tu Efraim, ma’bara-barami tu penaanna datu sola mintu’ to kambanna, butung to kayu lan pangala’ nairi’ angin.

Karo: Kenca iberitaken man raja Juda maka tentera Siria nggo seh i Israel, mbiar kal raja Juda ras rayatna, nggirgir ia kerina desken batang kayu si mugur-ugur iembus angin.

Simalungun: Jadi dob ibaritahon halak bani ginompar ni si Daud, “Domma sariah halak Aram pakon halak Efraim, gabe hitir ma uhurni pakon uhur ni bangsani, songon hayu harangan na nidugur ni logou.

Toba: Jadi dung tarbortik barita i tu pinompar ni si Daud: Nunga marsaro halak Ram di Epraim! Jadi bukbak ma roha ni rajai dohot roha ni bangsona, songon hau di tombak angka na humutur binahen ni alogo.

NETBible: It was reported to the family of David, “Syria has allied with Ephraim.” They and their people were emotionally shaken, just as the trees of the forest shake before the wind.

NASB: When it was reported to the house of David, saying, "The Arameans have camped in Ephraim," his heart and the hearts of his people shook as the trees of the forest shake with the wind.

HCSB: When it became known to the house of David that Aram had occupied Ephraim, the heart of Ahaz and the hearts of his people trembled like trees of a forest shaking in a wind.

LEB: When word reached David’s family that the Arameans had made an alliance with Ephraim, the hearts of the king and his people were shaken as the trees of the forest are shaken by the wind.

NIV: Now the house of David was told, "Aram has allied itself with Ephraim"; so the hearts of Ahaz and his people were shaken, as the trees of the forest are shaken by the wind.

ESV: When the house of David was told, "Syria is in league with Ephraim," the heart of Ahaz and the heart of his people shook as the trees of the forest shake before the wind.

NRSV: When the house of David heard that Aram had allied itself with Ephraim, the heart of Ahaz and the heart of his people shook as the trees of the forest shake before the wind.

REB: When it was reported to the house of David that the Aramaeans had made an alliance with the Ephraimites, king and people shook like forest trees shaking in the wind.

NKJV: And it was told to the house of David, saying, "Syria’s forces are deployed in Ephraim." So his heart and the heart of his people were moved as the trees of the woods are moved with the wind.

KJV: And it was told the house of David, saying, Syria is confederate with Ephraim. And his heart was moved, and the heart of his people, as the trees of the wood are moved with the wind.

AMP: And the house of David [Judah] was told, Syria is allied with Ephraim [Israel]. And the heart [of Ahaz] and the hearts of his people trembled {and} shook, as the trees of the forest tremble {and} shake with the wind.

NLT: The news had come to the royal court: "Aram is allied with Israel against us!" So the hearts of the king and his people trembled with fear, just as trees shake in a storm.

GNB: When word reached the king of Judah that the armies of Syria were already in the territory of Israel, he and all his people were so terrified that they trembled like trees shaking in the wind.

ERV: The family of David received a message that said, “The armies of Aram and Ephraim have joined together in one camp.” When King Ahaz heard this message, he and the people became frightened. They shook with fear like trees of the forest blowing in the wind.

BBE: And word came to the family of David that Aram had put up its tents in Ephraim. And the king’s heart, and the hearts of his people, were moved, like the trees of the wood shaking in the wind.

MSG: When the Davidic government learned that Aram had joined forces with Ephraim (that is, Israel), Ahaz and his people were badly shaken. They shook like trees in the wind.

CEV: When news reached the royal palace that Syria had joined forces with Israel, King Ahaz and everyone in Judah were so terrified that they shook like trees in a windstorm.

CEVUK: When news reached the royal palace that Syria had joined forces with Israel, King Ahaz and everyone in Judah were so terrified that they shook like trees in a storm.

GWV: When word reached David’s family that the Arameans had made an alliance with Ephraim, the hearts of the king and his people were shaken as the trees of the forest are shaken by the wind.

NET [draft] ITL: It was reported <05046> to the family <01004> of David <01732>, “Syria <0758> has allied <05117> with <05921> Ephraim <0669>.” They and their people <05971> were emotionally <03824> shaken <05128>, just as the trees <06086> of the forest <03293> shake <05128> before <06440> the wind <07307>.

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