Alkitab Mobile SABDA
[VER] : [MSG]     [PL]  [PB] 
 <<  Mazmur 106 : 16 >> 

MSG: One day in camp some grew jealous of Moses, also of Aaron, holy priest of GOD.

AYT: Saat di perkemahan, mereka cemburu terhadap Musa dan Harun, orang kudus TUHAN.

TB: Mereka cemburu kepada Musa di perkemahan, dan kepada Harun, orang kudus TUHAN.

TL: Maka cemburuan pula mereka itu akan Musa di dalam tentara itupun dan akan Harun, yang disucikan bagi Tuhan.

MILT: Dan mereka iri hati terhadap Musa di perkemahan, terhadap Harun, orang kudus TUHAN (YAHWEH - 03068).

Shellabear 2010: Ketika di perkemahan mereka merasa dengki terhadap Musa, dan juga terhadap Harun, orang suci pilihan ALLAH,

KS (Revisi Shellabear 2011): Ketika di perkemahan mereka merasa dengki terhadap Musa, dan juga terhadap Harun, orang suci pilihan ALLAH,

KSZI: Mereka iri hati kepada Musa di perkhemahan dan Harun, orang suci TUHAN.

KSKK: Di dalam perkemahan mereka cemburu kepada Musa dan Harun, orang kudus Tuhan.

VMD: Umat cemburu terhadap Musa. Mereka cemburu terhadap Harun, imam kudus TUHAN.

BIS: Di padang gurun itu mereka iri hati kepada Musa dan kepada Harun hamba-Nya yang suci.

TMV: Di gurun itu mereka iri hati terhadap Musa, dan terhadap Harun, hamba yang mengabdi kepada TUHAN.

FAYH: Mereka iri hati terhadap Musa; ya, dan juga terhadap Harun, orang yang diurapi Allah sebagai imam-Nya.

ENDE: Pun mereka mentjemburui Musa dalam perkemahan, dan Harun, orang sutji Jahwe.

Shellabear 1912: Maka dengkilah sekaliannya akan Musa di dalam tempat kemahnya, dan akan Harun pun yang kudus bagi Allah.

Leydekker Draft: 'Arkijen maka dangkejlah marika 'itu pada Musaj didalam patantara`an, dan pada Harun mukhadas Huwa 'itu

AVB: Mereka iri hati kepada Musa di perkhemahan dan Harun, orang suci TUHAN.

TB ITL: Mereka cemburu <07065> kepada Musa <04872> di perkemahan <04264>, dan kepada Harun <0175>, orang kudus <06918> TUHAN <03068>.

Jawa: Sawuse mangkono padha meri marang Nabi Musa ana ing pakemahan, tuwin marang Imam Harun, abdining Pangeran Yehuwah kang suci.

Jawa 1994: Sawisé mengkono banjur padha mèri karo Musa, uga marang Harun, abdiné Allah kang suci.

Sunda: Waktos di gurun keusik, maranehna sirik ka Musa sareng ka Harun, abdi PANGERAN.

Madura: E sagara beddhi reng-oreng jareya ere ka Mosa ban ka Harun abdina se socce atena.

Bali: Ring tegal melakange puniki ipun pada iri ati ring Dane Musa miwah ring Dane Harun, parekan Ida Sang Hyang Widi Wasa sane suci.

Bugis: Ri padang kessi’éro mangémpurui mennang lao ri Musa sibawa lao ri Harun atan-Na iya mapaccingngé.

Makasar: Angngiri matai ri Musa ke’nanga ri parang lompoa siagang mae ri Harun ata matangkasa’Na.

Toraja: Mabiri’mi tu tau iato mai lako Musa dio to’ tenda, sia lako Harun to masero dio oloNa PUANG.

Karo: I bas perkemahen e mecimberu ia man Musa ras man suruh-SuruhenNdu si badia eme Harun.

Simalungun: Simburu do sidea bani si Musa i parlampolampoan ai, sonai homa bani si Aron na pinapansing bani Jahowa,

Toba: Dung i mangiburu ma nasida dompak si Musa di parsaroan, dompak si Aron, na badia ni Jahowa.

NETBible: In the camp they resented Moses, and Aaron, the Lord’s holy priest.

NASB: When they became envious of Moses in the camp, And of Aaron, the holy one of the LORD,

HCSB: In the camp they were envious of Moses and of Aaron, the LORD's holy one.

LEB: In the camp certain men became envious of Moses. They also became envious of Aaron, the LORD’S holy one.

NIV: In the camp they grew envious of Moses and of Aaron, who was consecrated to the LORD.

ESV: When men in the camp were jealous of Moses and Aaron, the holy one of the LORD,

NRSV: They were jealous of Moses in the camp, and of Aaron, the holy one of the LORD.

REB: In the camp they were envious of Moses, and of Aaron, who was consecrated to the LORD.

NKJV: When they envied Moses in the camp, And Aaron the saint of the LORD,

KJV: They envied Moses also in the camp, [and] Aaron the saint of the LORD.

AMP: They envied Moses also in the camp, and Aaron [the high priest], the holy one of the Lord.

NLT: The people in the camp were jealous of Moses and envious of Aaron, the LORD’s holy priest.

GNB: There in the desert they were jealous of Moses and of Aaron, the LORD's holy servant.

ERV: The people became jealous of Moses. They became jealous of Aaron, the LORD'S holy priest.

BBE: They were full of envy against Moses among the tents, and against Aaron, the holy one of the Lord.

CEV: Everyone in camp was jealous of Moses and of Aaron, your chosen priest.

CEVUK: Everyone in camp was jealous of Moses and of Aaron, your chosen priest.

GWV: In the camp certain men became envious of Moses. They also became envious of Aaron, the LORD’S holy one.

NET [draft] ITL: In the camp <04264> they resented <07065> Moses <04872>, and Aaron <0175>, the Lord’s <03068> holy priest <06918>.

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 <<  Mazmur 106 : 16 >> 

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