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1If<1437> I speak<2980> with the tongues<1100> of men<444> and of angels<32>, but do not have<2192> love<26>, I have become<1096> a noisy<2278> gong<5475> or<2228> a clanging<214> cymbal<2950>.

2If<1437> I have<2192> the gift of prophecy<4394>, and know<3609> all<3956> mysteries<3466> and all<3956> knowledge<1108>; and if<1437> I have<2192> all<3956> faith<4102>, so<5620> as to remove<3179> mountains<3735>, but do not have<2192> love<26>, I am<1510> nothing<3762>.

3And if<1437> I give<5595> all<3956> my possessions<5225> to feed<5595> the poor, and if<1437> I surrender<3860> my body<4983> to be burned<2545>, but do not have<2192> love<26>, it profits<5623> me nothing<3762>.

4Love<26> is patient<3114>, love<26> is kind<5541> and is not jealous<2206>; love<26> does not brag<4068> and is not arrogant<5448>,

5does not act<807> unbecomingly<807>; it does not seek<2212> its own<1438>, is not provoked<3947>, does not take<3049> into account<3049> a wrong<2556> suffered,

6does not rejoice<5463> in unrighteousness<93>, but rejoices<4796> with the truth<225>;

7bears<4722> all<3956> things<3956>, believes<4100> all<3956> things<3956>, hopes<1679> all<3956> things<3956>, endures<5278> all<3956> things<3956>.

8Love<26> never<3763> fails<4098>; but if<1535> there are gifts of prophecy<4394>, they will be done<2673> away<2673>; if<1535> there are tongues<1100>, they will cease<3973>; if<1535> there is knowledge<1108>, it will be done<2673> away<2673>.

9For we know<1097> in part<3313> and we prophesy<4395> in part<3313>;

10but when<3752> the perfect<5046> comes<2064>, the partial<3313> will be done<2673> away<2673>.

11When<3753> I was a child<3516>, I used to speak<2980> like<5613> a child<3516>, think<5426> like<5613> a child<3516>, reason<3049> like<5613> a child<3516>; when<3753> I became<1096> a man<435>, I did<2673> away<2673> with childish<3516> things.

12For now<737> we see<991> in a mirror<2072> dimly<135>, but then<5119> face<4383> to face<4383>; now<737> I know<1097> in part<3313>, but then<5119> I will know<1921> fully<1921> just<2531> as I also<2532> have been fully<1921> known<1921>.

13But now<3570> faith<4102>, hope<1680>, love<26>, abide<3306> these<3778> three<5140>; but the greatest<3173> of these<3778> is love<26>.

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 <<  1 Korintus 13 >> 

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