1Now<1161> in those<1565> days<2250> John<2491> the Baptist<910> *came<3854>, preaching<2784> in the wilderness<2048> of Judea<2453>, saying<3004>,
2"Repent<3340>, for the kingdom<932> of heaven<3772> is at hand<1448>."
3For this<3778> is the one referred<3004> to by Isaiah<2268> the prophet<4396> when he said<3004>, "THE VOICE<5456> OF ONE CRYING<994> IN THE WILDERNESS<2048>, 'MAKE<2090> READY<2090> THE WAY<3598> OF THE LORD<2962>, MAKE<4160> HIS PATHS<5147> STRAIGHT<2117>!'"
4Now<1161> John<2491> himself<846> had<2192> a garment<1742> of camel's<2574> hair<2359> and a leather<1193> belt<2223> around<4012> his waist<3751>; and his food<5160> was locusts<200> and wild<66> honey<3192>.
5Then<5119> Jerusalem<2414> was going<1607> out to him, and all<3956> Judea<2453> and all<3956> the district<4066> around<4066> the Jordan<2446>;
6and they were being baptized<907> by him in the Jordan<2446> River<4215>, as they confessed<1843> their sins<266>.
7But when he saw<3708> many<4183> of the Pharisees<5330> and Sadducees<4523> coming<2064> for baptism<908>, he said<3004> to them, "You brood<1081> of vipers<2191>, who<5101> warned<5263> you to flee<5343> from the wrath<3709> to come<3195>?
8"Therefore<3767> bear<4160> fruit<2590> in keeping<514> with repentance<3341>;
9and do not suppose<1380> that you can say<3004> to yourselves<1438>, 'We have<2192> Abraham<11> for our father<3962>'; for I say<3004> to you that from these<3778> stones<3037> God<2316> is able<1410> to raise<1453> up children<5043> to Abraham<11>.
10"The axe<513> is already<2235> laid<2749> at the root<4491> of the trees<1186>; therefore<3767> every<3956> tree<1186> that does not bear<4160> good<2570> fruit<2590> is cut<1581> down<1581> and thrown<906> into the fire<4442>.
11"As for me, I baptize<907> you with water<5204> for repentance<3341>, but He who is coming<2064> after<3694> me is mightier<2478> than I, and I am<1510> not fit<2425> to remove<941> His sandals<5266>; He will baptize<907> you with the Holy<40> Spirit<4151> and fire<4442>.
12"His winnowing<4425> fork<4425> is in His hand<5495>, and He will thoroughly<1245> clear<1245> His threshing<257> floor<257>; and He will gather<4863> His wheat<4621> into the barn<596>, but He will burn<2618> up the chaff<892> with unquenchable<762> fire<4442>."
13Then<5119> Jesus<2424> *arrived<3854> from Galilee<1056> at the Jordan<2446> coming to John<2491>, to be baptized<907> by him.
14But John<2491> tried to prevent<1254> Him, saying<3004>, "I have<2192> need<5532> to be baptized<907> by You, and do You come<2064> to me?"
15But Jesus<2424> answering<611> said<3004> to him,
16After being baptized<907>, Jesus<2424> came<305> up immediately<2117> from the water<5204>; and behold<2400>, the heavens<3772> were opened<455>, and he saw<3708> the Spirit<4151> of God<2316> descending<2597> as a dove<4058> and lighting<2064> on Him,
17and behold<2400>, a voice<5456> out of the heavens<3772> said<3004>, "This<3778> is My beloved<27> Son<5207>, in whom<3739> I am<2106> well-pleased<2106>."