TB: Dan Ismael, anaknya, berumur tiga belas tahun ketika dikerat kulit khatannya.
AYT: dan Ismael, anak laki-lakinya, berumur 13 tahun ketika disunat.
TL: Dan umur Ismail, anaknya itu, tiga belas tahun pada masa disunatkan daging kulupnya.
MILT: Dan Ismael, anaknya berusia tiga belas tahun pada saat kulit khatannya dipotong.
Shellabear 2010: sedangkan Ismail, anaknya, berumur tiga belas tahun pada waktu dikhitan kulit khatannya.
KS (Revisi Shellabear 2011): sedangkan Ismail, anaknya, berumur tiga belas tahun pada waktu dikhitan kulit khatannya.
KSKK: dan putranya, Ismael, berusia tiga belas tahun.
VMD: Dan Ismael, anak laki-lakinya, berumur 13 tahun ketika ia disunat.
TSI: dan Ismael berumur 13 tahun ketika Abraham menyunat dia.
BIS: dan Ismael anaknya, berumur tiga belas tahun.
TMV: dan anak lelakinya Ismael berumur 13 tahun.
FAYH: (17-24)
ENDE: Isjmael anaknja berumur tigabelas tahun, ketika ia dikerat kulupnja.
Shellabear 1912: Dan umur anaknya Ismael itu tiga belas tahun pada masa disunatkan kulit kulupnya.
Leydekker Draft: Lagi Jisjmaszejl 'anakhnja laki-laki 'itu sa`awrang tiga belas tahon szumornja, tatkala terchatankanlah padanja daging kulopnja.
AVB: manakala anaknya, Ismael berusia tiga belas tahun sewaktu dia dikhatankan.
AYT ITL: dan Ismael <03458>, anak laki-lakinya <01121>, berumur <01121> 13 <07969> <06240> tahun <08141> ketika disunat <04135>. [<0853> <01320> <06190>]
TB ITL: Dan Ismael <03458>, anaknya <01121>, berumur <01121> tiga <07969> belas <06240> tahun <08141> ketika dikerat <04135> kulit khatannya <06190> <01320>.
TL ITL: Dan umur <01121> Ismail <03458>, anaknya <01121> itu, tiga <07969> belas <06240> tahun <08141> pada masa disunatkan <04135> daging <01320> kulupnya <06190>.
AVB ITL: manakala anaknya <01121>, Ismael <03458> berusia <01121> tiga <07969> belas <06240> tahun <08141> sewaktu dia dikhatankan <04135>. [<0853> <01320> <06190>]
HEBREW: <06190> wtlre <01320> rvb <0853> ta <04135> wlmhb <08141> hns <06240> hrve <07969> sls <01121> Nb <01121> wnb <03458> laemsyw (17:25)
Jawa: lan Ismael putrane disupiti nalika yuswa telulas taun.
Jawa 1994: déné Ismaèl, anaké, umur telulas taun.
Sunda: ari Ismail putrana geus 13 taun.
Madura: dineng Isma’il omorra tello bellas taon.
Bali: Dane Ismael, okan danene sampun mayusa telulas warsa, rikala dane kasunat.
Bugis: sibawa Ismaél ana’na, makkéumuru seppulo tellu taung.
Makasar: na umuru’na Ismael ana’na, sampulo antallu taung.
Toraja: sia iatu Ismael sangpulo tallumo taunna, tonna disunna’ tu kuli’ kasirisanna.
Bambam: Anna Ismael ia, änä'na Abraham, sapulo tallum ia taunna.
Karo: janah umur anakna Ismael 13 tahun.
Simalungun: Anjaha si Ismael anak ni ai, marumur sapuluh tolu tahun ma sanggah na isunat sibur-siburni ai.
Toba: Alai anggo umur ni si Ismael, anakna i, sampulu tolu taon do, di na tarsunat i sibuk ni sibursiburna i.
Kupang: (17:23)
NETBible: his son Ishmael was thirteen years old when he was circumcised.
NASB: And Ishmael his son was thirteen years old when he was circumcised in the flesh of his foreskin.
HCSB: and his son Ishmael was 13 years old when the flesh of his foreskin was circumcised.
LEB: His son Ishmael was 13 years old when he was circumcised.
NIV: and his son Ishmael was thirteen;
ESV: And Ishmael his son was thirteen years old when he was circumcised in the flesh of his foreskin.
NRSV: And his son Ishmael was thirteen years old when he was circumcised in the flesh of his foreskin.
REB: Ishmael was thirteen years old when he was circumcised.
NKJV: And Ishmael his son was thirteen years old when he was circumcised in the flesh of his foreskin.
KJV: And Ishmael his son [was] thirteen years old, when he was circumcised in the flesh of his foreskin.
AMP: And Ishmael his son was thirteen years old when he was circumcised.
NLT: and Ishmael his son was thirteen.
GNB: and his son Ishmael was thirteen.
ERV: And Ishmael, his son, was 13 years old when he was circumcised.
BBE: And Ishmael, his son, was thirteen years old when he underwent circumcision.
MSG: His son Ishmael was thirteen years old when he was circumcised.
CEV: (17:23)
CEVUK: (17:23)
GWV: His son Ishmael was 13 years old when he was circumcised.
KJV: And Ishmael <03458> his son <01121> [was] thirteen <06240> <07969> years <08141> old <01121>_, when he was circumcised <04135> (8736) in the flesh <01320> of his foreskin <06190>_.
NASB: And Ishmael<3458> his son<1121> was thirteen<7969><6240> years<8141> old<1121> when he was circumcised<4135> in the flesh<1320> of his foreskin<6190>.
NET [draft] ITL: his son <01121> Ishmael <03458> was thirteen <06240> <07969> years <08141> old <01121> when he was circumcised <04135>.