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 <<  Bilangan 10 : 7 >> 

MILT: Namun dalam menghimpun jemaat, cukuplah engkau meniup dan tidak membunyikan peringatan.

AYT: Namun, untuk mengumpulkan umat, kamu harus meniupnya tanpa tanda peringatan.

TB: tetapi untuk menyuruh jemaah itu berkumpul kamu harus meniup saja tanpa memberi tanda semboyan.

TL: Tetapi apabila dihimpunkan sidang itu bolehlah engkau bertiup, tetapi jangan dengan bunyi yang seru-seru.

Shellabear 2010: Sedangkan, apabila jemaah hendak dikumpulkan, maka nafiri harus ditiup tanpa tanda semboyan.

KS (Revisi Shellabear 2011): Sedangkan, apabila jemaah hendak dikumpulkan, maka nafiri harus ditiup tanpa tanda semboyan.

KSKK: tetapi untuk mengumpulkan jemaah, nafiri harus dibunyikan dengan cara biasa saja.

VMD: Jika engkau mau mengumpulkan umat untuk pertemuan khusus — tiuplah terompet itu lama.

BIS: sedangkan bunyi yang panjang berarti umat harus berkumpul.

TMV: Trompet harus ditiup panjang sebagai tanda untuk mengumpulkan umat Israel.

FAYH: (10-5)

ENDE: Tetapi apabila djemaah hendak kaukerahkan, engkau harus meniupnja sadja tapi engkau tidak meniupnja sebagai pertanda.

Shellabear 1912: Tetapi apabila segenap perhimpunan itu hendak dikumpulkan biarlah engkau meniup tetapi jangan dengan bunyi semboyan.

Leydekker Draft: Hanja pada bakompolkan pakompolan 'itu hendakh kamu bertijop, dan djangan berbunji-bunjian surakh.

AVB: Manakala, apabila kalangan umat itu dikumpulkan, maka nafiri harus ditiup tanpa isyarat semboyan.

TB ITL: tetapi untuk menyuruh jemaah <06951> itu berkumpul <06950> kamu harus meniup <08628> saja tanpa <03808> memberi tanda semboyan <07321>.

Jawa: Balik manawa nglumpukake pasamuwan, sira iya ngunekna kalasangka, mung ora ngganter.

Jawa 1994: Nanging yèn dawa, kuwi pretandha yèn wong kudu nglumpuk.

Sunda: ari sora panjang tangara kudu karumpul.

Madura: dineng monye se lanjang artena ommat kodu akompol.

Bali: Nanging yening anggon ngaukin rakyat apanga mapunduh, trompete ento patut kamunyiang ngalad.

Bugis: naiya oni iya malampéé makkébettuwangngi harusu’i maddeppungeng umma’é.

Makasar: nampa anjo sa’ra la’bua battuanna musti asse’rei ummaka.

Toraja: Apa ianna ditambai sirampun tu kombongan, pissanri dipamurru’, apa iatu tanda tae’ na la dipannoni.

Karo: Tapi ndilo perpulungen pulung, sora terompet nggedang ibahan.

Simalungun: Tapi anggo sihol patumpuhon tumpuan ai, maningon bulus do marsora tarompit ai, ulang marsora mareta-eta.

Toba: Alai molo naeng paluhuton luhutan i ingkon pola sangombas mangkuling sarune i, unang marsoara toletole.

NETBible: But when you assemble the community, you must blow, but you must not sound an alarm.

NASB: "When convening the assembly, however, you shall blow without sounding an alarm.

HCSB: When calling the assembly together, you are to sound long blasts, not short ones.

LEB: But when you gather the assembly, the trumpets will blow without sounding a fanfare.

NIV: To gather the assembly, blow the trumpets, but not with the same signal.

ESV: But when the assembly is to be gathered together, you shall blow a long blast, but you shall not sound an alarm.

NRSV: But when the assembly is to be gathered, you shall blow, but you shall not sound an alarm.

REB: When you convene the assembly, a trumpet-call must be sounded, not a fanfare.

NKJV: "And when the assembly is to be gathered together, you shall blow, but not sound the advance.

KJV: But when the congregation is to be gathered together, ye shall blow, but ye shall not sound an alarm.

AMP: When the congregation is to be assembled, you shall blow [the trumpets in short, sharp tones], but not the blast of an alarm.

NLT: But when you call the people to an assembly, blow the trumpets using a different signal.

GNB: but in order to call the community together, long blasts are to be sounded.

ERV: But if you want to gather the people together for a special meeting, blow the trumpets in a different way—blow a long steady blast on the trumpets.

BBE: But when all the people are to come together, the horn is to be sounded but not loudly.

MSG: The bugle call that gathers the assembly is different from the signal to march.

CEV: But when you want everyone to come together, sound a different signal on the trumpet.

CEVUK: But when you want everyone to come together, sound a different signal on the trumpet.

GWV: But when you gather the assembly, the trumpets will blow without sounding a fanfare.

NET [draft] ITL: But when you assemble <06950> the community <06951>, you must blow <08628>, but you must not <03808> sound an alarm <07321>.

 <<  Bilangan 10 : 7 >> 

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