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[VER] : [NKJV]     [PL]  [PB] 
 <<  Ayub 35 : 2 >> 

NKJV: "Do you think this is right? Do you say, ‘My righteousness is more than God’s’?

AYT: “Apakah menurutmu ini adil, ketika kamu berkata, ‘Aku benar di hadapan Allah’?

TB: "Inikah yang kauanggap adil dan yang kausebut: kebenaranku di hadapan Allah,

TL: Benarkah pada sangkamu, maka engkau sudah berkata demikian: Perkaraku terlebih benar dari pada Allah?

MILT: "Apakah engkau berpikir ini adil, engkau yang mengatakan: Aku lebih adil dari Allah (Elohim - 0410)?

Shellabear 2010: “Inikah yang kauanggap adil? Engkau berkata, ‘Kebenaranku melebihi kebenaran Allah.’

KS (Revisi Shellabear 2011): "Inikah yang kauanggap adil? Engkau berkata, Kebenaranku melebihi kebenaran Allah.

KSKK: Apakah engkau beranggapan bahwa engkau benar dan tidak bersalah di hadapan Allah,

VMD: “Ayub, tidak adil engkau mengatakan, ‘Aku lebih benar daripada Allah,’

BIS: (35:1)

TMV: (35:1)

FAYH: "Apakah dapat dibenarkan bila engkau berkata, 'Aku tidak bersalah di hadapan Allah, aku hidup benar. Tetapi apa gunanya kebenaranku itu? Keadaanku tidak lebih baik daripada orang yang hidup dalam dosa'?

ENDE: Itukah kaupandang sebagai hukum, dan kausebut: kedjudjuranku dihadapan Allah,

Shellabear 1912: "Sungguhkah pada sangkamu demikian hakmu atau adakah engkau berkata bahwa kebenaranku terlebih dari pada kebenaran Allah

Leydekker Draft: 'Angkawkah hisabkan 'itu 'akan 'intsaf, bahuwa 'angkaw berkata: szadaletku 'itu lebeh deri pada 'Allah?

AVB: “Inikah yang kauanggap adil sehingga engkau berkata, ‘Aku lebih benar daripada Allah’

TB ITL: "Inikah <02063> yang kauanggap <02803> adil <04941> dan yang kausebut <0559>: kebenaranku <06664> di hadapan Allah <0410>,

Jawa: “Apa iki kang kokanggep adil lan anggonmu calathu: kabeneranku ana ing ngarsane Gusti Allah,

Jawa 1994: (35:1)

Sunda: (35:1)

Madura: (35:1)

Bali: (35:1)

Bugis: (35:1)

Makasar: (35:1)

Toraja: Misangaraka malolo tu iannato, sia mikua kumua iamote tu kamaloloangku dio oloNa Puang Matua,

Karo: (Ayb 35:1)

Simalungun: “Ai sintong ma ai ninuhurmu? Nimu, ʻMarhapintoran do ahu i lobei ni Naibata,ʼ

Toba: Tung hombar tu uhum hasintongan ma di roham na nidokmu: Marhatigoran do ahu anggo moradophon Debata?

NETBible: “Do you think this to be just: when you say, ‘My right before God.’

NASB: "Do you think this is according to justice? Do you say, ‘My righteousness is more than God’s’?

HCSB: Do you think it is just when you say, "I am righteous before God"?

LEB: "Do you think this is right when you say, ‘My case is more just than God’s,’

NIV: "Do you think this is just? You say, ‘I shall be cleared by God.’

ESV: "Do you think this to be just? Do you say, 'It is my right before God,'

NRSV: "Do you think this to be just? You say, ‘I am in the right before God.’

REB: Do you reckon this to be a sound plea, to maintain that you are in the right against God

KJV: Thinkest thou this to be right, [that] thou saidst, My righteousness [is] more than God’s?

AMP: Do you think this is your right, {or} are you saying, My righteousness is more than God's,

NLT: "Do you think it is right for you to claim, ‘I am righteous before God’?

GNB: (35:1)

ERV: “Job, it is not fair for you to say, ‘I am more right than God,’

BBE: Does it seem to you to be right, and righteousness before God, to say,

MSG: "Does this kind of thing make any sense? First you say, 'I'm perfectly innocent before God.'

CEV: Job, are you really innocent in the sight of God?

CEVUK: Job, are you really innocent in the sight of God?

GWV: "Do you think this is right when you say, ‘My case is more just than God’s,’

NET [draft] ITL: “Do you think <02803> this <02063> to be just <04941>: when you say <0559>, ‘My right <06664> before God <0410>.’

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 <<  Ayub 35 : 2 >> 

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